Safer Than Steroids? Your All-inclusive Guide To Gaining Muscle, Losing Fat & Much More With “SARMs”

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In the article “Why Steroids Will Slowly Kill You & 3 Safe Alternatives for Muscle Building, Speedy Recovery, Enhanced Drive and Beyond.” I taught you all about SARMs—or Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, therapeutic compounds that, according to the US Anti-Doping Association (USADA), mimic anabolic agents. USADA points out that the difference between the steroids and SARMs is that SARMs have fewer androgenic properties, which permits SARMs to target tissues much more directly and reduce the host of known negative side effects experienced with steroids.

So quite simply, SARMS provide the benefit of steroids without the dangerous and annoying mental and physical reactions to steroids.

If your goal is to shed holiday weight fast, to look in the mirror and see well-defined, big muscles or lean, striated muscles, or to repair a workout injury faster, or to increase endurance and simultaneously experience a burst of power and strength – your first thought may be to turn to steroids, since they can work with extreme efficacy for many of these goals. And sure, steroids have been proven to do all of those things, but as I’ve said before—steroids can kill you. And even if you’re one of the lucky ones and you don’t have any underlying cardiovascular abnormalities that could lead to cardiovascular problems and sudden death from steroid use, you’ll be faced with a long list of negative side effects, including (but definitely not limited to):

  • Increased risk for liver damage and tumors
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Decreased sperm count
  • Impotence
  • Decreased testicular size
  • Increased risk of tendon tears
  • Baldness
  • Acne (kind of hard to feel good about your physique or body fat levels if you’ve got a face or back full of zits)

I’m just not convinced the goal of looking big and feeling strong is worth the sure occurrence of the side effects above, or the possibility of sudden death caused by anabolic-androgen steroid use. It’s really not going to matter if you’re buried six feet under, is it?

So that's why I'm a fan of SARMs as a safe alternative to steroids that deliver many of the same positive benefits as steroids, including muscle building, prevention of muscle waste, faster recovery from injury, increased endurance, etc. but do not produce the same dangerous side effects as steroids.

In this article, I'm going to explore in greater detail a couple of SARMs I've written about before: LGD-4033 (also known as Ligandrol) and GW 501516 (also known as Cardarine). If you need a thorough review of SARMs, read that original article. But although I’ve been talking about SARMs for a while now, I still get comments and emails from many of you asking me what they are and asking me for clarification on how to use them. So in this article, you'll discover how SARMs work, what they can do to your body and performance, and how to use them safely.

Disclaimer: SARMs are absolutely, 100% banned by USADA, WADA, and most other global sporting organizations for both in-competition and out-of-competition. You should NOT use these if you are competing in any such sanctioned sport as it definitely falls under the banned category of a prohibited class of anabolic agents.

Ligandrol (LGD-4033)

Ligandrol, or LGD-4033, is a nonsteroidal SARM that is taken orally (this should make all of you needle-shy folks happy). It was originally developed by Ligand Pharmaceuticals to prevent muscle wasting, increase lean muscle growth, fight cancer, and help people maintain strength and muscle tissue as they age.

Because lean muscle burns more calories than fat during workouts, LGD-4033 can also help people reach their weight loss goals while simultaneously building larger or more defined muscles.

The beauty of this non-steroid is that it binds to androgen receptors with very high selectivity. After it binds, it creates anabolic effects in the muscle and bone, effects which lead to growing more muscle (and strength) and experiencing fewer injuries in the process. And, since this isn’t a steroid, it means you don’t experience typical androgenic side effects like balding, acne, testicle shrinkage, or prostate issues.

In terms of research and safety, LGD-4033 is currently superior to all of the other SARMs, with a potency very close to that of steroids. I especially like that Ligandrol has gone through Phase I clinical trials, so people aren’t just blindly taking a research-void SARM and hoping for the best. Instead, healthy human volunteers have taken LGD-4033 in multiple, ascending doses to test the safety and identify any side effects. The National Institute of Health’s U.S. National Library of Medicine reported on study results that show humans can safely tolerate up to 22mg per day of LGD-4033 for 14 consecutive days. And these participants experienced a decrease in body fat while increasing their lean body mass, strength, and overall sense of well-being.

Another benefit of using LGD-4033 is that there is no water retention or bloating, so you can feel light on your feet, get more accurate scale measurements (if weighing yourself is your “thing”) and also look in the mirror and see the real gains without water retention hiding the visibility of the muscle.


LGD-4033 has a half-life of 24-36 hours, which means you can take it once per day and you don’t need to worry about any complex intra-week cycling protocol like you do with other SARMs (such as Andarine, another popular SARM). You can also take it on either an empty or full stomach and get the same results. The amount of LGD-4033 you should take will vary depending on your goals.

Here are the dosing guidelines for LGD-4033 based on examples of popular fitness goals:

Bulking (Muscle Gain): Take 5 to 10mg per day for 8 weeks. And lift heavy stuff.

Cutting (Fat Loss) Goal: Take 3 to 5mg per day for 8 weeks. If you want to stack LGD-4033 with other SARMs to reach your cutting goal, then Andarine, Cardarine, and/or Ostarine are your best options. In fact, LGD-4033 should really be taken with Cardarine (details on that SARM below) if you are looking to lose weight. LGD-4033 with Cardarine is probably the best power-duo in the SARM world for fast results. Of course, you must also incorporate exercise and diet protocols like this simultaneous to your SARMs use.

Recomposition (Muscle Gain & Fat Loss): Take 5-8mg per day for 8 weeks. If you want to stack with another SARM to improve your results, Cardarine is once again your best option. Adding muscle and losing fat at the same time is significantly accelerated with the combination of Cardarine and LGD-4033. But you’re also going to want to maintain a proper diet and make sure you are doing both weight training and cardio to get these results.

The recommended length of time for using LGD-4033 is between 8 and 12 weeks.  Don’t think you can just continue to use it beyond 12 weeks to increase your results. The positive benefits diminish after you’ve used it for about 12 weeks, so you will need to give your body a break and use it again at a later date to continue experiencing positive effects. In most cases, you'll take anywhere from 4 to 12 weeks off after you've used it.

So what’s this Cardarine I keep mentioning? Let's move on and find out.

Cardarine (GW-501516)

While it's not technically a SARM, Cardarine (GW-501516) is often labeled as a SARM.

But it’s technically a selective activator that binds to PPARδ receptors instead of androgen receptors like a SARM normally would.

Despite this difference, Cardarine offers results that are just as impressive as those you'd experience from SARMs because it activates AMPK, which is responsible for stimulating muscle glucose uptake, skeletal muscle tissue, and oxidizing fatty acids (and I don't want to get lost in the semantic weeds by nitpicking on classification, so I'm going, for the purpose of this article, to continue to refer to Cardarine as a SARM). In addition to burning fat through the stimulation of fatty acid oxidation, GW-501516 can increase HDL cholesterol by an average of 79% while simultaneously decreasing LDL cholesterol.

Cardarine was developed in the 1990s as a way to prevent and cure tumors in the breasts, prostate, or colon. By the early 2000s, it was discovered that it can also help stop metabolic disorders including diabetes and obesity. When the fitness community caught wind of GW-501516 benefits, they quickly discovered it is also a potent endurance increasing supplement and has been used by the athlete community for over 20 years with no reported harmful side effects.

Cardarine has also been used in research studies in obese, pre-diabetic men with metabolic syndrome, where it has been shown to be able to reverse metabolic abnormalities and help control obesity.

In laboratory studies on rats and monkeys, GW-501516 has been shown to burn fat and built muscle, while also eliminating type II diabetes, increasing HDL and lowering VLDL (primary study was “The effect of PPARδ agonists (HS00098) on serum lipid profiles in diet-induced obese rhesus monkeys“).

While some early 1990 studies also show that Cardarine can cause cancer and tumor development with long term, high dose use, other studies completed more recently have shown not only is the chemical harmless under normal use, but it also offers many positive health benefits.

In the early studies, GW-501516 was shown to improve angiogenesis in the body, which is the ability to increase vascular blood supply to feed the body’s cells. However, improved angiogenesis is found in athletes and children as they move through adolescence, as well. With respect to cancer, some scientists and researchers feel that if there are already tumor cells within the body then the tumors could grow at a faster rate due to angiogenesis. But despite many experiments conducted since 2004 to try and prove that this type of increased angiogenesis can lead to cancer, none have been successful.

As a matter of fact, a study published in 2004 by the American Association of Cancer Research stated that PPAR agonists have “…shown to have no effect on the proliferation of colorectal cancer cells” and “…under normal culture conditions, PPAR activation has no effect on cell growth”.

Furthermore, GW-501516 was studied for use on human breast cancer and colon cancer. These studies concluded that GW-501516 can inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

You may also see people reporting that GW-501516 causes liver damage, but this is also a common misconception. The chemical has actually been shown to promote both faster healing properties and healthy liver function.

Cardarine has also been shown in research to cause:

Increased endurance: for endurance, a 2015 study by Wei Chen, PhD discovered that increases in the PPAR gene (the one Cardarine activates) can cause muscle fibers to increase their use of oxygen. When muscle fibers use more oxygen, you have more endurance, so that's the likely mechanism of action for most users reporting increased endurance when using Cardarine.

Decreased body fat: Cardarine is actually really amazing at helping get rid of extra fatty tissue. It works a lot like a growth hormone, controlling the formation of pro-inflammatory markers in tissue and decreasing the activity of the genes involved in lipogenesis (fat cell creation). GW-501516 also tricks your body into reacting as if it is in starvation. When a body is starving, it begins using stored body fat as energy, which is why people using Cardarine lose weight so effectively.

Decreased recovery time: In the study “A metabolomic study of the PPARδ agonist GW501516 for enhancing running endurance in Kunming mice”, it was reported that mice had a faster recovery process of muscle tissue and neurotransmitters. The mice lost weight even when eating a diet high in fat.

It can also protect the brain, benefit the heart, protect the kidneys, protect against liver damage, strengthen the immune system, heal skin disease, and provide many other benefits you can read about here.

Human studies on the effects of GW501516 include the following:

There were no side-effects reported in human studies.

You can even read more about GW501516 from reputable resources, including a few of my favorites:

In summary, Cardarine is non-toxic. It doesn’t cause the typical side effects you’ll see with SARMs or steroids and doesn’t suppress key hormones. But when stacked with LGD-4033 it can be very, very potent for muscle gain and / or fat loss.


When it comes to Cardarine dosing, 10 mg per day for 8 weeks is effective for increasing anaerobic and aerobic endurance while also assisting with fat loss. The maximum recommended dose is 20 mg per day. If your goal is to increase endurance, you'll likely want to start with 10 mg per day. If you’re looking for greater fat loss, go with 20 mg per day and for best results, take the dose an hour before exercise. As with any peptide or SARM, you will want to start with the minimum recommended dose and adjust according depending on how your body responds to it.

GW-501516 has a 16-24 hour half-life, so you can take a 10 mg dosage once per day, or if taking 20 mg per day then split your dose into two, taking one dose every 10-12 hours.

Interestingly, not only has GW-501516 been tested in healthy subjects with no negative side effects, but it has also been tested in subjects including alcohol drinkers, tobacco users, and stimulant narcotics users, all without side effects. Finally, for best results, it’s recommended that you use Cardarine with a ketogenic diet.


If you want to give either or both of these SARMs a try, you can buy them pretty affordably from reputable United States suppliers online. I personally think it’s a good idea to buy from US websites as the purity level and quality can be higher. 

Not convinced you should be trying SARMs over steroids?

Read my article about safe alternatives to steroids for more information and to help you make a more informed decision. And seriously, if you just want to keep everything legal, the main thing to know about SARMs is that, unlike steroids, they’re perfectly legal to consume and to travel with – unless you’re an athlete competing in a USADA or WADA sanctioned sport.

Finally, as much as you may be looking for the pot of gold under the rainbow or that mythical, magical unicorn that will allow you to simply suck down giant Jamba Juices, eat oodles of dark chocolate and sit for long periods of time at your desk or couch, you should know that SARMS can only do so much for you without diet and exercise. You still have to put the time and effort in if you want to really maximize the results these compounds provide for you.

Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback about SARMS? Leave your thoughts below and I will reply!

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399 thoughts on “Safer Than Steroids? Your All-inclusive Guide To Gaining Muscle, Losing Fat & Much More With “SARMs”

  1. dwayne graham says:

    I realize this is an older article. I am 60 years old are sarms an alternative to trt. I am asking Mr. Greenfield, so no smart a** comments from others is necessary, however, I am interested in your own personal experience, just be respectful and answer the question. Thanks

    1. Kimura says:

      No they’re not.
      If you want TRT, speak to a doctor specialising in it. There are a ton of clinics doing it.
      You definitely would not want to be taking SARMS long term. Nobody knows what that would do to you – nothing good though!

      1. Bailey Rostron says:

        Cardarine has plenty of research showing no detrimental effects.

  2. Nozza says:

    So you’re not sure if steroids are worth the risks but you think Cardarine is, even though it didn’t even make it past rodent trials because it caused cancers?

    Yes I know they used a more than most people take – that’s how rodent trials are done – otherwise they don’t get to spot the bad effects before they get to humans and give a lot of people cancer. It’s standard safety procedures and it fell at the first fence. Yet that is OK but Tesosterone esters – approved for humans are dangerous?

    Why? Because after many decades of use and trials, we now can see the long term effects of roids. We will never get this info on Cardarine because it’s not approved.

    1. IanH says:

      Correct. It’s silly to compare the known effects of drugs we’ve been using for many decades with experimental compounds, about which very little is known. Obviously the list of KNOWN side effects for steroids will be much longer than compounds that have very little research done of them and haven’t been around for very long.
      We are in the middle of a vast but completely uncontrolled experiment whose results may not become clear for like 20 years.
      People can take whatever they like. That is their right IMO. But let’s not pretend these compounds are “safe” or even “safer” than steroids. We cannot possibly know that is true.

    2. B says:

      You just answered your own question.

    3. Aiden Turvey says:

      I’d read the actual reports rather than the headlines if I was you, then you’d realise that cardarine only caused tumours in 2 rats after 100+ weeks of 4 times the recommended human dosage. I bet if you did that with panadol you’d die alot after.

    4. Bailey Rostron says:

      The rodent trials from the 90’s showed that but not the recent studies. Cardarine acts on the PPAR pathways which have no effect on cell growth. Recent studies show it inhibits growth of cancer cells. PPAR pathway is the same pathway stuff like fasting, apple cider vinegar, turmeric, ginger, & other supplements etc. activate fat burning pathways.

      1. Bailey Rostron says:

        Better yet American Association of Cancer Research stated that PPAR activators like Cardarine DO NOT cause cancer!

  3. Muscle Taoe says:

    I have heard that SARMs are not currently available officially, as it is prohibited to use in humans in the US these days. Correct me if I am wrong, and if it is so, then what would be the alternatives you recommend for muscle building?

    1. Wesley Cormell says:

      Work out and eat protein, go figure

  4. Chris says:

    Started power-lifting a few years ago and wanted to build a powerful but lean appearance, here is my story.

    Cycle 1: Did a 8 week cycle of Ostarine 20mg alone first, saw a fair gain in lean mass and strength, Short term sex drive increase while adjusting.

    PCT 1: Did 4 weeks of post cycle and allowed natural recovery.

    Cycle 2: stacked 10mg of Ligandrol with 30mg of Ostarine. Significant muscle mass and strength gains, sexual appetite lessened but still active and no performance issues.

    PCT 2: Did 6 weeks of post cycle therapy with Zinc and Vitamin D supplements which aid in recovering Testosterone.

    Cycle 3: Just started (day 2), 20mg of Ligandrol, 20mg of Ostarine and 20mg of Cardarine. Can’t wait to see the results of this cycle. Quarantine has added a lot of body fat on my 6 week PCT and I needed an additional aid.

    Any thoughts on this stack I should know? please reply.

    1. a says:

      What did you use for PCT? and where did you get your sarms from?
      Thank you

  5. Vary Rattanasithy says:

    I am interested in starting a cycle. I would like to know more information. IMO I believed that I am overweight. 32yrs old, 5’6, 170lbs with 23% body fat. My goal is to be 160lbs with 10% body fat, build muscle and look lean. I’ve read online no to little side effects, but with someone with high body fat, would that give complications? Can someone please guide me thru the process, how to take it, any other supplements needed like liver support. I am new to this and lost. Lol a friend recommended Stenabolic SR-9009 30mg, Ostarine MK-2866 30mg, Andarine S-4 50mg

  6. Anthony Pineda says:

    Starting LGD + Cardarine – Should I take both in the morning?

    I work from 7am until about 4:30pm Monday through Friday. And so therefore I honestly wouldn’t start my workout at my gym until about 5pm. Should I still take LGD and Cardarine in the morning or should I take them both later in the day, say near the time of my workout? Does the time of administration have an effect on the efficiency of LGD and Cardarine? I’m curious to know. Thank you!

    1. CT says:

      You can either dose in the morning for both full amounts or dose your LGD full dose in the morning and split your Cardarine dose into two doses, Half in the morning and half an hour before your workout. I have done both and haven’t really felt any significant difference. For convenience sake, I just do both full doses in the morning and have an evening workout.

      1. Anthony Pineda says:

        Thanks for the response, much appreciated. Started to with confidence on Monday and I feel great.

  7. Jim S says:

    Anyone have recent updates regarding the recommendations in this article.
    experience, product acquisition, results etc

  8. MJ says:

    Could I get some information about how to stack Ostarine and SR 9011 for a 41 yr old 5’7″ 150# female looking to drop 15ish lbs of fat? Keto and heavy on the veggies, lots of cardio (mostly endurance-based, but geting back into HIIT), and also getting back into weight training (though this shit is HARD to do during the #stayathome !!

    Cannot find much data or testimonials from females using SARMs, so I’d like to ensure I’m doing things the right way.

    Any advice would be appreciated, thank you!

    1. Sandy says:

      I’m a 58 year old female and I’ve been using Cardarine for about 4 weeks now at 10mg split in am and pm and have noticed weight loss and muscle gain and I feel great! I’m debating whether to do a 4 or 8 week cycle because Ben has mentioned 8 in articles but says 4 in his book so I’m not sure what I’ll do. But definitely worth trying!

  9. Mike Hunt says:


    I just finished a course of Lgd & mk677, been training in my home gym. I felt like a god for the 8 week cycle, other men would pay me compliments about how pumped i was and i loved it to the point of getting a semi, im off cycle now and i cant get an erection, my balls are shrivelled, i cry allot… my nipples are so sensitive and i cant stop touching them. My boyfriend Tony used to compliment me on how pumped i was but now he laughs at me and calls me his mincy faggot bitch, before trying to seduce me with lube.

    i thought sarms were safe 😭

    1. Sam says:

      with a little research I think they said a proper pct would have saved you from the end results

    2. aj says:

      did you take a post cycle therapy?????

      1. Byte D0wn says:

        You do realize he’s joking I hope? I was concerned as well but his stupid comment about the lube and how he has a boyfriend after taking the SARMs is when I realized he’s being an idiot.

        Very funny though 🤣

        1. Tc says:


    3. Nicknax says:

      What kind of home gym is that where other men are complimenting you?? I find that more disturbing than your lack of PCT.

      1. Ruby Fair says:


  10. William Young says:


    I just finished a course of Lgd plus ostarine i felt like a god for 8 weeks, other men would pay me compliments about how pumped i was and i loved it to the point of getting a semi, im off cycle now and i cant get an erection, my balls are shrunken, i cry allot… my nipples are so sensitive and i cant stop touching them. The same men that complimented me on how pumped i was now laugh at me. what should i do? i thought sarms were safe 😭

    1. Tony says:

      Not sure why you are experiencing these side effects. I’ve ran 4 cycles now of LGD 4033 at @15 mg + 5 mg of RAD 140 a day and I experienced nothing adverse.I did run a PCT for 4 weeks each time just in case. I used R-PCT.

    2. Richard Head says:

      I have a similar problem, My balls are shrunken after an LGD cycle, my boyfriend keeps trying to give me head but my dick just wont work. Last night he called me a “dick head” and i cried. i cry allot, i have gyno too, my nipples are so sensitive.. i tried using R-pct and it did Nothing ! , waste of money. My dick wont work and ive lost all my gains.
      I thought Sarms were safe 😪

      1. Tony says:

        Non-sense. I got off a twelve week cycle a few weeks ago. I took no PCT but have been occasionally binging on crystal meth for a few days here and there or glorious ketamine binges several days in a row. This guy fucks. You don’t because before your cycle, you started with mincy little faggot balls.

        1. Richard Head says:

          Its in the name Tony .. Richard Head (Dick Head) you Dick Head 🌷
          Enjoy binging on Meth you retard
          Go fuck yourself
          If your capable after your sarm cycle 😅

  11. Gareth Gates says:

    Sarms cause liver damage, suppression, probably cancer, probably kidney failure etc

    Why would a fitness “guru” encourage the use of this garbage?

    Why not just train hard

    Eat well

    Take things like zma


    And put the hard work in?

    So you wont have a 6 pack in 3 days but guess what when you do have one youll have earnt it and your bollocks wont have shrunk either… sounds good right?

    The only people that truly need steroids or substances (approved ones) like sarms are people with actual health issues…

    Dont get suppressed and die young like ben probably will if he pumps that garbage in his body.. (sorry its true)!

    Go to the gym and do some fucking exercise

    Its really not that hard !!!!!


    1. Thomas O'Dea says:

      “So quite simply, SARMS provide the benefit of steroids without the dangerous and annoying mental and physical reactions to steroids.

      If your goal is to shed holiday weight fast, to look in the mirror and see well-defined, big muscles or lean, striated muscles, or to repair a workout injury faster, or to increase endurance and simultaneously experience a burst of power and strength – your first thought may be to turn to steroids, since they can work with extreme efficacy for many of these goals. And sure, steroids have been proven to do all of those things, but as I’ve said before—steroids can kill you. And even if you’re one of the lucky ones and you don’t have any underlying cardiovascular abnormalities that could lead to cardiovascular problems and sudden death from steroid use, you’ll be faced with a long list of negative side effects, including (but definitely not limited to):

      Increased risk for liver damage and tumors

      Elevated blood pressure

      Decreased sperm count


      Decreased testicular size

      Increased risk of tendon tears


      Acne (kind of hard to feel good about your physique or body fat levels if you’ve got a face or back full of zits)

      I’m just not convinced the goal of looking big and feeling strong is worth the sure occurrence of the side effects above, or the possibility of sudden death caused by anabolic-androgen steroid use. It’s really not going to matter if you’re buried six feet under, is it?”

      Were you completely blitzed while we were both reading the same article? Put the bottle down Jacmo. Maybe step off the Benzo script. Point being, READ jagoff. Clearly, you have not researched the – CORRECT – SARMs or have even a handle on interpreting visual stimuli on even a basic level.

      1. chax says:

        Errm buddy? All those sides apply to sarms too lol and not all steroids are equal in sides, also roids are no more dangerous , people just do way higher doses (abuse them).

    2. Marley says:

      Reading this article in 2020 is quite cringe worthy. SARMS have severe side effects like being liver toxic and suppress testosterone even at very low dosages. There’s actually no evidence to indicate you’ll even gain more muscle on them than naturally. I suspect with side effects so severe, and positive effects being so minimal you’ll be better off naturally, especially in the long term.

  12. Ruben Martin says:

    Please note that LGD 4033 produces an accused drop in the sexual hormones.

    I will copy here an important fact (from the study he refers to) that I think Ben Greenfield should have mentioned in the article: ” LGD-4033 administration was associated with dose-dependent suppression of total testosterone, sex hormone-binding globulin, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. follicle-stimulating hormone and free testosterone showed significant suppression at 1.0-mg dose only ”

    Because I thought the secondary effects of this compound were almost non-existent, I was taking 6mg of LGD 4033 to gain muscle mass. After one week I started to feel a bit depressed, exhausted (I needed to sleep 10-11h to fully recover), and my libido was very low.

    My advice is that is you take LGD 4033 you MUST RUN PCT AFTER THE CYLCE and treat this compound almost as if you were taking steroids to stay safe.

    1. rick says:

      I would advise you to check your source. Ive been on for 4 weeks and pop Bonners in the grocery store like I’m 12 years old again !!

      1. Dan says:

        What source are you using?

      2. REdRum says:


    2. Joescalon says:

      For anyone reading this later, you will almost never get low T symptoms while on a cycle but if your SARM is suppressive enough you will need a PCT post cycle. Never take anything that can effect your hormones without significant research. Nearly all SARMS will need some kind of PCT after cycle, except good sources of ostarine and GW(does not effect T). For myself I took a moderate cycle of ostarine during “lockdown” and gained about 5-8lbs of muscle in a cycle, with very mild suppression and no PCT needed.

      1. Dave says:

        What is a PCT?

        ALSO, can you take Cardarine, Ostarine and Andarine orally? The only reportedly reputable place to buy is but I’m wondering if anyone knows others? Proven Peptides is apparently shutting down (according to the banner currently atop their website).

        Thanks in advance for any and all info and help!

        1. Anthony A says:

          I just got 3 vials of ostarine and ibutamoren from rata army, they 3rd party test as well.

  13. Brian Lambert says:

    Do you have any other recommendations for a place to purchase sarms? It looks like sarms warehouse had been shut down.

    1. Mike says:


    2. Tony says:

      Umbrella Labs is the only place I get SARMs from. I’ve only ran RAD 140 and LGD 4033 from them but each 8 week cycle I’ve put on 10-12 pounds. My girlfriend uses ostarine and cardarine from them and got shredded in 8 weeks.

      1. Stacey says:

        What’s your girlfriends dosage?

      2. Tommy says:

        Do you have to use a PCT after a cycle? If so what would you recommend? Thanks

  14. Sergio says:

    Your article has numerous helpful links to research on effects of Ligandrol use by humans. However all links lead to the exact same research experiment that tested graduating levels of consumption up to a max of only 1mg per day for 21 days.

    You mention the safe results in trials of up to 22mg per day for 14 days, yet you link to the exact same aforementioned study. Do you have links to the actual research that concludes the levels of usage and conclusions you list on your article? I’m hoping you simply erroneously linked to the wrong research trial, albeit time and time again.

    1. Frank MI Paullus says:

      I have the same question. In the linked study 1mg/day/21 days showed significant testosterone suppression that didn’t return to normal until day 56. Yet you are recommending 3-10mg/day for 8 weeks? Then you mention the 22mg/day/14 day study but link to the1mg/day study? Can you please provide a link to that study?

  15. Hey Ben,

    Lots of great information here. Have you heard any reports related to edema after taking SARMs? I know someone who developed a case of edema in his lower legs after about 8 weeks of LGD4033 (20mg), RAD140 (30mg) and Ostarine (30mg).

    The dosing seems higher than most recommendations. Both his AST and ALT levels were above normal, not super high, but outside the normal range.

    He stopped for about 6 weeks and the edema went away and AST/ALT went back to normal.




    1. I haven't heard of this happening or seen any reports.

      1. Brian Lambert says:

        Hello Ben. Was wondering if you has any other good sources to recommend? It looks like sarms warehouse has been shut down. Thanks

  16. Dave says:

    Hi Ben and everyone

    Do we need a post cycle therapy after Ligandrol Ben to restore our natural test levels? Cheers

    1. Tony says:

      You do need one. Suppression isn’t that extreme as you would get if you ran steroids but it does suppress. I’ve ran several cycles of LGD 4033 @ 15 mg a day without any side effects using something called R-PCT. It has DIM and Arimistane which is enough for a SARMs cycle.

  17. Lou says:


    Looking to start my first cycle on Ostarine. I’m 62, 6’5″ and about 185 lbs. I want to get the most out of this cycle and looking mainly to gain muscle with just a little fat loss around the middle. Any tips how to get the most out of it? Thanks.

    1. Tony says:

      I wouldn’t go with Ostarine if mass is your goal. LGD 4033 is what you want. Just cleaning your diet up and cardio is enough to remove fat from the midsection. Ostarine isn’t going to melt fat away.

      1. rowan kirby says:

        i second this tony knows what he’s talking about. iv ran both lgd and ostarine cycles with great results. I used ostarine with cardanine during my cut and lgd for my bulk. definitely use a pct

  18. Dom Pfau says:

    Just tore my ACL and meniscus for the second time,I am looking for the best SARM to help expedite my posy surgery recovery time and get back to 100 percent capacity. I have already looked into BCP-157 to aid in the healing of the ligament. What would you suggest for this instance?

    1. Hi Dom, I do personalized coaching for this sort of thing as I'd need to know way more about your general health before making such recommendations. Just go to You can also ask the Kion Community for advice.

    2. Nau says:

      BPC 157 and TB 500… the come in combo vials that meed to be reconstituted with sterile water and injected. Lots of EBP/research around expedited healing.

  19. Sean says:

    Is it normal to experience zero benefit from these SARMs, either taken together or separately? Tried them for a while and I seem to be a complete non-responder.

    1. I wouldn't say it's normal, but certainly possible. You can schedule a consult at if you'd like to take a personalized deep dive.

    2. Tony says:

      If you’re getting fake SARMs then yes. Unfortunately the market is flooded. I’ve always used Umbrella Labs with great results. I’ve packed on 10-12 pounds in 8 weeks each cycle. Your training and diet need to be in check or you won’t gain anything. Stay in a calorie surplus, get 1 gram of protein per body pound a day and train hard and you will grow.

      1. A says:

        What pct did you use afterwards?

  20. Sumo says:

    Can I cycle ligandrol once to come down to 10% bf and then maintain with strict diet/training or will I need to continuously cycle it to stay lean.

    1. You won't "gain fat back" once you come off it, as long as you maintain proper exercise/nutrition protocol. Most folks cycle till they reach their goals.

  21. JATT says:

    been 4 weeks now on LGD4033, OSTERINE, RAD140, MK677. ive gained 5lbs but half that feels like fat and water retention as i also started creatine around the same time. this stuff dosnt seem to be potent enough, i think anavar n test are still proven to be the best………….. this shit better start to kick into diff level real quick, starting to get annoyed

    1. Ted says:

      What the hell? You’ve been quad stacked for 4 weeks and haven’t seen a substantial shift in size/performance? What’s your diet and training look like? That’s really strange.

    2. Ben says:

      Hi Ben,
      I’m running a low dose stack of mk-677 with mk-2866 at the moment for 8 weeks cycle at 10mg each per day. Was thinking of running back to back a cycle of lgd-4033 with mk-2866 at 5mg for LGD-4033 and 10mg of ostarine for 8 weeks without a break.
      Since they are not suppresive ( except a lil bit for lgd-4033) and that is a small dosage and a short cycle, should I take a break in between or you think it should still be safe?!
      Also should I run a PCT after these?
      Thank you

    3. Morningriser says:

      Mk677 will make u bloat . take dandelion extract to counter this.

  22. sacha says:

    Hi Ben

    I notice you mention – “The National Institute of Health’s U.S. National Library of Medicine reported on study results that show humans can safely tolerate up to 22mg per day of LGD-4033 for 14 consecutive days”. I can only find references to studies up to 1mg per day. Do you have any links/further info regarding the higher dose?


    1. Ben says:

      Hi Ben, I wanna run a 2 sarms stack to build muscle and cutting at the same time. Just wondering what would he the best ? :

      LGD 4033 with Ostarine

      LGD 4033 with cardarine

      MK677 with ostarine

      MK677 with cardarine

      MK677 with LGD 4033

      Thank you

      1. This is a great question for the Kion community! Because I get so many questions like this and it's impossible for me to respond to everyone individually, I built this community of like-minded people who both have advice and are seeking advice!

      2. Joey Cantinieri says:

        Depending on what results you’re looking for.. In my case i wanted to gain size and strength muscle and bone wise so i used LGD-4033 and Ostarine (MK- 2866)

    2. Jules says:

      I second that!

  23. Dakota Beane says:

    Hi Ben, I’m a DPT student fresh out of college baseball and I’m itching for a new challenge! I listen to one of your podcasts every single day, but have only heard approximately half of them. I am about 12 weeks into my obstacle course training, and was curious as to whether you still take these, how much they will befit me, and whether there have been any new side effects discovered! Thanks!

  24. Rita says:

    Ben, I am wondering if there is a change in dosage or duration for women?

    I am planning on stacking LGD4033 with GW501516. Have you read anything about specific timing that affects results?

    It is hard to find information directed for women, so any extra information would be fantastic.

    1. I recommend posting this to the Kion Community. It’s a completely free online community of like-minded people who both have advice and are seeking advice.

      1. Mark says:

        Instead of pointing everyone to your Facebook page you should try answering a question or two…

      2. patric stratton says:

        Hey just wondering… even though SR9009 is NOT a sarm why was it not mentioned? I find it blows Cardarine out of the water for fat loss. I have tried both many times and SR9009 is virtually 45% more effective than Cardarine.

    2. Ryan Smith says:

      Much respect ☺ bulk up girl ♥

  25. Dave says:

    I have also read a conflicting study from 2008, where GW-501516 did have an effect on certain lung cancers. Do you have any input on this?

  26. Joel says:

    hey Ben, just found you! Thanks for all the info you are putting out. When running LGD 4033 and gw501516

    Cycle for 8 weeks is a pct required ?

    1. tushar bhatia says:

      Yes …it is must since both the compunds will supress your natural testarone to some extent. So it is better you do pct for a week

      1. Jason says:

        Gw is not a sarm and will not cause any suppression

      1. chris says:

        what is meant by pct per week when running LGD4033 and Gw501516

        1. chris says:

          never mind about pct for those 2, thanks Ben. Got all the information from your site and others.

    2. Chris says:

      what is meant by pct per week? thanks

  27. John S says:

    Hi Ben,

    Great read as always. My question what do you think of the following stack for fat loss?

    – Stanbolic @ 20mg

    – Cardarine @ 10mg

    – Ostraine @ 20mg

    Is that over kill?

    Thank you so much in advance

    1. This would work, but you need to CYCLE it (e.g. 8 weeks on/8 weeks off) for continued efficacy.

  28. Jamie says:

    Just researching these in the UK, sounds like a total minfield!

  29. Rebekah says:

    Hey Ben!

    My husband has been taking the LGD4033 and MK677 stack for maybe 3 weeks now but looks to be retaining water. He takes .5 ml of each in the morning before work, which is several hours before he works out. My questions are should he be taking both at the same time, be taking them that far in advance of his workout time, and what could be causing the water retention…possibly diet related? His goals are to gain muscle and lose fat, so would he get better results with a different SARMs stack? Thanks so much for the info!

    1. Jennifer says:

      The mk677 is likely causing the water retention. It’s important to note his dose in mg, rather than ml, as preparations vary. He may be able to play with his dose to address the bloat, while still maintaining any benefits. In addition I’d say a better stack would be ligandrol and cardarine. Better fat loss/synergy, no more water retention. Just my two cents 😊

  30. Dead composed content material, thank you for entropy.

  31. Firebird7478 says:

    Stacking Ligandrol and cardarine. Three weeks in. All I have noticed is an increase in reps, decrease in recovery time but absolutely NO results regarding fat loss.

    1. @RyanDickeyBoxing says:

      Just wait. 6 week mark your mind will be blown. Just wait. I’ve run this same cycle many times, the results will come.

      1. Firebird7478 says:

        I am also not feeling the “improved mood” and constant energy. No sense of well being at all. In fact, I have a condition called “keratoconus” which is an eye condition. It will trigger ocular migraines that are rare but when I get them they come in clusters. Since being on this stack, they have increased in frequency and I have experienced issues with my eyes that I have not felt before.

        1. Mgimpact says:

          I also have keratoconus and about to start my 3rd week lgd ostarine cardarine stack. No eye problems and my left eye is extremely severe keratoconus. Try using lubricant in your eye.

      2. Serge.o says:

        Hey what did you take for pct after running Ligandrol n Cardarine?

        1. mary says:

          what is pct?

          1. Post cycle therapy

      3. Jeremy says:

        @RyanDickeyBoxing thanks for sharing your experience! I’ve run LGD twice in the past as dosages up to 10mg/day. I’ve seen studies and read about users who have run up to 15-20 mg/day. What dose did you try?

    2. Jordan Sheridan says:

      I’m stacking them together and looking for similar results. Have you noticed any change yet?

      1. john says:

        Give this is a read:

    3. Kohl James says:

      that is because LGD is basically a mass gainer. it is for bulking not for cutting. A SARM that is great for cutting is Osterine.

  32. Diesel says:

    Great info..however the small bit about steroids killing you is complete horseshit propaganda. I suppose its possible to happen but you would literally need to TRY to fuck up so badly that it kills u. U can inject a whole bottle of juice at once right in ur jugular if u want….ull be fine.

  33. bk says:

    Hey Ben,

    I see that you’ve got a few different articles on SARMS and that they differ slightly.

    Hoping to get your current take on the best for muscle growth? LGD 4033? On it’s own? Stacked with another?


    1. Nils says:

      Hi Ben,

      Thanks for great information about SARMS but Like Bk I also would like to get your current take on the best SARMS.

        1. brent kochan says:

          Thanks Ben. One last question please: Do you think one should do PCT after say a 4 week cycle of RAD140 and MK677? If so, what do you think would be best?

          1. It's a good idea to include as much PCT as possible. Give this a read…

        2. Will says:


          Was thinking about taking rad 140. Going to do a month cycle. I was wondering how long it would stay in my system? As in show up on a drug test? And the best way to flush my system of it?


          1. I recommend posting this to the Kion Community. It’s a completely free online community of like-minded people who both have advice and are seeking advice.

      1. Will says:

        Was thinking about taking rad 140. Going to do a month cycle. I was wondering how long it would stay in my system? As in show up on a drug test? And the best way to flush my system of it?

  34. bella says:

    Hi Sir,

    Do you sell SARMS ? Are you a manufacturer or distributor?




      1. Cam says:


        Thanks for such a great article. For building mass would it be ok to cycle lgd-4033 @ 10mg and mk-677 @ 15mg? Or lgd-4033 @ 10mg and mk-2866?

        1. You could do either, but I'd stick to lower doses of 10mg.

  35. Courtney says:

    Hi Ben,

    I’m curious to know if you experience water retention and/or bloating with Cardarine. I know Ligandrol is known to not have that, but I figured I’d ask about that with Cardarine. Thanks!

    1. I have never experienced that.

  36. Chris says:

    Hi Ben. My brother in law turned me on to
    SARMS after having a postive experience with ostarine. I am a semi active person. I work out pretty regularly, but do so more for functionality than gains. I definitely could lose 25lbs or so. Would you recommend SARMS for fat loss? Assuming I lock up the diet and have a good exercise regiment of course… Would an Lgd, cardarine stack be best for this? Thanks

  37. Todd says:


    great article and beneficial information for anyone deciding on SARMS, I have recently taken MK-677 and did quite a bit of research beforehand and ending up going with Proven Peptides. My experience was not 100% positive, I received decent results, but felt lethargic more than not and that resulted in discontinuing taking it because of the stress of my job outweighing the benefits of the MK. My question for you is, in your experience, how will LGD differ or even adding Cardarine, from the MK-677. Again, I am starting to do research and you seem to be a reputable name in the industry and I will continue to follow you through social. I appreciate your time.


    1. You may see a slight uptick in energy if you add LGD or Cardarine.

    2. Jim says:

      I am running mk677 now we’re you taking it with carbs ?

  38. Randy flyer says:

    I am currently taking TRT. Would SARM’s be ok with this?

    1. I always recommend people speak their doctor before combining medications/supplements.

  39. Martha says:

    Hi Ben – Thank you for great information and resources; it brings peace of mind to trust the source for new products and applications. I have had good success with the BP157 for a hamstring injury!

    I placed an order at Sarms Warehouse July 31st, received an order conf. number, but have heard nothing since. I have replied email asking for order status and have attempted to contact them via their webpage. They have not withdrawn payment yet.

    Is there a typical waiting period for processing and shipment? Any thoughts on how to proceed from here? I did use eCheck, their preferred payment method. 2 weeks is not a huge deal I suppose, although it does feel that way :) Excited to try this out!

    Thank you, again!

    1. Chris says:

      I just made an order with them as well. A little weary of my experience, wish I had seen your review first. Haven’t received any email confirmation 24hrs later. Though the website did give a confirmation/ order number. I’ve emailed them as well and am waiting for a reply. Can’t really find any information for them other than from the link in this article.

      1. Chris says:

        Meant to post this under kk’s post

  40. KK says:

    Sarms warehouse feedback:

    I went ahead and ordered 2 bottles of each Lingandrol and Cardarine. Both shipped in reasonable time however no lab test results were provided, yet it sounds like they used to do this (perhaps they no longer test, maybe new product/owners, but this was a red flag for me). The droppers are not marked so you have no idea how much you are actually dosing. I emailed them asking how I would know the dosing, especially for Lingandrol since we’re talking small incriments- 5,8,10mgs. No reply to my question. I also asked if sublingual is OK since I can tolerate the taste, again no reply. I still do sub lingual and have no burning sensation as I’ve read online. I hope this is not a sign of a poor product or low purity.

    I then ordered 1ml droppers from Amazon, super cheap and worth it imo. I was surprised how easy it is to over or under fill the dropper, so for those of you not using a marked dropper it will be impossible to dose correctly from what I’ve seen.

    I’m using 10mg/day Lingandrol and 20mg/day Cardarine. I’m 2 weeks in and haven’t noticed much difference, I’m an avid crossfitter so I assume both the supposed strength + metabolic benefits should become evident soon. I will report back after the full 8 weeks. My immediate assumption is that I’m squirting something in my mouth of which has low, if any actual SARMs. This of course is a major concern since I don’t know what they are giving me and am taking a risk putting this stuff in my body for the expected benefit. If anyone has recently ordered and has had a better experience I would love to hear it to put my fears at rest.

    I’ll say I’m disappointed thus far with Sarms Warehouse based on my experience to date. I definitely question the quality of their product and service. Sarms1 does dosed capsules now but for the prices they charge one could easily see an HRT doc and get an Anavar cycle (or 2) for less coin.

    Follow up post in 4-6 weeks

    1. Jay says:

      So the dosing math per bottle isn’t working out in my head. How many bottles of 3mg/day are needed for an 8wk cycle?

      I have to missing something. That would be 15 bottles.

      1. KK says:

        For me personally it’s 1ml/day of Lingandrol and 2ml/day Cardarine. Each bottle is 30ml so I bottle per month of Lingandrol and 2 bottles per month of Cardarine

      2. Eric says:

        Dont forget that its 10mg (milligrams) per day while the bottle is in ml (milliliters). So 10mg=1ml. So a 30ml bottle you will need 1 drop a day?

        1. Brian says:

          Hey Eric…did you ever get clarification on this? I just recieved my first bottle and it is labeled as 10mg x 30 ML and I’m trying to figure out the dosing as well. If what you assume is true, I would really need to take .5 – .8 ml if I am looking at body recompensation and following what Ben mentions in the article.

    2. Erik says:

      Hi KK – Would love to hear your update to this :)

    3. Herb Scott says:

      I did same as you from Sarms Warehouse on a 12 week cycle. I am 56, my bench went from 165 max to 255. I made gains and personal best lifts in every category. Muscled up but not so much fat loss. I didn’t follow a good diet and ate a lot. I think the LGD drives appetite. Seemed as though I healed up in areas of my body that were hurting or sore.
      Getting ready to start another 12 week cycle of LGD, MK-677 and GW

  41. Zack says:

    Hey Ben! I’m 30 yrs old, 160 lbs and overall healthy. Currently on a 5:1:1 fasting protocol and on the 5 days eat a varied lo carb, high protein diet with tons of organic veggies. Lots of supplements (Vit C, D3, and a plethora of four sigmatic powders etc.). Wanted to try LGD as a way to help maximize muscle and to aid in longevity benefits. With that said, going with a 4 week cycle on and 4 week off, combined with heavy lifting, would I need to take anything after cycling off or would diet/exercise be enough to mitigate any horomone shifts? And if so, would a natural approach (higher carbs, heavy resistance training and read light therapy) help to cycle off without the need of additional supplemental aid? Thanks and would love any links to any recent finds or research you’ve done on SARMS

    1. I am not a doctor and this is not to be taken, interpreted or construed as medical advice. Please talk with a licensed medical professional about this. This is what I've used and recommend: T-Booster + Estrogen Control. Natural approach would definitely help, but I still recommend this as PCT. These are just my own personal thoughts and not a prescription or a diagnosis or any form of health care whatsoever.

      1. Eric says:

        Ben Greenfield… this is my question. You state you recommend a PCT but is that a website or should I search for that as a link? I was going to ask you do you recommend a PCT?

        1. It is a link, not sure why it's not working. You can copy/paste it into your browser.

      2. Chaba says:

        Hi Ben
        Could quality pine pollen extract be a good natural pct for RAD140 and MK677?

  42. Zack says:

    Hey Ben! I’m 30 yrs old, 160 lbs and overall healthy. Currently on a 5:1:1 fasting protocol and on the 5 days eat a varied lo carb, high protein diet with tons of organic veggies. Lots of supplements (Vit C, D3, and a plethora of four sigmatic powders etc.). Wanted to try LGD as a way to help maximize muscle and to aid in longevity benefits. With that said, going with a 4 week cycle on and 4 week off, combined with heavy lifting, would I need to take anything after cycling off or would diet/exercise be enough to mitigate any horomone shifts? And if so, would a natural approach (higher carbs, heavy resistance training and read light therapy) help to cycle off without the need of additional supplemental aid? Thanks and would love any links to any recent finds or research you’ve done on SARMS

  43. Carlos N. Williams says:

    Ben, have you found that using SARMS may lead to tendonitis or a greater chance of tendon tearing or fraying?

    1. I haven't experienced this, no.

  44. Brian Lambert says:

    Do you have a recommendation on what to do when you cycle off of LGD4033?

    1. EC + T-Booster Combo

      1. Brian Lambert says:

        Awesome thanks Ben. Is that a good idea for ladies also? Our plan is to do straight cycles of 4 weeks on 4 weeks off with lgd 4033.

        1. Brian Lambert says:

          Sorry. 3 straight cycles

          1. Brian Lambert says:

            Sorry is that a yup to both questions?

  45. Nick says:

    Hi Ben,

    I ordered 90 ml of Cardarine along with 60 ml of LGD. My question for you is GW actually cancerous, or is it only cancerous in very high doses. As well is it safe to take GW for 90 days straight? Or is that something I have to cycle with the LGD for 5-8 weeks.


    1. I am not a doctor and this is not to be taken, interpreted or construed as medical advice. Please talk with a licensed medical professional about this. The studies cited suggest the “rats” were given 900mg a day. Which would be the comparable of you taking 3 full bottles a day – not to mention the difference in MG:Body weight. I believe anything and everything can be abused and generally speaking moderation is always acceptable. These are just my own personal thoughts and not a prescription or a diagnosis or any form of health care whatsoever.

  46. John says:

    Would yo know if SARMs have any effect on hair loss/growth (especially if taken with Finasteride)? Can’t find a real answer anywhere. Thanks so much.

    1. Well, if you are looking at hair loss from a DHT perspective – FInasteride would inhibit that. The SARMS aren’t DHT derivatives from my research so I would air on the side of caution but say NO.

  47. Andre says:

    Hi Ben,

    1. Is PCT therapy required for use of the following (assuming dosage is appropriate / following typical recommendations):

    – MK – 677 (Ibutamoren)

    – MK – 2866 (Ostarine)

    2. If PCT is indeed required, is Mahler’s “TESTOSTERONE BOOSTER & ESTROGEN CONTROL COMBO” a substitute for the likes of Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) and Clomiphene (Clomid) that you discussed in “safe-alternatives-to-steroids” ?

    I, and I’m sure most others are very appreciative for your prompt responsiveness; I don’t think this question has been asked yet, so I hope you could apply your expert opinion to this.



    1. I am not a doctor and this is not to be taken, interpreted or construed as medical advice. Please talk with a licensed medical professional about this. Everyone will argue how suppressive they are, or aren’t but I’d personally recommend a mild PCT therapy program without introducing an artificial stimulus into your body using clomid, HCG, etc. I would try the natural route with Mahler's: These are just my own personal thoughts and not a prescription or a diagnosis or any form of health care whatsoever.

      1. Andre says:

        Thank you so much for the response.

        Of course.

        – Could a “natural route” entail HCGenerate ES ?

        – Would I be correct in thinking PCT relates to the Ostarine use as opposed to the MK677 use ?

        Also, and again I thank you, I have a couple of questions about Cardarine I can’t seem to find answers on:

        – Does Cardarine offer permanent improvements post – cycle ?

        – Does Cardarine, in anyone’s view require PCT ?



        1. Most people proclaim GW is not suppressive although I would still need to see real analytical data to separate that from being “bro-science.” To say anything is “permanent” is a far stretch because your continued lifestyle with dictate everything going foward.

  48. John says:

    Seems to be some advice here recommending PCT after Cardarine only. That really should NOT be necessary, at all. Cardarine is used for PCT itself by many steroid users. Very unusual for a PCT drug to require its own PCT! By all means, PCT would probably be advisable with any of the other SARMS listed here (not essential for everyone however), but not when taking Cardarine only.

  49. KK says:

    Hey Ben, Great read and I’m very excited to try these out! Two quick questions:

    1. I’m on HCG currently, 200iu 5on/2off (doc prescribed). From what I’m reading this stack should fit nicely since LGD does suppress T but the HCG should take care of most of that, and I may not even need PCT…thoughts?

    2. Would you recommend stacking, or forsee any issues using this SARM protocol with your Ipamorelin/Mod-GRF/IGF1-LR3 protocol?



    1. I am not a doctor and this is not to be taken, interpreted or construed as medical advice. Please talk with a licensed medical professional about this. If you are on HCG 5 days a week you are already offsetting your LH/FSH production so in theory you are already on a never-ending cycle. These are just my own personal thoughts and not a prescription or a diagnosis or any form of health care whatsoever.

    2. I am not a doctor and this is not to be taken, interpreted or construed as medical advice. Please talk with a licensed medical professional about this. Technically, if you’re on an HCG protocol you are constantly suppressing your FSH/LH negative feedback loop (HPTA) while introducing the forced stimuli every time you take that HCG. So that alone is suppressing you and the aforementioned doesn’t really make sense. While I don’t foresee any issues with it, I also think you need to be zeroed in on your goals being as more is not always better. These are just my own personal thoughts and not a prescription or a diagnosis or any form of health care whatsoever.

  50. Shawn says:

    Do you suggest a PCT when taking LGD 4033?

      1. Jacob says:

        Hey Ben this might be a dumb question but for the pct that you recommended from the above site which one did you use. It leads to a few different options.

        1. Both, stack them.

  51. Fighting Farmer says:

    Hi Ben. I have tried multiple ways to order sarmswarehouse, but each says unable to process order. Is the website working?

    1. Hi there, I'll reach out and see if I can get some more info.

      1. John says:

        Same problem for me – any update here?

  52. ramon says:

    Long time pod cast listener. FYI, I have tried various SARMS over a few years. recently Rad 140 (2017) and this year GW and LGD4033. I did just have full blood work done the other day and all markers were good except my total cholesterol was 300 and good cholesterol was 40 (so bad cholesterol was 260). FWIW I rode my bike about 600 miles in March, so good shape, but I ate a lot of crap and drank a lot of beer and I am 49 years old (I know hypocrisy), so could be dietary as well. I did not compete in any Wada sanctioned sports, though I was training for a casual not sanctioned gravel bike race. Now many folks that subscribe to primal living or in and out of keto type diets don’t like to listen to these numbers, but my numbers were closer to the “medically approved ranges” before I took the Sarms. A quick google search will find a couple of folks with similar results using Ligandrol and responses from individuals (experienced with anabolics and other black supplements) that did not have wacky cholesterol numbers. In any case you may want to get some testing done if you use them to see how they react in your body. My doctor wanted to put me on statins. Once I told him about the SARMs ( he had never heard of them), he agreed to let me not take the statins. but he was still concerned. Take with care. cheers.

  53. Army Recon says:

    I had a great first week on lgd today is my day off some times when i stand i get a little dizzy or when i play with my daughter i breath heavely i expect it cuz frankly im fat and also i get hot really easy with some stomack pains i think thats because of my energy pre workout powder stacked. On a good note. I lost 15lb and gaint 7 lb off muscle and i have one cheat meal a day not the whole meal mabe like chips on the side or somthing a small hand full to keep me going. Is the negative effects somthing i should be conserned about?

    1. Stefanie Hilton says:

      Hey Ben. I’m a 41 year old 110 pound athletic female. I just got my GW501516. I just take a few drops at a time, because all the warnings that came with it scare me a little. Any advice you can give on how much I should take every day? I’m looking to get stronger and more muscular. Thanks, Ben!

      1. Dosage recs are in the article. I am not a doctor and this is not to be taken, interpreted or construed as medical advice. You can take a 10 mg dosage once per day, or if taking 20 mg per day then split your dose into two, taking one dose every 10-12 hours. These are just my own personal thoughts and not a prescription or a diagnosis or any form of health care whatsoever.

    2. Robert, I'm not a doctor and you seem to think it could be from other things so I can't say for sure. I would maybe go without the pre-workout for a few days and see if you're still experiencing these side effects, then maybe go back on it and stop the LGD to figure out which it is. Was the breathing heavily present prior to taking these supplements? I would talk to your doctor about this if it persists.

  54. Denny G says:

    I have to leave a comment on LGD stand alone cycle.

    Woah! I have never looked, performed or felt better. Up 10Ibs of lean muscle with 3 weeks remaining in cycle of 12. The PCT will follow as laid out by Ben.

    I have met or exceeded every possible marker I had hoped to achieve.

    The real measure of all this will be the final net gains come May/June 2018 when things will have washed and my body reacclimates to my new set point. Finger crossed!!

    1. Mike says:

      I’m gonna start lgd and cardarine.. likely 5mg and 10 mg a day since its my first ever (unless you think a better option) for 6 weeks… is a pct necessary? What about a basic over the counter pct? Guess pct is My biggest concern now… Thanks

    2. SS says:

      I’m 4 weeks in on a stack of LGD and Cardarine. I have found a substantial increase in strength during that time. At 47 years old I had hoped to get my strength up and lose some body fat. My weight stayed the same with a small decrease in my waist size. I didn’t get the body fat reduction I was hoping for, but I haven’t been very strict with my diet either. Not awful, but not not strict. This stuff definitly works for strength and size gains with no bloating.

      I follow a 4 day weight training routine and each day I would perform about 20 minutes of cardio at the end of my workout.
      I focused on keeping my heart rate in my fat burning zone (zone was calculated using lactate measurements, not estimated) and 1 day per week I would do 60 minutes of cardio work fluctuating my heart rate in aerobic and anaerobic zones. Observed a noticeable increase in my working wattage about 3 days in using the cardarine. I’m going to cycle of the LGD and observe the difference in body comp and performance.

      1. Assad S says:

        What did you use for PCT. There are so many different options being touted as the best – quite confusing. Not keen to start any cycles without knowing what my on cycle and post cycle support will be.

    3. Mike h says:

      What pct did you use? 12 weeks on and how long you taking off?

    4. Slava says:

      Hey man! Please send an update. By the way what pct you used?

  55. Shawn says:

    Ben, I’m just curious if you still make use of SARMS now? I apologize if you answered this within the comments, I was searching through your responses and feedback and couldn’t find anything?

    I would like to purchase the two products mentioned but I’m always skeptical if something sounds a little too “true”.

    Thank you,


  56. Tone says:

    Hi Ben,

    Thank you for everything you do and share with us!

    I can access the source site and thought I completed an order but the order does not come up on their site under my account. Is it still fully functional?

    Much appreciated and thank you!

  57. Levi Mowrer says:

    Hey ben, us army airborne soldier here, I used to be in fantastic shape, however I let myself go and got rather fat. trying to cut weight and recomp my body , ( going for abs, vascular, overall good shape, and big as well.) Im doing a cycle of cardarine 20mg, ostarine 15mg, and rad 140 15 mg. alongside the atkins keto diet. I know it isnt reputable but It worked in the past so Im pushing through it. I was wondering if That scale of a body recomp could be achieved in a two month period? also, Im looking for exercises that would be important to this kind of cut/recomp.

    1. You’re going to need a lot more than just the sarms. I’d recommend this:…

      1. Chris says:

        Is the secure check payment option at arms warehouse actually secure???

        1. I would assume so. If you're concerned, there are plenty of other payment options.

  58. Taylor says:

    Hey Ben,

    I was curious if you had any info on why when I try to order it just says error. I have tried multiple times on different days on sarmswarehouse. Any insights would help.

    1. What are you trying to order? The site seems to be working fine on my end, but if you give me specifics I can reach out to them and see what's going on.

  59. Sean says:

    hi Ben!

    I recently decided to try the combination of sarms you described above! So far so good but my question is will it negatively impact me on a standard pre employment drug test? Thanks!

    1. No, none of these will appear on anything short of an extremely specialized and directed blood test.

  60. Matt says:

    Best time to take LGD4033 when stacking with GW501516. Taking both at fat loss dosage.


    1. Once to twice daily is more than sufficient and timing beyond that does not matter. I’d recommend taking it alongside food.

  61. Geoff says:

    Hey Ben,

    Thanks for answering 1000 questions! With that said, I have another one for you….

    I know you’re a fan of SARMS and they are a “great alternative to steroids”. Do you have any concerns on their effect on lowering HDL? The studies on SARMS show that they lower HDL and increase LDL at the lowest therapeutic dosages. Do you have any concerns with SARMS lowering HDL on cycles of 4 weeks as recommended, or RAD 140 with the recommended cycle of 12 weeks?

    Thanks for your response in advance.

    1. My HDL Is through the roof… Usually over 120… And the use of selective androgen receptor modulators has not put a dent into that at all. Just make sure you keep up your good fish oil and your dark leafy greens.

      1. Geoff Welch says:

        Hey Ben,

        I eat a strict paleo diet and my HDL levels were on the lower end of normal on LGD, S4 and Ostarine. My inflammation markers were up. This all indicates that my low HDL was causing a great deal of inflammation. I also felt unwell, which could be placebo but I’m on LDN for celiac. HDL has a part to play in immunity. I hypothesis that the lower HDL also affected my immune system in innate immune functions.

        The study on LGD shows significant suppression of triglycerides and HDL at 1.0 mg a day. I’ve read many reviews and lab responses to LGD and many have shown lower HDL and higher LDL.

        What are your thoughts on this?

        1. I agree with what you have read. But I personally have never noticed any deleterious effects on my own HDL. Listen to your body. If it's not for you then it's not for you.

    2. Mike says:

      I had the same concerns about HDL and LDL so I am not currently a user. I am interested in these drugs for investment purposes. If you want to be more scientific about it I’d recommend refering to the pre-clinical trial results done on behalf of a pharmaceutical company and their effects on cholesterol. I would think that in order for that to be of any value regarding cholesterol it would make sense for the dosage to be no more than 1 ML per day. Also it seems like the best way to know the affects of these additions to your body would be regular blood tests to measure cholesterol or kidney enzymes etc. For anyone using this stuff please go to a physician regularly.

      Just my thoughts

  62. Blake says:


    When I order LGD and GW, what on cycle support do you recommend? And what PCT should I take? I have heard to take clomid or Nolvadex at 25mg per day for each.

    1. Mahler's Testosterone Booster and Estrogen Control for PCT, and for oncycle support you can actually use the same thing, although I'm not convinced any oncycle is necessary… Pick some up here: Mike Mahler’s T-Booster + EC Combo

      1. Slava says:

        Hi Ben!

        Your link for Mahler’s Testosterone Booster and Estrogen Control for PCT shows no matches and gives HCL instead.

        1. Hey, thanks for the heads up, it's been updated.

    2. Mike McDonald says:

      You dont need a on cycle for sarms i been taking s4 and lgd 12weeks strength gain are great with the s4 u notice right away on ostarine now sarms are dif they recomend a post to be safe but im not really sure thats even needed

  63. Ike says:

    Hey Ben,

    So… If I do an 8 week stack cycle of Cardarine and LGD-4033, and do the PCT as you recommend, can I take time off without the cycle damaging my natural test production? Or will I need to keep taking a test booster?

    1. Far less risk of that if you do the PCT as I recommend in the article. I've found Mahler's Estrogen Control and Testosterone Booster combo to work very well for PCT… Mike Mahler’s T-Booster + EC Combo

      1. Denny G says:

        To be sure, on a LGD4033 12 weeks solo cycle, at 12weeks + 1 day begin the Est Control and Test Booster recommended above?!

  64. Savannah says:

    Hey Everyone! I have just purchased cardarine. I need advice on the proper diet for my body while taking this. I am 21, female, 5 foot, and around 145-150 pounds. My goal is to get down to 125lbs. I clearly would like to lose weight. last year i was very active in crossfit. I haven’t been to a crossfit class is about 8 months. If anyone can give me advice on what i should eat and should not eat as well as the best training for me while taking this i would really appreciate it. Thanks!

    1. This podcast has lots of great tips to help women lost body fat…

      Also a great question for the Kion community! Because I get so many questions like this and it's impossible for me to respond to everyone individually, I built this community of like-minded people who both have advice and are seeking advice!

      The Inner Circle is also a great place to get advice… It's a collective of people who are pursuing the same goals you are – trying to live a healthy, happy, adventurous, fulfilling and limitless life in a modern world. In the Inner Circle, we all help each other with questions, ideas, motivation, suggestions and much more!
      Here is where you access that community:

      If you prefer a more direct, customized approach, I'd be happy to help you via a personal one-on-one consult. Just go to and then choose a 20 or 60-minute consult, whichever you'd prefer. I can schedule ASAP after you get that.

      Additionally, if I'm "out of your price range" (yes, yes, I know I can be a spendy guy to access) I have a team of coaches I've personally trained who can help you here:…

      I hope that helps, and I look forward to getting you everything you need!

    2. Also, Savannah…. I'm recording a podcast on Wednesday where I'm specifically answering questions related to fat loss. This would be a great one to call in!

  65. Cheri says:

    Do you need a PCT for GW 501516? If so what PCT would you recommend for both men and women?

    1. I've found Mahler's Estrogen Control and Testosterone Booster combo to work very well for PCT (for both men and women). They're very devoted to high, high quality supplements. Mike Mahler’s T-Booster + EC Combo

  66. James says:

    Do you know of any good websites to buy Cardarine and Ligandrol? I know that alot of the website that sell them don’t have quality product. Basically what I’m saying is I want a high quality, pure product.

    1. Links are in the article above!

  67. Johnny says:

    can cardarine be taken by itself and still have a good effect?

  68. ryan says:

    i know it’s technically not a SARM; but YK11. does it hurt your liver or not? i’ve read conflicting things online and would like to know what you think

    1. All SARMS go through some liver processing and this one is relatively heavier in terms of liver processing. I’d be careful and certainly use a good milk thistle extract or something like this:

      1. ryan says:

        good to know. thanks!

  69. dan says:

    Can you get results from just taking the caradine by itself for 8 weeks or does it need to be stacked with something else. I am primarily interested in the endurance and fat loss capabilities.

    1. Stack with and

      1. Dan says:


        Thanks, Can you recommend proper dosing if taken along with Cardarine?

  70. dan says:

    Will taking Cardarine by itself for 8 weeks be effective or does it need to be stacked with something else. I am primarily looking for increased endurance of fat loss. How is the product best taken?

  71. Dan says:

    Hi Ben, do you know of any reputable source I can get these products from Europe? The shipping costs are around 39 dollars flat rate which is nearly the price of a bottle.

    Thanks a lto

    1. At this point, I'm not sure of a reputable source in Europe but other commenters here may be.

      1. Just been using these guys, no I don’t work for them. 100 % reliable with money bàck gaurantee. Products work as they should.

  72. Bradley says:

    I was interested in doing a sarm cycle, I wanted to cut, what stack of sarms can i take and what pct and liver cleanse can i take?

      1. ryan says:

        the supplement called Alpha Viril seems to do 2 of those things. would that work? (i already bought a bottle; is all. don’t want to waste it if i dont’ have to)

        1. I really cannot vouch for that supplement as I have not used it and do not know their ingredients source. The one-two stack of: “aggressive strength“ and “estrogen control“ is really the only stack that I will vouch for for cycling with a sarms:

          1. ryan says:

            ok great! i’ll look into those then. question though: is there any kind of supplement or food that i should NOT use/eat while cycling it? i dose myself daily with iodine and take a multivitamine, for example. i’m also a big fan of apple cider vinigar and/or kombucha (rarely both on the same day; however)

  73. Sarah says:

    Hey Ben! Would there be any hormonal upset from using Cardarine and LGD in a 30 y/o woman with PCOS seeking to lose fat and gain muscle? I tend to have higher testosterone and male fat pattern distribution, and a lot of difficulty losing fat. I read though that LGD can actually lower testosterone, so would this SARM be especially beneficial to someone with PCOS? Any special considerations? Thank you!

    1. I am not a doctor and this is not to be taken, interpreted or construed as medical advice. Please talk with a licensed medical professional about this. These are just my own personal thoughts and not a prescription or a diagnosis or any form of health care whatsoever. SARMs can definitely affect hormones and there are plenty of other things I'd be doing if I had PCOS before I turn to SARMs – particularly insulin and blood glucose management.

      If you prefer a more direct, customized approach, I'd be happy to help you via a personal one-on-one consult. Just go to and then choose a 20 or 60-minute consult, whichever you'd prefer. I can schedule ASAP after you get that. Additionally, if I'm "out of your price range" (yes, yes, I know I can be a spendy guy to access) I have a team of coaches I've personally trained who can help you here:…

  74. Dr. Julie says:

    I’m an active 53 year-old perimenopausal woman who wants to gain muscle and lose fat. So I followed your advice and have been taking both LGD-4033 4 mg/day and GW 501516 10 mg per day (from and have continued lifting heavy weights, doing bootcamp, HIIT, pilates, etc..While I had my period twice in one month, the initial symptoms of breast tenderness and water retention have gone away. It’s only been 4 weeks and I have gained 3 pounds on the scale so I went and got a DEXA scan to see what that weight is made of. Turns out, I have gained 8 lbs of muscle and lost 5 lbs of fat. I have gained almost one pound of muscle IN EACH ARM. I went from 27.8% body fat to 24.1%. Needless to say, I’m going to continue on the SARM stack for another 4 weeks but my question is what supplements can I take after I cycle off to preserve my muscle gains? The ones you recommended in a recent podcast appear to be for men only.

    1. Vee says:

      From everything I’ve read, females don’t need to do this, only men, because of the testosterone suppression.

    2. Caroline says:

      Hi there,

      I’m interested in trying LGD-4033 and GW 501516 stack, but want to buy powder over the solution. What will dosage for a woman be for those with powder?


  75. eugene says:

    do i need pct if i use lg and carnidine for 8 weeks? thanks ben

    1. You do….. stay tuned for a new post on this topic.

  76. Wad says:

    Very nice article I must say.

    Could I add, s4, sr9009 and 677 to a stack of Lgd and GW for cutting? I take .25cc HTr a week and seen good results from source when I ran gw, sr, 677 and s4. Starting Monday I will be hitting a keto style diet and continuing my 5 day workout. I do 45-60 minutes depending on ab days at 5am focused on muscle a day except Friday I superset bis and tris . I would like to lean down a bit more before trying a mass style sarm cycle. I also add two 30 minute jogs a week now. I have ran gear before and found sarms easier and results are not as noticeable on sarms but being 35 and not trying to be a body builder the gains on sarms over time are more favorable. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Plus, are you on board with running 677 upto a year without cycling off?

    1. I think that is a bit overkill and would tend to lean towards 2-3 compounds per cycle.

  77. Luc says:

    Hi Ben,

    Thanks for a great article! Curious to know how you vetted your source?

    Thanks in advance!

    1. Laboratory certificate of analysis coming with the bottles is what convinced me…

  78. andy says:

    Ok ….does it CAUSE CANCER?!? ;(

    if this is asked before I did not see it. But this is my biggest fear. Mice with cancer in many organs!

    1. It does not appear that the doses in this article are carcinogenic. MASSIVE doses given to mice in carcinogen studies…

      1. Azov says:

        Rodents eliminate drugs from their bodies much faster than we do, so they have to receive higher doses to see the same effects.

        In the case cited above, the mice were given 10 mg per kilogram of cardarine per day, which, when adjusted for a human metabolism, comes out to about 75 mg per day for a 200-pound man.

    2. Nozz says:

      Yes it does. And the stupid dose arguments are….well stupid.

      Go inhale just a LITTLE asbestos Just smoke one cigarette a day – afterall, the rabbits they used were made to smoke way more than humans.

      When a new drug is developed, they test it on animals first. Why? Because it’s completely unethical to give random chems to humans – they might get horrific sides or die. They give a large dose so that any effects occur quickly – in the timescales that a test can realistically have. If they don’t pass this, most basic, safety test, they are canned. It didn’t. So you’re taking a drug that was canned because it caused cancers. Does that seem like a good idea to you…really?

  79. john says:

    Ben, thanks for the information. Do you need to take any test booster post cycle?

  80. Carlos says:

    Are you sponsored by sarms warehouse?

    1. No. I can't. I am still competing in WADA and USADA sanctioned sports.

  81. annemarie says:

    Hi Ben – Thoughts on ostarine for women? I’ve read from a few different sources (although not necessarily reliable ones) that it can cause ovary damage and infertility in women, as it is a derivative of Bicalutamid. It does seem like the studies I am able to find on humans were done on postmenopausal women. I am assuming it would depend on the dosing, but just wondering if you had any insight on that! TIA!

    1. I have seen a lot of users reporting bloating and water retention with Ostarine which makes me think it may not be the best choice for a woman.

  82. Mick says:

    This may seem too easy a question for the math wizards, but I need help knowing how to measure 10mg. How many 10 mg doses are in one of the 30ML bottles?

    1. Theron James says:

      1ml = 10mg, so a full dropper is 10mg dose. Make sure the agitate the bottle first.

  83. Brad says:

    Great article Ben. I took a look at the different sites and sarms warehouse definitely has the cheapest prices but does that mean they lack quality? I read some reviews about sarmsx and sarms1 which seem to be the most recommended sites for sarms. What are your thoughts?

    1. I can only speak to SARMS Warehouse as that is the only one I vetted.

      1. brad says:

        Thanks Ben! You articles are very informative. I think i am going to give these 2 sarms a try. I have been strict with my diet for the last year and especially in the last few months. I have hit a fat loss plateau and i am going to give this a shot to see if it breaks through the plateau. Safer alternative it seems than the GP clan someone gave me that i have yet to use.

        Have a great weekend.


  84. Kelly says:

    Hey Ben, just a quick question regarding Ostarine or MK-2866. I have read alot about it’s rejuvenating affects on tendons and joints not too mention lean mass gains so i am currently open to trying this. I know you mentioned Sarmswarehouse as a legit place to get sarms but i don’t see Ostarine on their website. Do you know another legit place to get Ostarine as from what i have heard it’s all about where you get these and I have heard about the side affects from bad or “non legit” batches and i wouldn’t mind avoiding those as i have enough problems as it is lol. Thanks again Ben and keep Rockin’

  85. Kelly says:

    Hey Ben, I know you recommend Sarmswarehouse but i don’t see Ostarine for MK2866 on this site. I am interested in Ostarine because of all my injuries and it’s healing abilities not too mention a little lean mass gain. Where do you recommend getting this as i heard it’s all about where you get this….Really trying to avoid any side effects….Have enough problems as it is:-) Thanks as always!!!

  86. Nate says:

    Hi Sam, thanks for the info. I live in Sydney Australia. Do you know if it’s legal to buy SARMS from SARMSWAREHOUSE and send them to Australia? Thanks Nate.

  87. Carson says:

    Hi Ben,

    I don’t see the mention of the cardarine liver fibrosis study

    I also see that the human study only dosed at 2.5 mg

    10-20mg is far more obviously.

  88. Jason Jones says:

    Hey Ben,

    I love this article. Looking to help my wife cut fat off. She has tried so many things and is super frustrated. Would you suggest both LGD-4033: 10mg and GW 501516: 10mg at the same time ???? Or one over the other? Thanks and always appreciate your feedback

    1. 10mg same time is a good cycle, yes. Stay tuned to podcast #371 next week as I take a deeper dive but for now she can start into that. I am not a doctor and this is not to be taken, interpreted or construed as medical advice. Please talk with a licensed medical professional about this. These are just my own personal thoughts and not a prescription or a diagnosis or any form of health care whatsoever.

  89. Brett says:

    Ive been doing some research on reputable sources to buy this stuff from online. In most of the meat head forums, everyone seems to be recommending sarms1, but GW is $150 on that website compared to $55 or whatever on sarms warehouse.

    Long question short, is the product from sarms warehouse what they say it is and how can we be sure? I assume you have done your research on product purity.

    Thanks Ben!

    1. I vetted the source that I recommend in the article and can vouch for their quality and efficacy, although I don't personally use SARMS as they are banned by WADA and USADA.

    2. Here you can see how low concentrations of calcium can decrease twitch tension:

  90. Emma says:

    Greetings from Sweden!

    Big fan of your podcast. I love this article and I have now purcased some LGD and GW.

    I have been weightlifting for 4 years and whant to take it to the next lvl.

    What dosage would you recommend for a 26 years old female that wants some gains and also a lower fat procent. Thanks!

  91. Geoff says:

    Hey Ben,

    I’m curious if LGD, RAD 140 or SARMS alike would cause a suppressed immune system? In nature they are anabolic, so I’m assuming they would have the same immune suppressing effects.

    Thanks for your response in advance!

  92. Marco Nunez says:

    That was some helpful information but I recently purchased capsules of osta sarm it is a 30 day cycle I’ve been taking them for 3 days now 2 capsules every morning 25mg dosage a day im trying to cut and build muscle at the same time and got told osta sarms were a good way to do it im just not sure if it is recommended to take them alone or is there other supplements I should add to my cycle or is there a PCT necessary I was told there wasn’t by the guy I bought them from ??

    1. There is a lot more in this article that you can be doing. Also next Monday I have another article coming on SARMS. In meantime, I'd be happy to help you via a personal one-on-one consult. Just go to and then choose a 20 or 60 minute consult, whichever you'd prefer. I can schedule ASAP after you get that.

  93. Robert says:

    Ben, I was trying to understand how to compute the dosage. I have both SARMs recommended in the article (LGD 4033 and Cardarnine). The bottle reads 10MG, but I’m not sure how to measure what dosage equals 10MG? Does one drop equal 1MG or does a full dropper equals 10MG? Any clarification available? Thank you.

    1. Hey Robert, have a read through the comments here:… and also check out the calculator under dosing.. you will find everything you need.

  94. Aaron Victor says:

    Hi Ben,

    I want to test my T levels throughout the cycle of LGD. What is the best way to do this?

    Also, what might be he best way to maximize results while using LGD? I.e. More volume in the way of sets? More reps? More sets to failure?

    I have always been skeptical about SARMS but now I’ve read this I’m ready to take the leap. Thanks for your work, it has really positively impacted my health.

  95. John says:

    Hi Ben!

    First off thank you so much for all of the great content and information you put out. You have no idea how much myself, and I’m sure others, appreciate the level of detail you provide.

    I do have a quick question I was hoping you might be able to shed some light on.

    In your previous article on SARMs (safe alternatives to steroids) you mentioned peptideswarehouse as a quality source of product….a company I’ve used before and had great success with their products.

    In this article you mention sarmswarehouse, and I noticed the old article has now also been updated to reflect sarmswarehouse as your quality source of product.

    This struck me as a bit odd, and in reality I’m not concerned with any affiliations with either company, but am curious about the change. The companies are eerily similar regarding the SARMs they offer and some of the website content. They offer essentially the exact same product line at the exact same price points which I’ve come to find is very rare when it comes to SARMs/Peptides on-line.

    My first reaction is “They seem like the exact same company” except for the distinction that peptideswarehouse offers much more than SARMs.

    I’m objective and not “pro” either company by any means, I’m just was hoping you could provide some insight into this. Ultimately my main concern is ensuring that I’m getting a high quality product.

    Again, thank you so much for everything you do, and I look forward to hearing from you.


    1. It's because SARMS are not FDA approved for human consumption so the websites have to constantly change. Sad that these products aren't "allowed" by the FDA, but it's the reality.

  96. John says:

    What would be good for post cycle therapy after an 8 weeks cycle of lgd?

    1. Hey John, check out this guide to Post Cycle Therapy…this is exactly where I would start: Hope that helps!

  97. Scott Estes says:

    Hey Ben,

    So I got two bottles of Cardarine. I’m a little over 2.5 months out from my first marathon and am curious when to start taking it. Do you recommend taking it up until the event or would it be fine to take it up until my taper period- about three weeks out? Thanks for your help.

    I’ve been following your marathon training schedule for people with busy schedules and your race-day nutrition plan. Love them both!


    1. I'd take it all the way up to the marathon. You can do a 12 week cycle. :)

  98. Gerald says:

    Hi Ben,

    Some quick questions,

    I’m looking to do an 8-12wk lean bulk to prepare for the summer season. I’m currently 11-13% bf but would like to be around 9-10% while adding 10-15lbs of lean muscle and the strength gains that would accompany lifting heavy weight on this stack. I’m wondering if this LGD-carderine stack would work for this goal of dropping a few body fat % and gaining some lean mass, or is cardarine something you would tend to recommend to people looking to lose weight coming from a higher body fat %? I have trouble gaining body fat due to being blessed with great mesmomorphic genetics and a maintaining pretty solid nutrition/supplementation so I’m not worried about any unwanted fat gain as I gain weight with LGD. Just curious about whether the cardarine is recommended for someone in my position.

    Do you recommend only doing an 8wk cycle or could 12 work?

    Also, would a daily regimen of 3ish grams of D-Aspartic acid be a good idea during the latter weeks of the cycle?

    Thanks in advance.

    1. This plan would work on a 12 week cycle but there is plenty more that you could do. A lot more actually! To take a deep dive, I'd be happy to help you via a personal one-on-one consult. Just go to and then choose a 20 or 60 minute consult, whichever you'd prefer. I can schedule ASAP after you get that.

  99. Shawn Schofield says:


    I have a question but first i would like to say Thank you. I have been listening for 3-4 years now and you have had a huge positive influence on myself and my family. Thanks for all the info!

    I recently tried LGD 4033 and Caradine and it did not go to well. My first and last dose was one a week ago and im just now starting to feel normal again. I took 5mg of LGD 4033 and 10mg of Caradine. Five drops of 4033 and ten drops of Caradine. I took them at about 530am because i workout in the morning. I do my workouts fasted but this morning i had two cups of black coffee. After i headed to work with a big cup of coffee with coconut milk, mct and great lakes gelatin but no food. I usually don’t eat until ten or so. Around 830 i started to have high anxiety and the chills. Then i started feeling nauseous and just over all not myself. First day was rough and then each day after got a little better. Where did i go wrong? Way to much coffee and no food after a workout? Did i get the dose wrong? I know your not a doctor but i was hoping you might have a few idea where i went wrong.


    1. Sounds to me like you had WAY to much caffeine!!! But to really dig into details, I'd be happy to help you via a personal one-on-one consult. Just go to and then choose a 20 or 60 minute consult, whichever you'd prefer. I can schedule ASAP after you get that.

    2. warj1990 says:

      Think of this as a natural reaction to a new product. As an example when people first start smoking the body rejects it. They cough, can’t hardly breath, etc… then feel the receptors activated and become dizzy. As they become more used to the dizzy feeling the sides are reduced until the habit is formed… After time the “dizzy” feeling goes away as the receptors are flooded and never reset (congratulations to your addiction now). Same with drinking. Both these examples are killing your body in one way or another.

      Now SARMS… your first few uses: Your activating more receptors in your brain than ever before! Your body will initially attempt balance…you feel light headed, sweat, shaky, etc… Just keep the dose low and give your body a few days to balance to the demand (receptor activation to build muscle/burn fat). It is kind of like blind siding your body…all is going well, then the flood of receptors are activated and tell your body a great demand to do “whatever” welcome to SARMS.

  100. Tim says:

    Any chance that Cardarine use lowers testosterone levels? I started Cardarine 1 month ago and noticed my libido dropped like a rock a few weeks later. I just had my testosterone level checked and it dropped drastically since the last check.

    1. possible. But remember, you need to support your T levels with strategies like this:…

      1. ryan says:

        ok i do those things (mostly from listening to people like you, btw. can’t thank you enough for that). i also recently purchased a bottle of Alpha Viril; which is supposed to help maintain good T levels. i should theoretically be good while using Cardarine, right?

        1. I really cannot vouch for that supplement as I have not used it and do not know their ingredients source. The one-two stack of: “aggressive strength“ and “estrogen control“ is really the only stack that I will vouch for for cycling with a sarms:

    2. warj1990 says:

      This is highly unlikely the cause. No one can pinpoint exactly the issue here. I will say the more you stress your body (in weight lifting) the more Test you produce. You are using a product that extends your ability by a large margin…so to stress yourself you need to push yourself more.

      The greatest, simple Test booster is eggs. Test is based on cholesterol and 2 eggs am and 2 before bed will give a wonderful boost.

  101. kayne says:

    Hi Ben,

    Thanks for all the info….I am really tempted to try sarms out, according to this article:… , they have little to none side effects, but I have been doing my research and seeing a lot of mix reviews about them, which sarms do you think is the safest among all that you will recommend a newbie like me to try out?

    Any advice from you is MUCH appreciated!!



    1. It would depend on a lot of things, to start with what you are planning on using them for. If you go to <a href="” target=”_blank”> and choose 20 or 60 minutes we can get you scheduled for a Skype consult to go into detail over there.

  102. Jocko says:

    Hey Ben, awesome article, please do some more like this on SARMS. Thanks for the recommendation of where to buy from. As it’s really hard to find a reputable company…Testing time will be 8 weeks. I got my LGD-4033 and Cardarine(GW50516) in for my (49 yrs old) 250 lbs test rat 2 weeks ago. Dosing 10mg LGD and 10mg GW a day and other then an energy boost I’ve noticed no adverse effects. The endurance and recovery time really surprised me, I believe that by being able to work out longer and more frequently has contributed to a slight mass gain…. as far as dosing goes, for those who are having trouble. Go to your kitchen or Buy a 1ml measuring spoon, use your dropper and fill to the brim, that will accurately give you your 10mg, buy a 0.5 ml measuring spoon fill it to the brim and you will have your 5mg. Problem solved… Thank you Ben for all of your hard work, looking forward to reading more on this subject. “Peace”

  103. Alex says:

    Ben, do you think it would be beneficial to take sarms with grapefruit extract to increase the absorption? Or would that lead to negative side effects?

    1. I wouldn't recommend this since grapefruit juice can increase the metabolism of many compounds. I haven't seen much research showing that it would improve efficacy either so I wouldn't do this.

  104. dave A says:

    Guys check out and if you are dosing SARMS, record your jourey so everyone including yourself can keep track of side effects/effectiveness etc. It’s free and it will build more anecdotal evidence or reports of some kind until there is more clinical reserach published. Just my 2cents

  105. Margaret says:

    Ben, can you recommend a reputable Canadian vendor?

    1. I have only looked deeply into Sarms warehouse – but I'm sure they ship to Canada

    2. Ivan says:

      Margaret, from a reputable source in real life bodybuilding circles, I came across:,,

      Feel free to check these out. Be careful with LGD and do your research before starting out with any of these, especially as a woman. Ostarine and Cardarine should be OK!

  106. Hi Ben – I wrote an article on my use of LGD-4033, it’s posted here. I am not selling anything in the article and I link back to your SARMS articles on your website. It’s purely informational on my experience using SARMS from peptides warehouse based on your article. I used them over a 3 month cycle including pictures and DEXA scans of my results.

    1. Awesome. Gonna check it out!

  107. dash says:

    “There was a dose-dependent suppression of total testosterone and sex hormone–binding globulin levels from baseline to day 21 (Figure 2). Free testosterone suppression was noted at the 1.0-mg dose only.”

    That’s at a 1 mg dose. How do you avoid that supression. It must be significantly supressed at a 5 or 10 mg dose.

    1. Post cycle therapy! aka pct…

      1. dash says:

        If you don’t want to wait weeks for PCT, anbody have any thoughts regarding on cycle therapy to boost testosterone/decrease estrogen during the SARM cycle? Bulbine natalensis for example.

  108. Andy says:

    Blake (from a question higher up the thread but unable to reply below it for some reason).

    From the previous stack completed – I know SARMS are effective – so Following my personal research I’m just trying a slightly different stack.

    I wanted to look at healing and recovery (fast approaching 40 but still a avid CrossFit’er) – and the MK SARMS were engineered for this very purpose.

    For me the research for LGD and GW is extensive, so I chose to add the MK to these and see.

    I’m also going to run for 8 weeks and not 4 this time. After 4 weeks on the previous stack my hormones remained the same. I don’t like the standard PCTs used but will use Calcium D-Glucarate to remove excess estrogen – alongside other detox benefits.

  109. HiPer4m says:

    Hey Ben – based on your article I tried out the LGD-4033. I cycled 1 month on, 1 month off, 1 month on at 5mg per day. Maybe I should have used 10mg or eaten way more. I didnt get the muscle gain I had hoped for, but I did get a huge increase in bone density and healing of a nagging injury. I also looked far better, based on the photos I took, but the DEXA before and after only showed the increase in bone density and no gain in total muscle mass. Would appreciate any recommendations on how others have gained muscle – higher dose or more food?

  110. Mohammad says:

    Hello Ben,

    Since I am trying SARMs for the first time and can”t purchase SERMs (Clomid and Nolvadex) as they are illegal without prescription where I come from, I am opting to go for a short cycle without PCT. Any recommended OCT supplements for PCT?

    Would 10mg of LGD and 10mg of GW produce noticible effects in 1 month or is it just not worth it?


  111. Dan Webster says:

    Hey Ben…if I am doing the stacked LGD-4033 and Cardarine cycle, do you take both together 60 minutes before workout? Is there a proper time to take these? On days I don’t workout does it matter when I take them?



    1. yep, pre workout is best. Just follow instructions in the article!

  112. Natrone Kemp says:

    Hi Ben. Interested in trying SARMS but does any of the above help in healing tendon injuries? If not the above, which one do you recommend?

    1. Natrone Kemp says:

      For the recommended SARM, what is the suggested dosing? Can I combine it with LGD-4033?

      1. If you read the article, you will find your answer.

    2. Start here:… and let me know if you have any more questions.

    3. warj1990 says:

      All will “help” as they direct your body to build more. MK-2866 is most noted for healing. I will add none will be a perfect solution. These SARMs get the nagging feeling (and needing advil) to subside. Some users state after the cycle the pain returns, some are healed and good to go.

  113. Andy says:

    Hi Ben

    Have you had any experience or exposure to the MK SARMS as of yet?

    I know most SARMS have a degree of healing within their efficacy – but 677 and 2866 have this as a primary right?



    1. I have not yet used those. I may do a future article on them.

      1. Andrew says:

        Thanks Ben.

        Based on personal experience – your article(s) on SARMS and their effects and benefits are on the money.

  114. Steven says:


    I’m currently taking 240 mg of testosterone propionate per week. Can I stack Cardarine and LGD-4033, while on cycle with testosterone propionate?

    Thank you.

    1. warj1990 says:

      Yes. I know people on TRT and taking sarms with no issues. TEST is stronger than SARMs so most people find no need to overlap. Since your “on cycle” and have your Test levels way above TRT levels you have no real reason to run them both at the same time. Save the SARMs for the end of the cycle and add in before PCT.

  115. Erik Wilson says:

    Should you take LGD-4033 and cardarine daily or on days you train? I lift 4 days per week and HIIT one, with weekends completely off.

    1. warj1990 says:

      Daily. You want this to be stable in your body and keep the receptors flooded, keep your body in a muscle building state. Your off days is when you get bigger (build). Your workout days are when you get smaller (tear down).

  116. Dan Webster says:

    Hey Ben…love your podcasts. Have you read this about SARMS? It is a scary caution and mentions other studies about the side effects of SARMS? Who am I to believe?



    1. If you follow the moderate dosing instructions I've listed in the article and don't go overboard, these should not be an issue. I am not a doctor and this is not to be taken, interpreted or construed as medical advice. Please talk with a licensed medical professional about this. These are just my own personal thoughts and not a prescription or a diagnosis or any form of health care whatsoever.

  117. Sven says:

    Another question I’d love to have your answer for.

    If it were you doing the stacked LGD-4033 and Cardarine cycle, would you, for PCT, just follow a low carb diet and supplementing with a multivitamin/mineral, things like milk thistle and testosterone boosting and estrogen-lowering supplements?

    I’d appreciate it if you could elaborate on what exactly YOU would do on a PCT.


    1. Man, oh man. This is a loaded question. In short, yes you'd want to do what you just outlined, but there's more to it. I'd be happy to help you via a personal one-on-one consult. Just go to and then choose a 20 or 60 minute consult, whichever you'd prefer. I can schedule ASAP after you get that.

  118. Sven says:

    Hi Ben,

    Great article! Just wondering whether this is safe for a 19 year old? Or should I stay away from it for now?


    1. Safe, but I still HIGHLY recommend TESTING hormones before and after a cycle, and I am not a doctor and this is not to be taken, interpreted or construed as medical advice. Please talk with a licensed medical professional about this. These are just my own personal thoughts and not a prescription or a diagnosis or any form of health care whatsoever.

      1. Sven Gevers says:

        Thanks Ben! I’ll definitely do the testing.

  119. Jeff Armantrout says:

    In the intro, one of the objectives you mentioned was “repair a workout injury faster”. Under neither of the two did you list that as a benefit. What is the story there? Are you assuming that injury recovery is a potential byproduct of angiogenesis? Do these two not address repair?

      1. Andrew says:

        Hi Ben

        Great follow up detail from the last article.

        I personally found significant results using the 3 SARM stack you discussed in that previous article.

        A question on the video above:

        The guy was discussed in the question thread of the last article with not much good to be said about the value of his posts.

        Has your opinion now changed?

        1. Meh…it's still good info in the video. I think it's a bit funny in these comments how folks look for excuses NOT to try it. Just give it a go and see how you look, feel and perform, and test your hormones too before and after ideally.

          1. Andrew says:

            No excuses from me Ben.

            Just noticed and asked the question.

            As said – I’ve tried and it’s worked. No noticeable changes to post-hormone levels either. This running ALL three SARMS discussed in the first article.

            Just about to start the second cycle. This time replacing SR9009 with MK677.

            Keep the great information coming.

          2. Blake says:

            Hi Andrew,

            I am curious to know why have you decided to replace SR9009 with MK677? What makes this stack better?


  120. Kristin says:

    What is exactly in it though? There is nothing saying what the ingredients are.

    1. Do you mean what is in GW501516? That is the ingredient is:…

  121. Jordan says:

    Hi Ben – in your earlier article on SARMs, you recommended cycling periods of 4 weeks followed by 4 weeks off. In this article you’ve increased the cycling to up to 8 weeks on.

    Have you become more comfortable with longer usage periods without incurring side effects?


    1. Yes, been researching a bit since original article.

  122. Mark says:

    Jeremy – Thanks for the info. Do you have any opinion on another reputable place to try? I haven’t purchased any SARMS in over a year now, and places I previously used are no longer in business.

  123. Mark says:

    What is wrong with Sarms Warehouse with regard to Pennsylvania?

    There is no way to select that state from the menu so you can’t complete the order.

    Anyone in PA ever received anything from them?

    1. Jeremy says:

      Mark – I also live in PA, and unfortunately Sarms Warehouse does not ship here. :( I’ve contacted customer support about it, and they told me “their licensing does not permit shipping to PA.”

      I have no f’ing idea what that means, but it’s frustrating. To date, I’ve not found anything regarding legal issues with Sarms and PA. So basically, you have two options. 1. Buy them from somewhere else. 2. Order, and have them shipped to a friend or family member that lives in another state, and have them forwarded to you.

    2. They unfortunately do not sell or ship to PA.

  124. Carl says:

    Yep, beating the dead horse. Just trying to understand dosage, one drop is 1mg so 5 drops per day for a 5mg daily dose correct ? Or 10 drops per day for 30 days per bottle i.e. the reason for stating the 10 mg/ml 30ml?


    1. mike says:

      I skipped science class when they were doing conversions.

      10 mg/ml means a 10 mg daily dose would be a 1ml dose.

      The google machine says 1 ml=20 drops.

      which is it? 10 drops or 20 drops for a 10mg/dose?

  125. Ed O'Dell says:

    Ben- Where are you getting the dosing data you recommend in the article? I read your reference and they used 0.1, 0.3 and 1.0 mg daily dosing, SIGNIFICANTLY less than your recommendation. In addition, the data shows both total and free testosterone suppression at the 1.0 mg dose yet you feel post cycle therapy is unnecessary. That advice may be a bit dangerous based on the reference in your article. Any thoughts? Thanks for all of the great info you provide. As a physician I’m just a bit geeky and love to read original sources!

    1. Check this out: Some evidence that *could* occur.. – and if that is the case you can use PCT (post cycle therapy) details here:

  126. Scott Estes says:

    Thanks, Ben. Great article. I, too, was confused on the dosing. It really looks like it’s around $50 per day for each option.

    1. The way it is written is confusing– so the bottle is 10mg/mL x 30mL – that means in EACH ML- there is 10MG– the bottle has 30ML– so that means about $50 for the month…

      1. Robert says:

        I emailed Sarms about the same issue, below was their response regarding what constituted a 10MG dosage:

        1ml = 10mg

        The dropper entirely filled is equal to 1ml

        36 drops also equals 1ml

  127. Jill says:

    Are these appropriate for women?


    1. Yep, both men and women can use them.

  128. Jimbo says:

    How do you get the multi bottle discount at It does not seem to work for me.

    1. They took down multi bottle discount but set up 10% discount "bgvip10".

  129. Robert says:


    Thank you all of the great information you deliver.

    After taking the last dosage, how long will you test positive?

    1. Usually about a two week washout period is the general rule for most things like this…

  130. Medick says:

    Don’t feel obligated to post this shit…

    Just a heads up


  131. Jeremy says:

    Great follow up to your first article on this topic, Ben. I have a question on the suppressive nature of LGD. I’ve read that it can (and will) suppress testosterone when used in excess of 6 weeks. In the article linked above in regard to the Phase 1 clinical trials, it states the following: “free testosterone showed significant suppression at 1.0-mg dose only.”

    So, we’re talking about taking LDG at a dose of 5-8 mg over 8 weeks. Do I understand this correctly that LGD will suppress free test at a dose of only 1mg?

    1. Some evidence that *could* occur.. <a href="http:// .″ target=”_blank”> <a href="http://.” target=”_blank”>. – and if that is the case you can use PCT (post cycle therapy) details here:

      1. Jose Garcia says:

        The study linked showed shutdown at 1mg a day, significantly less than your’e recommending, and anecdotal reports online verify this.

        1. Seems to vary quite a bit…for example, read this:…

          What I'd recommend is that you TEST your free and total T before and after a 2-4 week trial to see how *your* body responds…

  132. Geo says:

    I haven’t gone back to read your first article on LGD-4033 since it first came out but I don’t remember interpreting the dosage like I do in this article . Maybe I’m confused but you say that the dose for bulking is 5 to 10 mg per day for 8 weeks. Then in the where to buy section it looks like a 30 ml bottle contains 10 mg at a cost of $50.00. Does this mean that at the high end of dosing it’s advisable to take a 30 ml bottle per day at a cost of $50.00 per day?

    1. Geo says:

      Replying to myself. It is what I originally thought, 10 mg/ml or 300 mg per bottle is correct according to the website. But not at all obvious on the bottle label. Ben, why did you switch from Peptide Warehouse to Sarms Warehouse?

      1. When you get it that is 0.3mg per 1 mil. So basically one 30ml bottle will last 30 days!

        …and SARMS Warehouse is just a new version of Peptide Warehouse…

        1. Dan says:

          After reading all this, would you recommend sarms wearhouse or proven peptides?….which one in your opion carries the better product?

    2. When you get it that is 0.3mg per 1 mil. So basically one 30ml bottle will last 30 days!

  133. Brett says:


    How long do these bottles last at 10 mg per serving? Having trouble figuring out how many servings there are per bottle.

    1. About a month's worth…

  134. Casey says:


    Are both taken orally? Do you just squirt the dropper for correct dosing in your mouth? I am just wondering how absorption works on these.

    Thank you for the article! Great stuff!

    1. These are oral. Read the article. ;)

      1. Casey says:

        I did! I saw it said oral for LGD but didn’t see it for cardarine. Do I just take dropper and then swig water or something? Does it taste nasty?

        1. The best way to use SARMS is via oral intake. Such as…

          Option 1: Squirt the liquid SARMS into your mouth and chase it down with some water or juice.
          Option 2: Mix the SARMS with water or juice or your favorite drink and down it as a cocktail.
          Option 3: Drink the SARMS straight up (squirt into mouth like Option 1) and eat a piece of fruit or other palate cleanser.

          1. TRIGUY says:

            Ben, can you clarify that it is ok to mix SARMS with water or juice, as there seems to be a lot of conflicting information regarding this method.

            In my case, I have been mixing my SARMS each morning in a large glass of water with the juice of half of a lemon. I just want to make sure that I am not adversely affecting the dosage.


          2. These are my recommendations…
            Option 1: Squirt the liquid SARMS into your mouth and chase it down with some water or juice.
            Option 2: Mix the SARMS with water or juice or your favorite drink and down it as a cocktail.
            Option 3: Drink the SARMS straight up (squirt into mouth like Option 1) and eat a piece of fruit or other palate cleanser.

      2. Medick says:

        You didn’t answer any of his questions in reply or the article

        Said 4033 was oral & talked about w/ or w/out food, but it doesn’t sound like it even makes it to your GI tract.

        Had me sold until the price, unless your dosing is messed up (hopefully)?

        Take a full 10mg/ 30ml bottle everyday?

        So $100 a day for both?????

        I know cancer is probably expensive, but dang.

        I’m spending half that on EVERYTHING else.

        1. Totally absorbable orally and one bottle lasts you a full month.

      3. Medick says:

        Ok, looks like they are 10mg/ml in a 30ml bottle

        That’s better

        Thank you

  135. christian birkedal says:

    Do you personally use either LGD 4033 or Caradine?

    What results have you seen?

    1. I do not because I compete in WADA sanctioned sports but I have several clients who *do* and it significantly speeds up results!

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