Sabbath Ramblings: Savor

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After my recent podcast discussion with Aubrey Marcus, in which we talked about approaching life with an affluence of time and a consideration of the possibility that you are going to live forever and can thus more easily lay aside FOMO, rush, and stress, I've been thinking just a bit more about the concept of slowing down and taking the time to savor every moment with patience and presence, and pairing those moments with a deep trust in God that He will care for you even if you're not constantly lost in your daily hypnotic trance of doing or producing or fixing or solving or creating.

And as a result of my recent dwelling upon this concept, I've come up with a fun exercise for you to try that has turned out to be quite meaningful for me (trust me, you'll probably love it because you get to eat).

Are you ready?

OK, brace yourself for a simple and relaxed dose of hedonism. Here's what you're going to do this week (notice how I'm subliminally programming you, or perhaps manifesting for you to actually do this).

First, go out for ice cream. Or sorbet. Or coconut ice cream. Or a popsicle. Whatever. Hunt down the cold, sweet, creamy stuff, preferably perched atop a lovely waffle cone, or a sugar cone, or a gluten-free, unicorn-tear-infused cone.

Next, sit down with your ice cream, preferably in the sunshine, on a patch of fresh green grass. Or the edge of a concrete curb on your neighborhood sidewalk. Or lounging Epicurean-style on your bed or couch.

Finally, eat your ice cream and do nothing but eat it. No Instagramming, no phone scrolling, no television, no self-chatter, no thinking about what you need to do next, no worrying, no cares. Hakuna matata mode baby. Taste it, savor it, love it, be fully present with it, smear it all over your taste buds (and maybe a bit on your lips and chin too), explore it, immerse yourself in it, be enchanted by the color and flavor and texture and complexity of it and just be fully present with ice cream, just for the—you know—eight to ten precious minutes you have with it before it melts into oblivion.

In other words, eat that darn ice cream cone like you are going to live forever and have nothing else to do but be fully present with ice cream.

That's it.

That's all I ask you to do this week. Slow down and savor an ice cream.

See, God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. So when I'm working in the early evening before dinner in my daylight basement office, and I glance outside to see my sons laughing and swinging in the hammocks as the sun gleams from their bright blonde hair, and I see my wife sitting near the herb garden with her glass of sparkling rose as she soaks up the birdsong and watches the Ponderosa pines swaying, my heart swells with pride and happiness, and I think…

Well, I think…

…this is why I work so hard.

This is what brings deep and lasting joy to my heart.

This has got to be one of the most fulfilling views any human being could witness: the joy of other human beings experiencing something you have created.

This must be a tiny taste of what it must feel like to be glorified by watching others being satisfied.

This is why God formed us tiny humans and surrounded us with a lush, green, magically wonderful planet— complete with ice cream cones—floating in a massive, dark solar system. He did this so He could—in a way somewhat similar to me watching my own family play and find joy in savoring the space that I have created for them—be fully glorified by watching us be fully satisfied.

This is why you and I can give ourselves permission to simply stop doing everything and slow down to savor an ice cream cone just like a happy, carefree third-grader. God is watching and smiling as His human creation revels in the refreshing coconut cream, the sweet monk fruit, and the crunchy chunks of salted dark chocolate. You're actually doing what you're supposed to be doing with that ice cream cone, especially and even more so if you pay it forward and buy somebody else an ice cream cone.

This is why I declare myself a healthy Christian hedonist, and not a stoic, Gnostically-flavored, constantly self-denying masochist, and why I instead embrace the flood of dopamine surges God allows me to pour into my cells on the daily.

How glorious it is that you and I have been given the free opportunity and the generous gift to be able to live forever, experience this Creation forever, and glorify God forever. So how about you? Will you accept my challenge to savor an ice cream cone? Leave your comments, questions, and feedback below, including how that ice cream cone exploration went for you. Also, read this, this, and this if you dig this stuff.

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13 thoughts on “Sabbath Ramblings: Savor

  1. frank says:

    my moto: savor life!
    if being alive is good and dead is bad, then every day you wake up is good, no matter how it goes!

  2. Brad says:

    From your podcasts and writing, in the past, you seemed to embrace more of a stoic lifestyle. For example, food restriction through a low carb diet, fasting,
    various exercise regimens, breathing exercises, spiritual practices, thermal training etc. . .

    So going forward, do you plan to relax some of these restrictions and practices? If so, what do you think was the spark that encouraged this more relaxed lifestyle? Was it the recent health issue?

  3. Eric Roman says:

    This sounds like an exercise I might do daily. Or twice daily. Perhaps thrice. Thanks brother! :)

  4. Jaycee-Kim Arnold says:

    Wow! I love what you wrote. I Feel so light now, many Thanks and i Will apply this exercice !

    1. Jeremy says:

      Great read. Thanks Ben. I feel out of place asking this. But since you did share this I figured it’s something you’d respond to. I’m very concerned about your recent health issue. Do you plan on sharing any updates to your followers? I respect your decision not to if that’s the case. We’re just worried. All the best man.

    2. Jeremy Tremblay says:

      Just realized I didn’t reply to the right area. My bad

  5. Rob K says:

    Such a great exercise……
    I just did the same practice, spending a whole
    Hour to eat a orange….(a practice taken out of the book I am reading “The Yamas and Niyamas” ) And really be with the whole experience…..I felt a great sense of gratitude, and connection with the orange……also thought about the Symbiotic relationships humans have with certain plants….. thanks to us there are millions and millions of orange trees, we totally plant them, take care of, water and nurture them and in return they give us yummy fruit!

  6. Michael Matovina says:

    Beautiful! Very beautiful! Thanks.

  7. Judy Grimes says:

    Thanks, I needed to hear this today. I get it, and I love the way you put it. We have been programmed by today’s world to be driven and productive. But we need to keep that in balance to help us remember who we are and to Whom we belong.

  8. Eric Ellingson says:

    I can’t wait to do this Ben. I just listened to “Everyday Sacred” on the Undeceptions with John Dickson podcast. The topic being similar and interestingly hit me in the same week!

    Love and appreciate what you do brother.

    (Used Kion aminos for first time this week. Had personal best sprint race – probably a coincidence like the HS leading me to slow down and savor?)

    1. Freaking awesome ERIC! Nice job. If you'd like us to make ya famous and play your story of success on the podcast, you can leave it via audio by either A) using the "Ask Ben A Question" option at… B) calling toll-free to 1-877-209-9439 and leaving a pre-recorded message or C) leaving an audio at

  9. David Janbaz says:

    I realize many Christians do call the Lord’s day the Sabbath because they do set it aside and rest but in reality there is a difference, not pushing you to change anything but they are two different days.
    I do enjoy you’re posts.

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