March 28, 2024
From podcast:
[00:00:00] Introduction
[00:01:29] Ben on Kris Gethin’s podcast
[00:02:55] Post-workout chat in the gym
[00:12:21] What can people do to energize mitochondria?
[00:26:42] Ben’s building of a safe home in Idaho
[00:38:13] Efficient bio hacks for reversing the biological edge
[00:45:15] Ben's selling his complete bio-hacked home
[00:46:55] The benefits of NAD
[00:49:14] Dr. John’s prostate protocol
[00:55:29] No. 1 question people ask Ben
[00:59:32] What would Ben wish people to ask him?
[01:06:06] End of Podcast
[01:07:07] Legal Disclaimer
Ben: My name is Ben Greenfield. And, on this episode of the Ben Greenfield Life podcast.
Kids need time and presence. And, it's something that, I think, I was luckily enough to learn early on as a father. Because the way that I grew up, I was raised in a very entrepreneurial family where my father and my grandfather worked really hard but they worked really hard to the detriment of the actual time that they spent with their family justifying that they were making money, that they were providing. But, I would just rather live dirt-poor in a trailer and have a bunch of time with my kids. And, I know they would want that also because it's time and it's presence and it's giving them that desire that they have from the moment they were born to be seen and loved and heard.
So, as a father, the very best thing that you can do is deny that urge to go out and just make money and build your business and make it for yourself and do that more slowly than you might normally be able to because you're carving out that time to be there with your children.
Ben: Fitness, nutrition, biohacking, longevity, life optimization, spirituality, and a whole lot more. Welcome to the Ben Greenfield Life show. Are you ready to hack your life? Let's do this.
Alright, folks. I got a friend. He's one of the world's top personal trainers. Amazing guy. His name is Kris Gethin. And, Kris and I were in India recently together. A little bit of a fitness and a biohacking and a speaking tour of India. We had a chance to sit down in front of hot mics and turn out some really helpful content for you. So, this is a very special podcast because it's basically kind of a two-parter. Kris and I had a great chat at his gym right after I put him through a metabolically crushing workout. And then, later on, we sat down in my hotel room and took some additional questions from listeners and members of Kris's group. And, we put it all together for you in today's wide-ranging show.
So, if you want the shownotes, which are going to be pretty helpful I think for this show, you can go to Kris's last name., G-E-T-H-I-N. Enjoy this chat and this follow-up Q&A with Kris Gethin.
Kris: Hello, everybody, and welcome to the Kris Gethin Podcast, which is actually being hosted in Delhi today.
Ben: Delhi.
Kris: The last time we did an interview, I think it was in Mumbai, maybe.
Ben: It's all [00:02:45] ____. I don't even know.
Kris: That was before the sea word. But, here we are in Delhi. This is our post-workout podcast. We just had a phenomenal workout.
Ben: That was a workout?
Kris: Maybe it's a warm-up for you. It's definitely a full-on workout. I only threw up three times.
Ben: Well, I mean, we planned that out in the car last night late when it's easy to just write stuff down and feel like you can just go crush whatever you wrote down. And then, we kind of painted ourselves into the corner of having to do what we said we would do. We did it though.
Kris: Yeah, we did it. I tell you what was a struggle for me, which was quite surprising, was because I think I'm relatively strong. And, when we were doing those shoulder presses with the kettlebells, I was just destroyed. I had to go down weight. I had to go down to the 16s.
Ben: But, core not–
Kris: Yeah, the core. Yeah, my core was given away.
Ben: Yeah. That's the unilateral loading and the asymmetrical nature of the kettlebell is one of the reasons it's a staple in my protocol because you're going to get strong so fast. The idea though behind that concurrent style of training that we did is that it's very similar to the type of workouts that I like to do especially when I travel when time is tight because you get everything in at once. Typically, I go super set two exercises, then you go to cardio. We did four minutes today because we were targeting VO2 max. And, that's the sweet spot for VO2 max is four minutes up to six minutes. And then, you go back to another super set.
So today, we did swings to push-ups to four minutes on the bike, then we did kettlebell alternating overhead press with goblet squats to four minutes on the bike, and then we had the pull-ups to the dips to four minutes on the bike, and then finally the seated rows with the low back extensions to four minutes on the bike with a little bit of dessert, 30 burpee finisher. And, when you finish, I mean you've checked off everything. We were trying to get massively swole that obviously be a little bit paradoxical, but I mean for getting a fantastic workout.
Kris: Did you mention the planks in there as well? We also did the planks first.
Ben: Okay. That was recovery. So, that's the other trick is when you recover, you can sit and watch the gym TV or read a magazine or check out the peoples. But, my philosophy with recovery is choose something that's a mobility exercise, or in our case, we did a front planking exercise. Because again, you're constantly moving, you're constantly making your body better no matter what you're doing. So, we worked out for an hour and we squeezed a massive amount of work into that one hour.
Kris: It felt more like two hours. And, there's no way that you're going to finish one of those work as you go, “Hey. Now, I'll do some steady states.” Forget it. You're a very metabolically flexible or active I should say post-workout. I can still feel myself kind of burning those calves.
Ben: Yeah.
Kris: But, it's good. It's intense. It's enjoyable. What I love about those workouts and training with somebody that's really challenging me is that it ups your game. You know what is possible. So, you're going to push it yourself, that little bit extra the next time that you go into the gym.
Ben: It's a catch-22 though because I rarely listen to music when I work out. I rarely work out in a public gym. I'm usually at home because I'm so competitive that I will turn it up to such a high notch that I would overtrain if I worked out with music and with people and in a public gym all the time. So, for me, I'm usually listening to freaking the last book was Dale Carnegie's “How to Win Friends and Influence People” while I'm tooling around the gym at home without the driving music. And then, I use music as a sometimes drug. The same way I use sugar as a sometimes drug. And, you pull that out when you got to go hard and dig deep. And, that's when the magic really happens. But yeah, I use workouts most of the time as kind of a university. I learn. I move slowly. I breathe. And then, occasionally, I'll get stuck in a gym with you and crush it.
Kris: Yeah. And, when you're training at home, obviously like I see that you've been following a workout that the Mind Pump guys sound, whatever, kind of put together. Great guys, by the way. So, shout out to Mind Pump.
Ben: Yeah.
Kris: Now, you'll follow that protocol for a certain amount of time, and I've know that you do all sorts. You do the ARX. You do the EMS sort of training. How long are your blocks usually or is it kind of instinctive?
Ben: It's instinctive. Most of the time, I'll go seasonally, which typically means if you're looking at three to four months of a season: Spring, summer, winter, fall, I'll be in there for 12 to 16 weeks choosing a certain protocol and then moving on to the next. And, it's always based on my general philosophy that a few times a year, you should have some big hairy audacious goal on your calendar that scares you a little bit and keeps you alive.
So, you mentioned Mind Pump. And, my sons and I were reading up on all these old-timey strength circus guys like Adam Bergstrom and Hackenschmidt and Eugen Sandow. And, it turns out that our friends at Mind Pump actually studied up on these same guys and put together a workout plan with overhead windmills where you're picking up a weight from the ground while you have a weight over your head, or single-armed deadlifts, unbalanced exercises, Turkish getups. So, this last block that I went through with my sons, who I now try and include in my workouts, was all based on strength. And now, we're moving into–do you know who Pavel Tsatsouline is?
Kris: No.
Ben: Okay. He runs the StrongFirst Kettle Bell Training Program.
Kris: Oh, yeah.
Ben: Very kind of like Russian influenced. He would have been very set watching our workout today. He wrote a book called “The Quick and the Dead” based on the idea that quick powerful explosive fast-twitch-based muscle exercises result in less metabolic acidosis because most of the moves are snappy and explosive, and most of the sets don't last much longer than 30 seconds. And, it's obviously a style of trend that's great for power, explosiveness, fast twitch muscle. It's not really a hypertrophy-based workout, it's more a powerlifting short wiry quick explosive muscles. But, he has a few amazing books. I went and took his StrongFirst kettlebell certification.
And so, my sons and I moved just now into a combination of what's called simple and sinister in “Quick and the Dead.” So, an example of that would be “The Quick and the Dead” workout is an EMOM where it's just 10 swings, 10 push-ups every 90 seconds. So, it's literally just 10 swings and then you're just recovering for 45 seconds with a pretty heavy kettlebell. I'll use a 36-kilogram kettlebell for the swings and then 10 push-ups similar to what we did today with almost a Russian systema style breathing with each push-up where you're inhaling as you drop slowly and then explosively exhaling and popping up.
So, Pavel's programs are really good for just general strength and explosiveness. So, we'll do that for about 12 weeks and then we signed up for one of these Spartan DEKA fit races, which is a fitness race. Those are the all the raids these days, HYROX, Spartan. They're basically kind of indoor stadium Spartan races where you've got a fitness station like a burpee to an overhead sandbag press. And then, you've got a fitness station, a 500-meter row or a skiErg or series of weighted lunges, and there's about a 500-meter run in between each. So, you do 10 500-meter runs and 10 fitness stations. But, that's based on the concept that we signed up for a DEKA fit. I'm signing my sons up for the StrongFirst kettlebell certification.
So, there's always something on the calendar that you're looking forward to because I need that. I have to have something kind of ahead of me, some kind of extrinsic “I'm going to be embarrassed if I can't do this” motivation to go in and choose a specific block.
Kris: Yeah, that sense of urgency.
Ben: Yeah.
Kris: You have these long-term goals, but it's essential that you break them down into the shorter term.
Now, when you talk about the explosiveness, do you think that is effective for pulling muscles as like pushing? Because I think of chest, tricep, front delts like explosive muscles; your glutes, your hamstrings, your quads. What about your pulling muscles like your biceps, your back muscles? Do you feel that they collate in a positive response to explosiveness too?
Ben: From a biomechanical standpoint, you're looking at a longer moment arm that you're having to deal with. And, the result of that means that it's more difficult to move a weight when you're doing a bicep curl or a pull-up through a range of motion explosively. So, they're more difficult to do explosively. You can do them, but you're never going to be as fast switch on those or the pushing exercise. And, that kind of makes sense from a human primal standpoint, right? If we were brachiating and, whatever, hanging from trees, for example, or pulling an object like a sled or a plow, we'd be pulling it very slowly. But, if we were hurling a rock or a spear or something like that, we'd be you releasing it very quickly. Like bow hunt, and you're pulling the bow back slowly and you're not pushing it forward, you're just pulling slowly and then triggering and releasing. But, if I was going to throw a spear, that's more of that pushing explosive exercise. So, I think our bodies are just accustomed to pushing explosively and pulling under control.
Kris: Right, okay.
Ben: Yeah.
Kris: Now, we did a seminar last night, and the one thing that you spoke about was our battery on mitochondria. And, a lot of people come to me today, especially as our environment has changed over the years that they're lacking in energy. They don't have the enthusiasm to wake up in the morning early and get that workout or start their day with something hard. They're procrastinating. They just don't have that motivation. And, our environment definitely has changed. Of course, we're eating bad food, we're having vegetable oils, sugars, staying up later, artificial light, EMFs, et cetera. What can people do, because people say “I know I should eat healthy. I know I should exercise, but I just don't have the batteries in order to go do that.” What can people do to energize their mitochondria?
Ben: Yeah, it's a vicious feedback loop because you don't have the energy and then you don't do it, and that results in even lower amounts of energy as you build obesity and inflammation and the like. So, let's get the big hairy audacious elephant out of the room first. And, this is a little bit esoteric, but you must have a life's purpose. And, I've taught my sons this from a very early age. One of the first little programs that I brought them through because we go through a book every two weeks at the Greenfield house. So, my sons and I will read a book. We talk about it about 7:00 p.m. before we gather for dinner. We go through a chapter or two a day and then we move on to the next book. And, it's a way for me to pass wisdom on to my sons.
I'll usually read a book and decide if that's the one that I'm going to take my sons through next. And, I bounce from finance to philosophy to self-improvement to physical health. And so, it's kind of this idea that there are certain things that your kids, even if they're homeschooled like mine are, are not necessarily going to learn at school that your job as a parent is to teach them elsewhere. And, we find that books and having a cadence of books that we go through on a regular basis is incredible because I'll go through a book. I'll highlight it. I'll fold over pages. I'm very old school. Most of my books are physical books and they look like ragged newspapers by the time I finish them. But, any of those ones with a lot of folded-over pages and highlighted sections, I'll say, “Okay, I'm going to read this again, but the second time I'm taking my sons through it.”
So, I'll take them through that book. And, it's cool because I give them my physical book and then I'll just buy another one for me to go through. So, as they read it, they're reading it through Dad's eyes. They're seeing the things that I found important and the things that I underline and the things I would really like for them to see. And, even now when I read books, I read books thinking what's a 15-year-old boy going to see when I hand them this book in terms of the things that I found important.
So, the idea here is that one of the first books that I took them through in the self-improvement sector was a tiny little eBook that's still available called “Ikigai 2.0.” Ikigai is the Japanese term for life purpose, similar to the Italian's the plan de vida. And, it goes into the idea of what is it that you're naturally good at, what makes time go by quickly for you as Mark Manson, the author, says, what makes you forget to eat and poop. And, as you go through that book, you hone down your life skills, the things that come easy to you, the things that you're called to, and in some cases even the potential for commercialization or monetization of that skill to the world all down into one single succinct purpose for life. And, that can change from season to season.
My purpose in life right now is to be a wise teacher or I'm sorry, a wise human, a gracious teacher, and a humble leader. Because I'm in a season of life where I want to do a better job listening to my gut and having a certain amount of discernment and wisdom, so wise human. I want to learn how to teach concepts without trying to make myself sound too smart and use big words because that's a weakness of mine. I almost slip into this scenario where I think the way to impress people as a teacher is to say a bunch of things that make me sound impressive. But, at the end of the day that sometimes just makes people's heads spin. So, gracious teacher and then humble leader. I want to do a much better job leading my family and leading my team with humility and empathy, and being able to relate to people, and being able to say when I'm wrong and say sorry when I'm not.
So, if you have a single succinct purpose statement for your life and you wake up in the morning, that in my opinion beats everything for ripping you out of bed when motivation is low. You have to know why you're getting up in the first place, physical parameters aside. So, that's the biggest variable. But then, you get into, of course, the biological component, which we can't deny the body and the brain. There's the catch-all term in medicine kind of similar to the catch-all term for fibromyalgia, right? My body hurts. I don't know why. It could be collagen and elastin degradation. It could be rheumatoid arthritis. It could be sensitivity to the nightshades that I'm eating. Who knows? And, a lot of physicians will just say, “You have fibromyalgia,” which doesn't really solve your problems.
Similar scenario for chronic fatigue syndrome, right? Chronic fatigue syndrome is just feeling tired and sluggish and demotivated during the day, but it could be a sluggish thyroid hormone because maybe you're not eating enough calories or enough carbohydrates or you've got too much explosion of fluoride and chlorine and the type of things that are keeping your thyroid from operating properly. It could be a neurotransmitter deficit because you might not be consuming enough amino acids or vitamin D. It could be an issue with the actual lining of the nerves, the myelin sheaths where nerve signals propagate, which typically means that you need two different fats for that to work properly because these two different fats actually make up the myelin sheath. And, those two fats are DHA and oleic acid. DHA from things like fish oil and Mediterranean fats and oleic acid from olive oil as the name kind of implies, avocado oil, et cetera. You could go on and on. Mold sensitivity, Epstein-Barr, Lyme.
So, you have to dig a little bit when it comes to some of the biological reasons that one would feel demotivated or fatigued or so sluggish that they can't accomplish their purpose in life even if they have it. They're dead by 2:00 p.m. or they have a difficult time getting out of bed. Obviously, part of this involves testing, lab testing, quantification, actually figuring out what are your thyroid parameters. Do you have mycotoxins in your urine if you do a urinary mycotoxin test? Do you have a hormone deficits if you do a urinary test like the DUTCH hormone test? So, obviously, a lot of digging, which might sound a little bit intimidating to folks, but that's why guys like you and me exist to actually help walk people through this type of stuff.
I would say though that the number one thing to think about, and this relates to you bringing up last night, is the concept that our bodies are a battery. Your body actually operates with a very precise electrochemical gradient within the cell membrane. It should have a slightly negative charge on the inside and a slightly positive charge on the outside. And, there are certain things that can charge the body's battery and there are certain things that can drain the body's battery. We live in an era, as you just alluded to, that I will call an ancestral mismatch or other people might refer to it as an evolutionary mismatch. This idea that human beings for thousands of years had access to sunlight and the planet Earth and moving and gardening and hunting and building fences and hauling rocks. And now, we are living in boxes, sitting in boxes, working in boxes, traveling in boxes, flying in boxes. We have access to a host of highly palatable foods. And, we don't move as much as we're really meant to move.
All of these parameters tend to drain the body's battery with probably the most significant being the electrical soup that we live in. I flipped on my Wi-Fi in the office over there and I had to ask how to get on the Wi-Fi and which one it was because there was at least 30 different signals within the room that I had to choose from the Wi-Fi. Most people live in that soup. Many people have and almost pride themselves upon owning smart appliances. Anything from your air filter to your refrigerator to your washer to your dryer to your lighting system, many of these things come with Wi-Fi often that can't be disabled or plugged in. We have our phones often just blasting us with radio frequencies during the day. All of these result in an influx of calcium into the cell, which is positive. If you remember back to high school, chemistry. And, that's one of the reasons that they gradually make you feel sluggish during the day is you're simply decharging the body's battery.
So, the idea is you want to recharge the body's battery. You don't have to be a Luddite and completely avoid electricity, but you need to do things that allow the body to recharge. So, a few simple examples. Photons of sunlight. We know that the red and infrared and near-infrared spectrum of sunlight penetrates the cells and results in the electron transport chain within the cell being able to produce more ATP. ATP being the body's energy currency that gives you more energy, that allows you to feel less sluggish. We know that the Earth. Every time it's struck by lightning or every time solar radiation bombards the surface of the planet, it collects and stores negative ions. And, when you touch the earth when you walk on the beach, when you swim in the ocean, when you get in a body of water, you recharge the body by absorbing those negative ions. We even know that despite poor farming practices and agricultural practices and poor access to good food that a lot of the foods that we eat are relatively stripped of electrolytes and minerals. But, I handed you some really good salt when we had our smoothie bowls over there in the other room because I salt profusely. I use electrolytes all the time. Not crappy sodium chloride you find in table salt at a restaurant, but good mineral-rich salts and electrolytes because those also help to carry a charge through the body.
So, the idea, I think, is that even though there are all these different tests that you could get for chronic fatigue and some of the things that I talked about earlier, the number one thing to think about is how can I somehow address an evolutionary mismatch or an ancestral mismatch while living in a post-industrial environment. That doesn't mean that you got to quit your job and go outside in the sunshine half-naked every day and go move to the beach where you can walk in the sand or buy expensive electrolyte supplements or something like that. It can be as simple as using grounding mats or earthing mats indoors, which are special mats that you can stand on and sleep on that allow you to be in touch with the surface of the planet even if you can't be outside.
You can use, and this is getting into biohacking now, infrared lighting technologies, an infrared sauna or a red light panel or when we were driving in the car to the workout, I haven't pulled out of my bag this wraparound light device that we put on your neck like a necklace that charge your blood up with infrared light. In addition to that, you can just get a basic salt. For example, in the U.S., you can find one of the most mineral-rich low toxin, low microplastic, low metal salts at just about any grocery store; Rosauers, Albertsons, Safeway, whatever. It's Celtic salt, that little blue bag of salt that's super rich in minerals. You can just put sprinkles of that into water, on food. Makes food taste better as well, which is fantastic. And so, the basic idea here is that you need to think of your body as a battery and keep the body's battery charged.
Finally, the number one time in your life when you can give your body a chance to recharge the battery and be away from that electrical soup is when you're sleeping at night. That's when your cells can repair and recover from all the electrical draining that occurs during the day. This is why, I think, it's important to go through your bedroom. Do you need a TV in there? If not, get rid of it. Do you need your phone off of airplane mode while you sleep? If not, put it in airplane mode. Do you need certain devices in the bedroom running and turned on including something like a Wi-Fi router during the night while you're asleep? If not, turn it off. I think you should go through steps to make your bedroom a dark ancestral cave because that's when your body is going to repair before you step out at 7:00 a.m. in the morning to go to work with those 30 Wi-Fi signals.
So, if you're going to start anywhere, start in the bedroom. And, there's actually a whole field of science around this called building biology. I realize this might sound fancy or expensive, but it's not that expensive to go through the bedroom with an electrical meter or have a building biologist do that. You can test your bedroom and get rid of things that produce a lot of electricity. And, it's a fantastic way to optimize your sleep as well. Most people who do that just begin to sleep like a baby.
Kris: I actually do that while we're traveling. I'll have a reader to see where all the Wi-Fi is or the non-native EMF, and I'll unplug dirty electricity, unplug everything in the room. And, we've had Brian Hoyer come and stay at our house and do the same sort of thing.
Ben: Yeah, Brian Hoyer, Shielded Healing.
Kris: Shielded Healing. And, the unfortunate thing is our bedroom was the worst in the entire house. Usually on the second floor, it's going to be a little bit worse as well. That's why we do, when we stay in a hotel, try to go on one of the lower floors if possible. And, of course, you can control your environment to a certain degree. And, like you said, in your bedroom, you definitely can, but a lot of people don't.
Now, on that note, I know obviously we'll soon be living in the same state in Idaho, you're building a home there.
Ben: I am, yeah.
Kris: The majority of the people are spending time either in the office or at home. I'm assuming this is one of the reasons why you homeschool your kids as well because they're not going to school where they're going to be exposed to artificial light all day, they're going to be a form of grounding, they're not going to be penetrated by Wi-Fi and non-native EMFs. But, what steps are you taking in building your house now to ensure that you are protected and you're as close to our ancestors of living in a cave as much as possible?
Ben: Yeah, it's a great question. First of all, I homeschool my kids because when I looked into the research because I do like to study education quite a bit–parenting, education, teaching is kind of a side passion of mine. It turns out that the enjoyment and the social life and the excitement of going to school begins to be outweighed by the pressures of homework test, late-night stress, finals, et cetera, at about age 13. And so, my sons went to a private school from second to fifth grade, and one night when they were out of fifth grade and we were preparing for the next school year, I took them out to dinner and I said, “Look, you guys, if you want to stay at home and study and tell Dad all of your passions and your interests and your desires and your dreams and the things that you really want to learn about, I will ensure that you have books and games and programs and tutors and excursion and visits to the museum and even friend groups like homes school co-ops to hang out with to be able to study those things and learn them. And, the number one thing they were concerned about was whether or not they'd see their friends. And frankly, they're with friends every day in tennis and jiu-jitsu and in co-ops and even online groups that they're a part of.
And, that's interesting because they were actually going to a school where I funded the entire classroom for standup desks. And, the school has this entire natural campus. It's a nice school, whatever the wealthy Microsoft kids employees go to. And, I actually thought for a little while that I was doing the right thing by just putting them in the best school possible. But, even in that scenario, you still can't override the fact that the modern education system is based on this idea of everybody jumping through the same hoops, putting a square peg in a square hole, a round peg in round hole, learning at the same pace as the rest of the classroom and not studying what it is that they're truly passionate about.
There actually is one academy or school that's very forward-thinking that anyone listening in who is able to speak to their school superintendent or has some form of communication with their school should look into. It's called Centner Academy. Have you heard of it before?
Kris: No.
Ben: I was speaking at an event in Florida last month and the gal who runs Centner Academy, she gave a talk. I mean, the entire school is no Wi-Fi, no EMF, air, light, water, electricity, everything optimized. And, that's what I'm doing with this new home that I'm building in Idaho. So, when you look at the things that you want to think about in your home, whether it's a new home build or whether it's an existing home, there are certain almost invisible variables to consider. And, this kind of throws a lot of architects and builders for a loop, including the ones in Idaho up by Moscow that I was working with because I told them that I wanted a home that was biologically friend and I wanted to weave in a lot of these building biology concepts into the home. And, they thought that was synonymous with green building, with lead building, with basically this idea that you build a home that's healthy for the environment. And, that's great to build a home that's healthy for the environment and energy efficient, but it does not mean that that home is healthy for the human body.
And so, I've literally been buying the architect and the builder books, probably the best one. It's a relatively new book. I think it's the best book to read if you want to know how to make your home a more biologically friendly place. It's called “Prescription for a Healthy Home” by Paula Laporte. And, it came out about a year ago. And, it goes through how to choose wood and flooring and finish and roofing that's low chemical, doesn't produce a lot of volatile organic compounds, and doesn't turn your house into a toxic soup. It goes into the idea of mitigating the amount of dirty electricity that you're exposed to by doing things like hard wiring the home with ethernet cables or at least having the option to plug computers into the ethernet, making sure all the outlets are properly grounded back to what we were talking about earlier. So, you're kind of in touch with the natural surface of the Earth, even if you're on the second floor of the home. Looking into where appliances are located and how close those are to sleeping spaces, especially you were talking about with your bedroom is the head of your bed close to where a lot of wires are going through the wall. And, if so, the bed needs to be oriented in a different direction. The air quality, not just something like HEPA air filtration, but air quality that allows air to naturally move through the home, stay humidified, stay clean, but also not be an HVAC system that tends to build up mold in the HVAC system. And so, there are certain considerations for air.
And, there are great systems out there. The ones that I have at my current home in Washington in the guest house, I have one called Lifebreath. In the main house, I have one called AllerAir. And, these are air systems that naturally clean and humidify the air, but they tend to kill mold, mycotoxins, dust particulates, et cetera, using a combination of HEPA filtration and UV and ozone.
Another thing to think about is light. If you look at overhead LED fluorescent light, it's not very close to natural sunlight. It flickers. It produces this little bit of irritation that on your eyes tends to cause brain fog and tiredness and sluggishness, which is what we're talking about earlier towards the end of the day. So, there are different forms of lighting, namely incandescent, which unfortunately right now is in the process of being outlawed in the U.S. because it's not energy efficient enough. Which is ridiculous because it lasts so much longer than LED bulbs that at the end of the day, all of the waste from LED bulbs makes them technically worse for the planet than incandescent lighting, halogen lighting, or a newer form of LED that's low in flicker called biological LED or OLED. So, the lighting system in the house is important even down to the idea of having warm reddish-orange lighting in the sleeping areas of the house versus bright overhead fluorescent lighting.
And, in addition to air and light and electricity, I would say another couple of things to think about or in addition to air and light and electricity and the toxins, the volatile organic compounds, what the wood is made of, and what the furniture is made of, the last thing to think about is the water in the home, the water you're bathing in, right, because your skin is a mouth. The water that you're drinking, the water that you're using on your lawn, whatever, you want to make sure that it's properly filtered. All the more so if you're on a municipal water supply, but even if you're on a well. Wells can have glyphosate in them from runoff from a nearby farm. They can have high levels of iron, which can build up in the body and kind of rust the inside of the body. It can have high levels of bacteria.
So, when it comes to water, typically you want a really good reverse osmosis system or a really good carbon block filtration system. If you really want the water to be as natural and healthy as possible, you can also structure the water. And, all that means is that after the water has been filtered by reverse osmosis or by double carbon block, it then passes through almost a tube that's got minerals in it. The water kind of spirals as it goes through the tube, and these minerals charge up the water in the same way like we were talking about ear that minerals can charge up the human body and it produces what is called structured water. And, structured water is more hydrating. It tends to pass through cells a little bit more easily. A lot of the water that's produced by your cells when you burn fat, for example, is naturally structured. But, you can actually drink structured water as well.
So, stepping back and looking at an existing home or a home build, I think the main things to think about are toxins, air, light, water, and electricity. There are more obvious variables that you would, of course, want to build in. Movement, right? Do you have a gym? I even look the home I live in now and the home I'm building like little railings and poles and things that I can hang things from and brachiate like a monkey. I like a home that's built a little bit like a jungle gym. I'll be shifting to a new bed system, I'm probably going to go with this one, called SAMINA, which is wooden slats, a little less cushioning, a little bit better more biomechanically favorable for the body not becoming soft, a sauna or some kind of a system where you can get hot, a cold tub or a cryotherapy or something where you can get cold. Thinking about some of these elements of movement is also important as is food, right? Do you have maybe a little lettuce grow, a vertical gardening system, or do you have some raised garden beds?
There's a great guy in Australia right now. He's fascinating. He has a new documentary about how to turn your home into a growing system for food. And, he's growing strawberries on the walls and he's got a rooftop growing system that looks like a freaking Garden of Eden. The documentary is called Greenhouse something, something, but Zac Efron in the TV show “Down to Earth” interviewed this guy when he was down in Australia. I want to say his name is Jaco or Jacko or something like that. I'm actually trying to hunt him down to get him on my podcast, but he teaches you how to turn your home into basically a garden. It's fascinating. You guys could probably hunt it down and put in the shownotes or we can Google it later.
Kris: You got to be my Jamie on podcast.
Ben: Yeah. But, those are some of the things to think about.
Kris: Yeah, phenomenal. I like that idea. So, when we come around to visit you, we won't be going upstairs to check out, we'll be going up like a rock-climbing wall or something like that.
Ben: Well, it's funny because in my current home, the challenge with me and my boy sometimes is how do you get upstairs without using the stairs. You have to basically box jump or step up onto the dining room table. And then, if you jump from the dining room table, you grab this slat and it's this series of railings that go up to an upstairs hallway. You got to do a series of pull-ups up the slats and throw your leg over the railing. But, it's kind of funny, I used to, when I was a kid, I would sit in the sermons at church and I would look at the church ceiling and plot how I would technically be able to get from one side of the church to the other side without touching the floor. And, I still think about that in my home like, “How could I creatively weave through my home in different ways?” Almost like an obstacle course. And, it sounds like a childish thing to do, but I mean really, we're all built to move not just kids.
Kris: Yeah. I bet your wife is glad that you're over here for a couple of weeks. Give her a break.
Ben: Yeah, she got a little sanity.
Kris: So, you spoke about sleep being something that everybody should prioritize. Recovery kind of dictates your performance. And, I've noticed from measuring my biological age that sleep has been a major turning point for me to prevent myself from accelerating my biological age. Now, we all know that a lot of people failed to do it, that's more an ancestral thing, but from a biohacking perspective, is there a particular biohack that you've applied that you have found that has been particularly good to help reverse your biological age?
Ben: Beyond just sleep, which is the ultimate drug. Yeah, there's a few. But, I would say that some of the biggies would be peptides that either target specific organs to slow aging in those organs or cause more building of mitochondria called mitochondrial biogenesis or mitochondrial proliferation. There are peptides that do this. And, the main peptides to look into, one would be a series of peptides called peptide bioregulators. These are very, very short chains of amino acids, even shorter than a lot of the other peptides out there that you might hear about like BPC 157 or TB-500. These have been researched in Russia for about 30 years. Sadly, Dr. Khavinson, the main researcher, who is the anti-aging adviser to Vladimir Putin who did the majority of this research just passed about 10 days ago.
And, these bioregulators, they have names like [00:40:14] _____ to travel to the thymus and help with the thymus or pinealon for the pineal gland or testolone for the genitals, and they specifically rejuvenate those target organs. And, a typical peptide bioregulator protocol is you would take a certain peptide bioregulator for a certain organ for a period of time like 10 days and then you'd switch to the next organ for 10 days or the next one for 10 days. There are other protocols. And, I'm lazy so I do this protocol twice a year for 10 days, I use all of them. And, you can either swallow a whole bunch of capsules because there's one for each different organ and there's about 30 different ones or there are some companies that will sell them as an injectable like in an insulin syringe and you can inject almost all of them at once.
So, peptide bioregulators, I think, are pretty big. There are a few others that I would say, and we're mostly talking about the supplements category, right? So, cold, heat, exercise, movement, walking, a lot of those things that we would consider to be hormetic stressors like things that are mildly stressful or the workout that we did today moderately stressful. These are all fantastic anti-aging hacks. But, we're talking about some of the sexy or lesser-known stuff now. You and I were talking about how in India you can actually very easily find a compound called rapamycin, which would originally have been used as an immunosuppressant drug for something like organ transfer. But, research has now shown that a much smaller dose of rapamycin than what you would use for immune suppression actually has some really fantastic anti-aging effects. The dose, you and I are on the same dose, 5 milligrams once a week, which is way less than you'd take if you're getting organ transplant or something like that. It's expensive, but like you were telling me, you can buy it pretty inexpensively in India. There's one company in the U.S. called AntiAging Systems that sells a generic version of it that my wife and I take called RapaPro. And, it's 60 bucks for, I believe it's almost like a two or three-month supply. So, rapamycin would be a second.
And, if I could name a couple of others, in addition to the peptide bioregulators, there are certain peptides that specifically target the mitochondria. And, I think two of the best ones, even though the FDA has been regulating peptides with increasing frequency, you can still buy them but they're not meant for human consumption. But, there are some websites that still sell these injectable peptides. There's one called MOTS-c, M-O-T-S-c, and another one called epitalon, E-P-I-T-A-L-O-N. And, these are injectable peptides that very similar to peptide bioregulators, you don't have to take all year long but I will use MOTS-c usually about every quarter or so for around 10 days and the same thing with epitalon to rejuvenate my mitochondria.
And then, the last thing that I would say would kind of fit into this category, and I know everybody's probably screaming, “Stem cell, stem cell, stem cell,” but it's kind of obvious. Stem cells are helpful. Most people already know about them, but there is this idea that as you age, you get a buildup of cells that tend to turn out more inflammation that are essentially useless throwaway cells called senescent cells, also known as zombie cells. And, there are certain things called senolytic agents that help you get rid of these cells. You might be familiar with things you would get from plants like quercetin and fisetin. Those would be examples of senolytic agents. I even think NAD acts a little bit like a senolytic agent as well or at least combines well with senolytic agents. And, NAD is fantastic regardless for a host of things; sleep deprivation and cell repair and recovery, and anti-aging. But, taking a small dose of a senolytic agent just a couple of days a month all year long can really help with senescent cell accumulation.
Now, it's interesting because you don't want to start doing that at too early of an age. Your body actually needs anabolism and growth and frankly the buildup of senescent cells up until the time you're around 40 to 45 years old, at which point that accumulation begins to not serve you very well from an aging standpoint. So, if you're younger, you don't need to focus on these senolytic agents, but as you age, you can look into taking senolytics as a strategy as well.
So, in a nutshell, we've got, in addition to just sleep, exercise, heat, cold, et cetera, peptide bioregulators, peptides like MOTS-c and epitalon, rapamycin and senolytic agents as four examples of newer compounds that are pretty darn good for longevity and age reversal.
This is interesting. For anyone who wants a done-for-you complete biohacked home, I am selling my entire tricked-out house located on 8.5 acres of forested land in Spokane, Washington. It includes a guest house, pool house, barn, whole setup for garden, goats, chickens, herbs, fire pit, along with a ton of biohacking goodies. The air, the light, the water, the electricity is all completely tricked out for optimized human biology. The highest quality air filtration systems, natural lighting friendly to circadian rhythms, low EMF, dirty electricity filters, EMF blocking equipment throughout, built to be off-grid when necessary with buried propane and solar grid, toxin-free and low VOC construction materials, the most advanced water filtration systems one can find, a massive vegetable garden, greenhouse, herb garden, outdoor fire pit, goat and chicken grazing pasture and barn all in a beautiful forest that's about 25 minutes from the airport and 20 minutes from downtown. This can all be yours if you're looking for a place to get away in a safe natural area and you're looking for the best of the best biohacks done for you. Here's where you can go to check it out and to fill out a form with your interest, That's Check it out.
Kris: Speaking about NAD, we were talking about NAD a little bit earlier, we know that after the age of say 40, NAD levels decline rapidly and continue to do so. But, what about somebody that is maybe in their 30s but they had very stressful life, not much sleep, they've been drinking a lot of alcohol, partying? Would you say those people should be taking NAD just based on their lifestyle choices?
Ben: Well, if you're anything like me, you could have a six-pack or more in college and get up and run a marathon the next day. And nowadays, you feel like you're relegated to your bed for a couple of days after something like that. And, part of that is the decline in the pool of available NAD, which can decline remarkably. I mean, by the time, you're 80 years old, there's some statistics that show you got 90% of your NAD just gone. So, supplementation with NAD, I think, is a must as you age. But, in particular, if you are inflamed, if you're beat up, if you're traveling, if you're jetlagged or, I think most significantly, if you're sleep-deprived, NAD is a really great hack. And, there's obviously different forms of NAD. You can get NMN or NR. There's the dirt-cheap niacinamide. Even niacinamide, the problem with it is it degrades pretty quickly and it's not in your body for very long. You and I both use a form called NAD Regen by BioStack Labs. That is a specific form of NAD called NAD3. And, it's formulated in such a manner that it keeps your NAD pools elevated for a longer period of time and keeps the niacinamide from breaking down as quickly. So, that'd be an example of something that you can use as a daily supplement. But, in particular, like today I'm sleep deprived, we're traveling, we're in India, I took NAD this morning and then I just took another dose before this podcast. Because in my opinion, the two best things to take if you're sleep-deprived, beside this wonderful cup of coffee, is NAD and creatine. That's my sleep deprivation hack. And, that's a really good way to use NAD.
Kris: Right. Okay, got it.
Now, we got a couple more questions left, but I really want to talk to you about the visit that you had to Miami recently with Dr. John for your prostate. Because I've had an issue with frequent urination during the evening. And, of course, if you go to the doctor, you get a prostate exam, they don't really tell you everything that you need to know. So, why did you see Dr. John? And, can you talk us through this protocol that you had for your prostate and we were hoping to get out of it?
Ben: I don't know if this is true, but I've had several physicians tell me that almost every man has prostate cancer at some point in their life. They might not die of it, but almost every man dies with prostate cancer. It just develops, tumors in the prostate over a period of time. I don't know why that is. I don't know if that's true, but I do know that prostate enlargement occurs with age. And, that's one of the reasons why men as they age get up to pee at night. And, that might not seem like that big of a deal, but you and I and probably every older man listening knows that one of the issues with that is it's also because your natural melatonin production decreases as you age very difficult to get back to sleep after you've gotten up to pee at night. And, if you've got two or three nighttime awakenings, sometimes you can be in bed for eight hours and only log six and a half hours of sleep because each time it takes you 20 to 30 minutes to fall back asleep. It's even worse if you breaking that lighting rule I talked about earlier. You got bright lights. I have red lights. I actually have these movement-detection red lights next to my toilet that turn on when I walk into the bathroom so that I don't disrupt melatonin production.
Kris: Are they the mobile ones with magnets you can put–
Ben: They're the ones that we got at the Health Optimisation Summit. I don't even remember the brand.
Kris: It's a German brand. It's filt blocks or something like that.
Ben: Yeah. We could probably find it and put it in the shownotes.
So anyways, the prostate enlargement is an issue. And, of course, if you have your PSA, your prostate specific antigen tested and that's elevated, that is also a risk factor for prostate cancer. Finally, and this is something new that I've learned, many men have infections in their prostate. Similar to how women can get yeast infections. Men can have yeast, fungus, bacteria, et cetera. And, in addition, that can be transferred to their partner. As a matter of fact, when my wife and I began to have unprotected sex more frequently because we did use condoms for a period of time and then we just said, “Well, screw it off, we're going to have more kids, we're going to have more kids.” But, she started getting yeast infections. And, there's a high probability that she was getting those from fungal infections that I was carrying in my prostate.
Now, I talked at length with Dr. John about this and we even did a podcast on it, and he came up with this protocol that I did when I was in Florida to actually in a way clean the prostate gland, reduce risk of prostate cancer, get rid of yeast, fungus, bacteria, microbes, et cetera, and reduce nighttime urination. Almost like a youthfulness overhaul for the prostate gland. It's not a very pleasant protocol. It involves an injection using ultrasound-guided imaging of methylene blue and ozone into the prostate gland. The needle goes in just a few inches above your penis and it's kind of cool because you can look up at the screen and see your prostate right there on the screen and see the needle going in. It's not a very thick needle and there's a little bit of a numbing agent. And, at Dr. John's clinic, if you see the video which is on my Instagram channel and also on the shownotes of the podcast that I did with him, I have a tube in my mouth because I'm breathing laughing gas. You take a big whiff of laughing gas and kind of decreases pain as the needle goes in. Then, they inject methylene blue and ozone and your prostate just aches and is sore for two or three hours pretty significant. I was worried. I'm like, “How long is this going to last?” I had an ice pack right over my prostate after the procedure. What's even more funny because he called it the barking elephant protocol after I told him what happened. And, this is the strangest sensation ever is I felt I had to urinate and I went to pee and all that came out was ozone. So basically, I was farting out my dick. It was the weirdest sensation ever. And, of course, your urine is blue and it's an uncommon protocol.
Now, I will not say that there's much human clinical research behind this. There is research on methylene blue as an antimicrobial and ozone as an antifungal agent, et cetera, but the procedure itself was intriguing enough to me that I did it.
And, here's what's interesting. Because I decided to do at the last minute because I was staying at his house and was kind of like, “Hey, you want to get your prostate injected?” I was like, “Sure.” Normally, you do a test of semen and sperm parameters prior to that. And, he's done that in multiple patients and you see an increase in semen and sperm quality and sperm count after having that done. So, it's actually having an effect on fertility as well.
Kris: Interesting. Fascinating. Yeah. I'm speaking to their team at the moment and I'm yet to have a consultation because of the time difference here, but they said the same sort of thing to go through that protocol beforehand. So, I'm intrigued about doing that because of this frequent urination. Because like you said, I may be in bed for eight, nine hours, but an hour less of that is getting up going to pee, and trying to get back to sleep.
Ben: Yeah. And, I should say, by the way, I'm getting up at night to pee way less. I went from two to three times per night peeing to one time every few days. Meaning there's multiple nights now where I'm just sleeping through the entire night without getting up to pee, which is amazing. For me, regardless of yeast and fungus and sperm and semen, whatever, that alone is a good enough reason to do it because it's like I got my sleep back.
Kris: Okay, cool.
Alright, I got two short questions from my wife here that have been added. What is the number one question that people ask you?
Ben: Oh, man. Usually, it's one of those big coverall questions like, “What's the best supplement to take?” or “What's the best diet?” or “What's the best workout?” And, you and I both know that's highly specific and will vary quite a bit from person to person. This is an interesting question, by the way. If I could choose something a little bit more specific, that would be something recent that's come to mind. It would probably be I get a lot of questions from men who want a six-pack or an eight-pack or who want better abs. That's a pretty frequent question. I think I've been asked that six times already while I've been in India. Probably doesn't help that I take my shirt off and my genetically skinny lean ass tends to show off abs pretty easily for me just because I'm naturally lean. And, I tell them that the top three things I think that besides just a good exercise protocol and core training, which mean–I'm not talking about sit-ups and crunch, I'm talking about deadlifts and squats and the type of planks that we were doing and things that really put a good load on the abdomen.
And, by the way, the most recent EMG analysis, electromyographic analysis of muscle activation of exercises that trigger the abdominals that I saw showed that the very highest amount of muscle activation was with the ab rollout wheel.
Kris: You're doing at the beginning of the workout.
Ben: It doesn't make you strong or functionally fit or anything like that, but it does trigger the abs pretty intensively. And, I tell them that the top three things are reduce added sugar as much as possible from your diet. I'm not against alcohol consumption. I think alcohol is a mild stressor that can actually lend itself well to longevity. And, if you go and check out my friend, Chris Masterjohn‘s recent article on alcohol consumption, you'll be flabbergasted at the number of health effects associated with microdosing with alcohol on a regular basis, but it does not help with a man getting a six-pack. It's probably because alcohol, like fructose, is burnt before anything else, so it's much, much easier to accume visceral fat and subcutaneous fat around the abdominals if you're drinking alcohol. Same thing could be said for high fructose corn syrup. Even fruit to a certain extent and fructose.
So, limit added sugars, limit alcohol and then get up in the morning in a fasted state, consume a thermogenic agent like caffeine or green tea. Exercise aerobically for 20 to 45 minutes in an easy conversational state and then get cold for two to five minutes. I myself do that almost every day of the year. And, it's fantastic because, A, the aerobic exercise and the cold are mobilizing fat stores. The thermogenic agent that you consumed prior is accelerating that effect. And, the fasting state that you're in is ensuring that you're burning fatty acids off of your own body before you're burning fat that you've consumed, whether it's butter in your coffee or whether it's calories from sugar in the coffee. So, it's fasted state.
And then, probably most importantly, there's not many people who are not able to just get up and walk the dog in the morning. I'm not telling people to go to the gym and work out hard, I'm saying on as many days of the year as possible, including Christmas, Thanksgiving, whatever, get up, do some light aerobic movement in a fasted state after a cup of coffee or tea and get cold for two to five minutes afterwards. And, that's an amazing trigger for fat loss in both men and women, but a lot of guys see the fat just strip off their wasteland when they do that.
Kris: Right. Okay, got it. Take note, baby.
Last one. What do you wish people would ask you?
Ben: I wish that people would ask me how to be a better father and a better husband. And, I realized that I may have just isolated 50% of the listening population by that being a very male-specific reply even though I think that a lot of women, if they are married, would of course desire their man to be as good a father and husband as they can. And, a lot of this would also apply to mothers and wives. And, of course, we could talk for very long time about this, but there's two really important things to understand. Human beings have a deep desire to be seen and loved and heard. I talked about Dale Carnegie's “How to Win Friends and Influence People” as a book that I listened to at the gym recently. It's a perfect example of that.
When it comes to your children, they need time and presence. They don't care how much you're working, how much money you make, how many cool vacations to luxury locals you took them to, they want you to sit on the living room floor and play Monopoly with them for a couple hours. Or, skip all of your Instagram checking at night because you're literally reading them in story in bed for 20 minutes or you're running your hand through their hair just eye gazing as you play their favorite song in bed before they go to bed at night. Kids need time and presence. And, it's something that I think I was luckily enough to learn early on as a father. Because the way that I grew up, I was raised in the very entrepreneurial family where my father and my grandfather worked really hard, but they worked really hard to the detriment of the actual time that they spent with their family justifying that they were making money, that they were providing. But, I would just rather live dirt-poor in a trailer and have a bunch of time with my kids. And, I know they would want that also because it's time and it's presence and it's giving them that desire that they have from the moment they were born to be seen and loved and heard.
So, as a father, the very best thing that you can do is deny that urge to go out and just make money and build your business and make it for yourself and do that more slowly than you might normally be able to because you're carving out that time to be there with your children. And, trust me, it's inconvenient and there's so many times when I'm reading a book to my kids or playing a game with them when I really want to be working. I really do, but I suppress that urge. And, I think because of that, I have a really close relationship with my–all the way down to workouts. I don't like, believe it or not Kris, to workout with other people. I like to just do my own thing and get in my head, but I have inconvenient workouts with my sons where I'm stopping every five minutes to show them how to do the kettlebell swing properly or waiting for them to go upstairs and take a peek. They got to stop for a second or whatever because I know that it's important that I spend that time with them.
And then, as far as being a better husband, the three main things to know about are, first, wives or husbands, the same as children, they need time and they need presence. Not necessarily money and you going off and making a living, they just want you to be there and lend an ear.
The main relationship tip that I could give you for your relationship with your spouse, even though there are of course many, I'll give you two, the first is study the five love languages and know your spouse's love language. So, for my wife, it's time spent together, right? It's not gifts, it's not what mine is, which is words of affirmation, “Hey, babe, you're doing a great job today. Keep it up.” It's not physical touch even though all those things are important, everybody has a little bit of each of the five love languages in them, but my wife wants time. She wants us to sit in bed and just talk for 20 minutes before we go to bed at night and she wants to go on a walk and just be holding my hand and talk. And, she wants to have those regularly scheduled date nights where it's just me and her and none of the other people or the podcast or the business, it's just me and her. So, we know each other's love languages. She knows mine as words of affirmation. I know hers is time spent.
And then, the second thing is every single night before we go to bed, we lay our heads on the pillow before I mouth tape and we pray together. And, I think that that idea of connection to a sacred spiritual higher power that you're going to together every night kind of reverse engineers this process that it's difficult to do that if you've had arguments or if there's something between you or if there's something hidden that you need to tell your partner. It's just this idea that I consider to be prayer a very sacred activity. And, my wife and I, the very last thing that we do every single night we've done for years and years, we've been married for 21 years is last thing when our heads hit the pillow is we both pray together. We pray for our kids. We pray for our relationship. We pray for whatever upcoming home move, problems, challenges, blockers. We thank God for blessings and gifts. And, we just have this sacred moment together every night before we go to bed and it's quick. Sometimes two minutes, sometimes five minutes. But, know your partner's love language. Have some type of a religious or sacred experience that you go through with them. Give your kids time and presence. And, those are the things that I wish people would ask me about more often.
Kris: That's beautiful. I love that.
Well, thank you very much. I wish I could thank you for the workout, but I'll thank you for the podcast instead.
Ben: Well, thank you for the work. Thank you for this amazing gym.
Kris: Yeah, it's a good facility here. We opened this one up last year and we'll be opening another one up next month here in Delhi. But, thank you very much. It's been an absolute pleasure. I'll be seeing you in Mumbai next weekend, but great interview. And, should people come and find you Ben, where can they?
Ben: It's a pretty good spot.
Kris: That's all his stuff is. There you go. Alright, thank you very much. Really appreciate you. Thank you.
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Struggling to maintain your health and fitness routine while constantly on the go? Curious how to biohack your way to better performance and longevity as you age? Feeling overwhelmed by the demands of modern parenting and frustrated with the limitations of the traditional school system?
Today's show covers it all as I join Kris Gethin's podcast to unpack practical solutions and expert insights on staying healthy and fit, especially during travel, optimizing your well-being with the latest biohacking and anti-aging strategies, building a healthy home, and innovative parenting approaches.
Kris Gethin is renowned as one of the world's leading body transformation specialists, earning the title of the world's number one transformation coach and personal trainer on platforms like Trainerize and and governing bodies such as the PT Academy. As the co-founder of the Kris Gethin Gyms franchise, former co-founder of Kaged Supplements, former editor-in-chief of, former editor-at-large at Weider Publications, and former publisher of Kaged Muscle Magazine, Kris has positively impacted the lives of millions through education and transformation.
Host of The Kris Gethin Podcast and author of the best-selling book Body by Design, Kris has excelled as a natural pro bodybuilder, IRONMAN triathlete, Ultramarathoner, Spartan competitor, and motocross racer. Currently, he dedicates his time to training clients online via, assisting celebrities in their health and wellness journeys, and hosting anti-aging, fitness, and biohacking seminars and retreats worldwide.
In this episode, explore a wide range of topics, including my meetup with Kris in India, workout routines when traveling, biohacking tips, my reasons for homeschooling, and the challenges of modern education. Additionally, you'll discover efficient biohacks for reversing biological aging, including the benefits of peptides, hormetic stressors, and the significance of NAD supplementation.
Also, you won't want to miss out on the top questions people ask me, and the one I wish more people would ask — the answer will surprise you!
During this discussion, you'll discover:
-Ben on Kris Gethin’s podcast…06:30
- Ben and Kris in India
- The Kris Gethin Podcast
- A two-part podcast
- Ben and Kris chat at the gym
- Questions from listeners and members of Kris's group
- Biohacking India with Kris Gethin and Jag Chima:
- Kris and Ben workout
-Post-workout chat in the gym…07:51
- Ben’s exercise routine when traveling
- What did Ben and Kris do at the gym?
- Kettlebell swings to push-ups to four minutes on the bike
- Kettlebell alternating overhead press with goblet squats to four minutes on the bike
- Pull-ups to dips to four minutes on the bike
- Seated rows with low back extensions to four minutes on the bike
- 30 burpees
- Working out with someone who is challenging you
- Ben rarely works out in the gym with music
- How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
- Mind Pump Podcast:
- Katalyst full body EMS
- Pavel Tsatsouline’s kettlebell training protocol
- The Quick and the Dead by Pavel Tsatsouline
- Quick, powerful, fast switch-based muscle exercises result in less metabolic acidosis
- StrongFirst Kettlebell Training Program and Kettlebell Certification
- The Quick and the Dead workout
- 10 swings
- 10 push-ups every 90 seconds
- Ben and his sons are preparing for the DEKA FIT races
-How to energize your mitochondria…17:19
- People don’t have the enthusiasm to exercise
- You must have a life purpose
- Ben’s reading time with his sons
- Ikigai 2.0
- Ikigai — Japanese term for life purpose
- Helps you discover your purpose in life
- Your purpose changes through life seasons
- Ben wants to be a wise human, a gracious teacher, and a humble leader
- You have to know why you are waking up
- Biological components that we can't deny the body and the brain
- DUTCH Hormone test
- Your body is a battery
- It should have a slightly negative charge on the inside and a slightly positive charge on the outside
- Living in an era of an ancestral mismatch
- For thousands of years, humans had access to sunlight, moving, gardening, and hunting
- Now living in boxes, sitting in boxes, working in boxes, traveling in boxes, flying in boxes
- Living with things that drain the body's battery
- Wi-Fi pollution and smart appliances
- Recharge the body’s battery
- Photons of sunlight
- Walking barefoot and swimming in the ocean
- Salt, electrolytes, and minerals
- Address an ancestral mismatch while living in a postindustrial environment
- Simple things to use:
- Keep your body’s battery charged
- The importance of sleeping for recharging
- No TV or Wi-Fi in your bedroom
- Test the bedroom for excessive electricity
- Optimize it for sleep
- Podcast with Brian Hoyer:
- Shielded Healing
- Kris’s practice when it comes to Wi-Fi pollution
-Ben’s building of a safe home in Idaho…35:07
- Ben’s reasons for homeschooling
- Pressures of homework, tests, late-night stress, finals
- The modern education system is based on the idea of everybody jumping through the same hoops
- Kids are not studying what they're truly passionate about
- Centner Academy
- The entire school has no Wi-Fi, no EMF
- Everything is optimized — air, light, water, and electricity
- Podcast with Judy Arnall:
- Podcast with the Mind Pump guys:
- Prescriptions for a Healthy House by Paula Baker-Laporte
- Variables to consider when building a home
- Hardwiring the home with ethernet cables
- Making sure all the outlets are properly grounded
- How close are appliances to sleeping spaces
- Air quality
- LifeBreath air systems
- AllerAir system
- Lighting system in the house
- Incandescent
- Red light bulbs for the bedroom
- A home water filtration system
- A good reverse osmosis system or a good carbon block filtration system
- Structured water
- Home gym
- SAMINA Sleep (use code BEN to save 5%)
- Sauna and cold tub
- Gardening systems
- Down to Earth with Zach Efron, Season 2 Episode 5: Waste
- Ben’s challenge to his boys
- Getting upstairs without using the stairs
-Efficient bio hacks for reversing the biological edge…46:38
- Sleep is the ultimate drug
- Some of the best biohacks for longevity: peptides
- Target specific organs to slow aging in those organs
- Cause building of mitochondria — mitochondrial biogenesis
- Peptide bioregulators rejuvenate target organs
- Ben’s peptide bioregulator anti-aging protocol
- Take a certain peptide bioregulator for a certain organ for a period of time like 10 days and then you'd switch to the next organ for 10 days or the next one for 10 days
- Dr. Vladimir Khavinson
- Some podcasts on peptides:
- The New Darlings Of The Anti-Aging Industry & The Russian’s Secret Age Reversal Weapon: Peptide Bioregulators With Phil Micans.
- How To Use Testosterone, Peptide Stacks That Will Blow Your Mind, The Truth About Getting Peptides On The Internet, & Much More With Jay Campbell.
- Peptides Unveiled: The Best Peptide Stacks For Anti-Aging, Growth Hormone, Deep Sleep, Hair Loss, Enhanced Cognition & Much More!
- The Peptides Podcast: Everything You Need To Know About Anti-Aging, Muscle Gain, Fat Loss & Recovery Peptides.
- Hormetic stressors — cold, heat, exercise, and walking
- Rapamycin has fantastic anti-aging effects
- RapaPro from AntiAging Systems (use code BGF15 to save 15%)
- 5 milligrams once a week
- Peptides that target the mitochondria:
- Stem cells:
- NAD is fantastic for a lot of things
- Sleep deprivation
- Cell repair and recovery
- Anti-aging
- No need to focus on senescent cells before age 45
-Ben is selling his home…53:40
-The benefits of NAD…55:20
- Decline of available NAD
- At 80 years old, 90% of your NAD is gone
- Supplementation of NAD is a must as you age
- Also if you are traveling or you are sleep-deprived
- NAD Regen by BioStack Labs
- Ben’s sleep deprivation hack — NAD and creatine
-Dr. John Lieurance's prostate protocol…57:39
- Podcast with Dr. John Lieurance:
- Almost every man has prostate cancer at some point in their life
- Prostate enlargement occurs with age
- Natural melatonin production decreases as you age
- Very difficult to get back to sleep after you've gotten up to pee at night
- Motion-activated red lights turn on when walking to the bathroom to not disrupt melatonin production
- Dr. John came up with a protocol to clean the prostate from yeast, bacteria, etc.
- Methylene blue IV drip
-Number one question people ask Ben…1:03:54
- From men who want a six-pack, an eight-pack, or better abs
- The top 3 things besides good exercise protocol are:
- Chris Masterjohn's article: Alcohol’s SURPRISING Role in Your Health and Longevity
-What Ben wishes people would ask him…1:07:58
- How to be a better father and a better husband
- Human beings have a deep desire to be seen, loved, and heard
- How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
- Children need time and presence
- Deny that urge to go out and just make money — be with your children more
- Doing workouts with his sons
- Your spouse also needs your time and presence
- Know your spouse’s love language
- Praying with your spouse and connecting spiritually
-And much more…
Upcoming Events:
- Health Optimization Summit — London: June 15–16, 2024
The Health Optimization Summit is the ultimate gathering for anyone passionate about biohacking, wellness, and living their best life. Dubbed a must-do event, it promises a transformative weekend filled with the opportunity to meet and learn from over 35 world-class speakers (including yours truly) in nutrition, longevity, mental health, relationships, and more. Learn best-kept secrets, try out the latest high-tech health gadgets, and discover the cleanest supplements and foods on the market. Don't miss this life-changing weekend — grab your tickets before they're gone here.
- The Longevity Circle Retreat in Croatia — Superyacht Wellness Adventure: Sept 4–10, 2024
Step aboard the ultimate luxury wellness journey: the longevity-focused Superyacht Wellness Adventure, set against the breathtaking backdrop of Croatia from September 4–10, 2024. This exclusive, invite-only event offers an unparalleled experience that blends opulence with the pursuit of wellness, disease prevention, and a long, happy life. With only 10 cabins available, this intimate retreat promises personalized attention and an atmosphere of elite exclusivity. Each day, I will lead 5–6 invigorating workouts, share insights through 1–2 enlightening talks, and engage in organic discussions and Q&A sessions, ensuring a transformative experience. Secure your spot here on this once-in-a-lifetime adventure and be part of a select group dedicated to elevating their health.
- Keep up on Ben's LIVE appearances by following!
Resources from this episode:
– Kris Gethin:
– Podcasts And Articles:
- Biohacking India: Sleep, Jet Lag, Hidden Environmental Killers, Air Pollution, Antiviral Tips, Eating For Longevity & Much More!
- The Mysterious Kuwait Muscle-Building Phenomenon, The Too-Much-Protein Myth, Anabolic Triggering Sessions & More With The MindPump Podcast Crew.
- Hunting Down EMF In Your Office, Bedroom, Gym & Beyond: Is Your Home’s “Dirty Electricity” Wrecking Your Sleep, Your Recovery, Your Health & More? The Official Ben Greenfield & Brian Hoyer Low-EMF Home How-To.
- The Ultimate Guide To Unschooling: Top Tips To Create Free-Thinking, Resilient, Creative Young Humans Who Can Thrive In A Modern World.
- Fatherhood, Motherhood, Parenting, Home Schooling, Religion, Muscle Gain, Sourdough Bread & Much More With The Mind Pump Guys & Jessa Greenfield.
- The New Darlings Of The Anti-Aging Industry & The Russian’s Secret Age Reversal Weapon: Peptide Bioregulators With Phil Micans.
- How To Use Testosterone, Peptide Stacks That Will Blow Your Mind, The Truth About Getting Peptides On The Internet, & Much More With Jay Campbell.
- Peptides Unveiled: The Best Peptide Stacks For Anti-Aging, Growth Hormone, Deep Sleep, Hair Loss, Enhanced Cognition & Much More!
- The Peptides Podcast: Everything You Need To Know About Anti-Aging, Muscle Gain, Fat Loss & Recovery Peptides.
- Sunlight Makes You Skinny & Blue Light Makes You Fat: 11 Ways To Biohack Light To Optimize Your Body & Brain.
– Books:
- How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
- The Quick and the Dead by Pavel Tsatsouline
- Prescriptions for a Healthy House by Paula Baker-Laporte
– Other Resources:
- Salt
- Electrolytes
- Minerals
- Thymulin
- Pinealon (use code BGF15 to save 15%)
- BPC-157
- TB-500
- RapaPro (use code BGF15 to save 15%)
- MOTS-c
- Epitalon
- Quercetin
- Fisetin
- Creatine
- Coffee
- Green Tea
- Kettlebells
- Bike
- Katalyst
- Grounding Mat
- Shielded Healing
- LifeBreath
- AllerAir
- Incandescent Bulbs
- Red Light Bulbs
- Water Filtration System
- SAMINA Sleep (use code BEN to save 5%)
- Sauna
- Cold Tub
- DUTCH Hormone Test
- StrongFirst Kettlebell Training Program and Kettlebell Certification
- Centner Academy
Episode Sponsors:
Beam Minerals: If you want to up your mineral game, give Beam Minerals a try. Go to and use code BEN at checkout for 20% off your order.
JoyMode: Want to spice things up in the bedroom and boost your sexual performance (and do it naturally without nasty prescription drugs)? I have a special offer for you — go to or enter GREENFIELD at checkout for 20% off your first order.
Mito Red Light: Shop for your red light helmet and mat at and use code BGLIFE to save 5%.
BioStack Labs: NAD Regen increases your energy, enhances your cognitive function, and slows aging. Get 15% off your purchase of $100 or more by going to
Do you have questions, thoughts, or feedback for me and Kris? Leave your comments below and one of us will reply!