July 2, 2022
From podcast: https://bengreenfieldlife.com/podcast/hos-part-2/
[00:00:00] Introduction
[00:01:50] Podcast Sponsors
[00:04:56] Ready for Part 2
[00:07:40] How Ben makes the most of the mid-day siesta
[00:17:26] Ben's favorite workouts throughout the day
[00:23:48] Building a family legacy
[00:27:08] Podcast Sponsors
[00:31:30] cont. Building a family legacy
[00:34:09] Eating practices at the end of the day
[00:38:26] Bedtime rituals
[00:45:21] Audience Q&A
[00:55:52] End of Podcast
Ben: My name is Ben Greenfield. And, on this episode of the Ben Greenfield Life podcast.
So, the whole day long, I'm in a state of ketosis, state of nutritional ketosis eating all fatty acids, vegetables, proteins, training my body how to be a fat-burning machine. And then, at the very end of the day, I mentioned the BFR training. This that I'm riding on the bicycle right now, has anybody used these new electrical muscle stimulation suits?
Gosh, a $100. And, what would the goal be? Like fitness or longevity or something that's going to improve your life for a hundred bucks, I would say…
Faith, family, fitness, health, performance, nutrition, longevity, ancestral living, biohacking, and a whole lot more. Welcome to the show.
Alright, welcome to part two, part two of the Health Optimisation Summit talk that I gave in London earlier this year about how to optimize your daily routine because how you live your day is how you live your life. And, if you can optimize every day, hopefully using a few of the tips that I'm going to share with you on this episode and part one of this episode, you'll hopefully be a better, more impactful, more purpose-filled person.
So, the shownotes for everything you're about to hear are at BenGreenfieldLife.com/HOSpodcast2. That's BenGreenfieldLife.com/HOSpodcast2. If you want to go back and listen to part one, it might actually help you a lot with this episode. Part one is at HOSpodcast1, BenGreenfieldLife.com/HOSpodcast1. Or, if you listen to this podcast soon after it comes out, just go to BenGreenfieldLife.com, find everything right there on the front page, transcripts, shownotes, everything. So, enjoy today's show and here we go.
Hey. So, have you ever heard of this stuff called urolithin? Spelled U-R-O-L-I-T-H-I-N. And, if you haven't heard of it, you're going to be hearing a lot more about it. It's the brand-new darling on the anti-aging scene. It's based on this concept of postbiotics. So, postbiotics are what the bacteria in your gut, for example, can make. A probiotic would feed on a prebiotic, but it'd make a postbiotic. And, some postbiotics can actually kind of upgrade your body's cellular power grid giving your body the energy that it needs to optimize, to build strength, to build endurance, and even to fight aging. So, these postbiotics your body makes them during digestion, but you can also consume urolithin A as an anti-aging hack. And, there's a company called Timeline Nutrition. They're a Swiss-based life science company. They're the global leader in urolithin A research. They make urolithin product that's not only NSF certified for sport but comes in this very simple capsule that you can take or a powder that you can mix into your breakfast, yogurt, your daily smoothie. They have a powder that's a protein. So, it's whey protein mixed with the bioenergetics of the urolithin in a form called Mitopure. And then, they have, like I mentioned, these little soft gel capsules.
So, if you want to see how you feel when you pop one of the most advanced anti-aging compounds that now exist and you want to try this urolithin A for yourself, go to TimelineNutrition.com/Ben. That's going to give you 10% off your first order of Mitopure. So, TimelineNutrition, T-I-M-E-L-I-N-E-N-U-T-R-I-T-I-O-N.com/Ben. And, they even have a starter pack where you can just try all three: the powder packets, the protein powder, and the urolithin A. So, there you have it.
So, what would you say if I told you that I could jam-pack beets, freeze-dried berries, blueberries, acai, pomegranate, raspberry, cordyceps, Siberian ginseng, reishi mushroom, and rhodiola all into one potent teeny tiny little scoop, give it to you, have it not taste like ass, save you 20 bucks from buying the same equivalent of that juice from something like your cold juice bar and it's USDA organic, certified gluten-free, certified glyphosate residue-free, dairy-free, soy-free, vegan, non-GMO, 100% organic whole food, and it makes you feel like your blood got the biggest boost ever with no coffee and no stimulants, whatsoever? That's what Organifi Red Juice is. And, that's what Organifi has created. This stuff is amazing. I even use a meat rub. I use it in my cooking. I sprinkle it on my salad. I put it in my smoothie. It's just basically the best stuff ever for your blood, for your inflammations and adaptogens, great for just general energy, and it tastes amazing.
So, it's called Red Juice. You get 20% off of this amazing blend, Organifi.com. Am I saying amazing enough? Geez. Organifi.com/Ben. Organifi with an I.com/Ben. That'll get you 20% off.
How's everybody doing? Good. You guys ready for part two? Alright, should we get the energy going in here, set the tone, set the intention? Alright, I got a love tuner. Who knows what this is? It's the world's most expensive small crappy harmonica. But, in addition to that, it produces a 528 hertz signal. Everybody stand up, stand up, stand up, stand up, stand up, stand up, stand up, continue what you're doing. Oh, boy. Okay. So, if you're familiar with omming we're going to do this all together, we're going to fill this room with an amazing vibratory frequency of 528 hertz. So, I'm going to blow on this, and then we're just going to take a deep breath and we're going to hum. Alright, here we go.
[plays harmonica]
And, just like yesterday start to bounce, start to bounce, start to bounce. It's called a lover tuner, by the way. Bounce, bounce. Can be used to defend yourself against angry dogs as well. Take a deep breath in and shake it all out, everybody looks like a freak but we're all doing this together. And, deep breath in.
Sometimes I do this in the morning. I'll do this in the morning sometimes like 10 minutes. Deep breath in.
Try it sometime for 10 minutes and you're going to feel amazing. Let's do two more. Deep breath in.
You guys look amazing. I wish I get a photo of you. One more. Give yourselves a big hand. Give yourselves a big hand. Alright, let's do this. Let's do this. Oh, my gosh, yesterday, honestly for those of you who weren't here, I made it halfway through my presentation. We had to cut it off but I thought I was lucky because we're doing another session today. So, I promise I'll try to leave a little bit of time for Q&A today and that we had just gotten through the early morning in the morning and the work morning, and the lunch time and I was just about to jump into what brand of cigarettes I smoke after lunch and whether it's gin or vodka in my post-lunch cocktail. I'm just kidding. It's actually cigars and tequila. Those are those are the two that I go with.
Okay. So, we talked about how to biohack the nap and give yourself a little second day, a little siesta, or even a self-hypnosis session, or a meditation session. Big fan of this. I always cut lunch a little bit short so I can squeeze in NuCalm session or do a BrainTap session, or just lay there really natural and do a Yoga Nidra body scan session. Anybody in here like a siesta fan, a siesta junkie like I am? Oh, my goodness. If you don't do it, you got to tap into that because my mantra is more productive and impactful things happen early in the morning than late at night. And, I live my life by that. People like, “Well, how are you so hyper-productive?” Probably two things that I do for productivity. I don't watch any TV. I'm a total dummy. People talk about movies and they'll quote movies and I'm just, I have no clue what's going on in TV and Hollywood and movies. And then, the other thing is that I live my life by basically the idea that not a whole lot of purposeful impactful things happen in the evening. So, I usually go to bed like 9:30 or 10:00, but then I get up when the world is ready for action, 4:30, 4:45, 5:00, right around in there. No alarm clock, just use natural light to wake myself. I've trained my circadian rhythm to become awake and alert at that time. But, inevitably, you get tired, you get tired. And, the best time to take a nap is typically somewhere between about six to nine hours after you've woken. And so, about 1:32 p.m. is perfect to duck in if you're going to be this early morning person. The interesting thing is 20, 30 minutes of Yoga Nidra or BrainTap or NuCalm. I would say those are the top three that I use can simulate an hour and a half long sleep cycle. So, if you're like me and you're sleeping six and a half, seven hours a night, then what happens is you can get an extra equivalent of an hour and a half with a little 20-minute hacked nap later on after lunch. It's a real, real good way to be purposeful. I would just be totally pleased if everybody walked out of here knowing how they could be more productive with their day because it makes a couple hundred more of us not flipping through Netflix at night instead of waking up and changing the world in the morning. Alright. Who's with me on that? Change the world in the morning. Alright, alright, I'm going to be texting every single one of you at 4:30 tomorrow morning. Make sure you're awake. Meet me in the gym.
Alright. So, what do I do when I wake up? What do I do when I wake up? So, again, this is a talk I haven't given before. I'm telling you guys all the new stuff. I didn't used to do this. I do it now. I do a cold plunge in the afternoon. I do a cold plunge or I'd go, if I'm traveling and stuff, it's a cold shower. So, as soon as I get up from that nap before I take any stimulants, before I do anything that I might need in terms of caffeine, yerba mate, any of these nootropics or smart drugs, et cetera, I instead naturally wake my body with cold. After the cold, if I feel I still need a little bit of a pick-me-up, I'll use a little bit of a pick-me-up. If I do the cold plunge, I'll usually bounce up and down like we just did or else I'll jump up and down on the rebounder. I'll do a little bit of pulsed electromagnetic field frequency like stand on a mat just for about five minutes to wake myself up. A good frequency for that is about 7.8 hertz if you have one of these PEMF machines.
And then, I use this device, this is a new one I've been using. Anybody see the Infopathy before? It's fantastic water, can carry energetic frequencies. Water can actually be organized in a more crystalline structure. And, also based on the principles of homeopathy, it can actually carry the frequency of things that have been dissolved in that water or the frequency of energies that that water has been exposed to. So, Infopathy is this cool company, they make a little circular device. You set a glass of water on top of, it'll charge the water up with anything you want; piracetam, a digestif, a nootropic, I even set them my stem cells, they imprinted my stem cells so I can really drink the 30-year-old me when I wake up from my afternoon nap, which is cool. We live in a very interesting era. We can do these things. It's similar to the HapBee downstairs that'll mimic the magnetic frequency of a lot of different molecules like nicotine, or CBD, or THC, or caffeine without you actually having to consume that supplement. This is a crazy era that we live in because we can actually simulate a lot of these things that we would normally need via oral digestion using based on the quote that I give you yesterday from Nikola Tesla; energy, vibrations and frequency. Same thing with the device like say the Apollo wearable. It's a haptic sensation that can simulate things like social ability, which is an MDMA-esque frequency or a feel-good afternoon pick-me-up, which is theobromine from chocolate. So, it's really, really cool to experiment with these devices that actually talk to your body in a different way than oral supplementation does. So, it's really, really cool. And, a lot of these things surprisingly work better based on the principles of entrainment, the more often that you use them. Especially things like light sound stimulation, pulsed stiletto magnetic field frequency, et cetera.
Okay. Now, like I mentioned yesterday, I do all my creative work in the morning. Okay. I've identified my creativity time to be about 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. or so. So, that's when I do all my proactive creative work. I save all the reactive work for the afternoon. By reactive work, I mean, making phone calls, replying to emails, and in many, many cases because I'm a big fan of the 15,000-ish steps a day. And, a lot of people don't even get anywhere close to that. But, I have a rule that'll save all that stuff for the afternoon and then I head out on some farm roads behind my house and I walk and walk and walk. And, I reply to my emails and I make my phone calls. And, if you can hack your life in such a way that you can do some of your work while walking especially out in the sunshine, maybe wear some earthing or grounding shoes, some Earth Runners or some Plugzz or something like that, you can actually feel really, really good in the afternoon.
Now, a couple other things I've been using of late because again this is just my opportunity to fill you guys in on all the cool new stuff. PosturePro insoles. This is a great, great little insole that helps you to develop proper posh. You can go to their website and look it up. I've got the URL I gave you guys yesterday, the title slide. I'll put it again at the end. I've got some information on more of this stuff. The other one that's really interesting that I've been using lately is light hand weights, light hand weights. And, this is actually something that is very, very effective at getting blood flow pumping. It's a great cardiovascular workout. What I do is I just bought a couple of 4-pound hand weights, 4-pound hand weights on Amazon. And, what I'll do is I'll hold them in my hands. Typically, I had a phone in my pocket. And so, while I'm walking, I have these hand weights on and it's a great little cardiovascular workout, wonderful way to amp up a walk.
The other way that you can amp up a walk, and there's actually a vendor down there called Kaatsu. These are bands that you can wrap around your arms and your legs like a tourniquet and they mimic lifting very heavy weights. I'm a huge fan. I use BFR training or Kaatsu. Whenever I'm on the road, I crank out push-ups, squats, lunges, et cetera in my hotel room. And, the reason for that is it builds up lactic acid in the muscle tissue and fools the muscle into thinking that it's lifting a heavy weight. And, I don't have to go mess around in a crappy hotel gym. I don't have to worry about walking and finding a gym. I can just do a full workout right in my hotel room with these BFR straps on. But, a lot of times, I'll just strap them on and go for a walk. It turns a walk into a really, really physically stimulating activity.
So, I use the Oura Ring, of course, to quantify my steps. And then, the other thing that I use a lot of the time, it's very similar to this, this one hanging next to my fancy expensive harmonica. This is a little device. It's like a straw that you can breathe through. So, you'd go on a walk and you breathe in through your nose and out to your mouth, and it works pretty well, but they make an even better one. I'm not wearing it right now because it's annoying neon green color and I'm all about the feng shui of my outfit. But, this other one that calls a Relaxator, a Relaxator. Anybody used the Relaxator before? Okay, a few folks in here. Developed by Anders Olsson, a great breathwork practitioner. And, what it does is it resists the outflow as you exhale. So, a lot of times, I'll walk, I'll put the Relaxator in my mouth. If it's not a walk or I'm on a phone call, resist the exhale, trains you how to do nasal breathing. And, oh, my goodness, if you were to get hand weights and go on a walk with that Relaxator, these are all things you can travel with too. And, these are just the little things that I do during the day to stay really, really fit and still be able to make my phone calls and to get work done and to not just be at the gym all day or whatever. I hack my day to hack breath and hack movement and hack frequency and vibration and energy. So, I'm just getting exposed to this stuff all day long. And, like I said yesterday, seems like a lot of stuff. But, once you begin to implement, it's almost brushing your teeth. Ahead of my walk, just hang my Relaxator around my neck, grab my hand weights, boom, I'm out. Go. Or, maybe put on your blood flow restriction band. So, this stuff's simple once you get a grasp on it.
I told you yesterday about the movement snacks that I do throughout the day all day long taking little breaks. I already exposed you yesterday to GOATA, and hypopressive breathing, and core foundation training. And so, follow some of the resources that I have in the URL after this presentation if you want to read more about that stuff and the idea of little movement snacks spread throughout the day. All the clients that I train online every single day, what I have written for them is movement, snacks, movements, snacks, movement, snacks. And, I got about five or six different options. I talked about a few of my book, “Boundless” as well. But, what I do is I encourage people to build up a repertoire of all sorts of different exercises. Those you who saw me getting ready for the talk back there, I was doing this one. Okay. Let's put my hands over my head and going right elbow left knee, left elbow right knee. Right elbow left knee, left double right knee. You can also do this in a quadruped position. If you're down on the ground like this, you can literally extend right arm left leg, extend left arm right leg. And, the reason that I like doing that stuff during my little Pomodoro breaks throughout the day is it connects to left and the brain hemispheric activity. So, it's very, very useful to keep your brain turned on. You get a little bit of a nitric oxide dump too. And, considering the other way to increase left and right brain hemispheric activity is to drop acid, it actually is a little bit more convenient, doesn't keep you up quite so late at night compared to LSD.
Okay. So, we do these little movement snacks. I'll do this all throughout that second part of the day. And, typically I'm working until around 5:00 or 6:00 p.m., okay.
And then, comes the workout. Whoops. Actually, for those of you wondering, that is not the Squatty Potty. I was talking about the Squatty Potty yesterday, that's not the Squatty Potty but it may result in similar effects.
Okay. So, workout. What are some of my go-tos right now for workouts? I mentioned the BFR training. This that I'm riding on the bicycle right now, has anybody used these new electrical muscle stimulation suits? These things are fantastic. They're the next frontier in exercise. A ton of people in the U.S. are picking them up and using them right now. The one I'm wearing in that photograph is called a Katalyst. And, you pull this suit on, and unlike a lot of the electrode systems that require you to put on all the wired electrodes and place the pads, this one you just put a suit on, you spray the inside of the suit with a little bit of water to be able to increase the conduction between the skin and the suit, and it's got 20 different full-body workouts, cardio workouts. One of my favorite workouts of all time is I'll hop on the air bike like this and I'll ride that bike while the electrical muscle stimulation is pumping through my body and you trigger new muscles you've never used before. You enhance neural connectivity. This EMS training is fantastic. I mean, even in the plane ride on the way over here, I did a whole quad and calves workout by attaching this little thing called a PowerDot to my quads and my calves. I'll wear this suit sometimes when I'm traveling or when I'm home exercising. Electrical muscle stimulation, in the fitness industry, some people raise an eyebrow on it because it's like the ass-seen-on-TV six-pack abs, you eat your Twinkies and put your electrodes on, you're good to go. And, that's a little bit suspect. But, this idea of triggering the muscles with electrical stimulation, it's a cheat, it's a true biohack because you can pack on muscle without actually needing to carry around a lot of heavyweight.
A few of the other ones that I to use, of course, kettlebells, any type of unconventional or asymmetrical object that you can swing around. I think if you're really serious about fitness and you want the best tool to stay fit for life, take a Russian kettlebell certification or take Pavel Tsatsouline StrongFirst certification. I do kettlebells with my sons two to three times a week. I'm convinced that one of the best ways — we unschool our kids, we homeschool our kids. And, I can't do it all, I would love to teach them reading and writing and mathematics. I got the heart of a teacher as you guys know. I love to learn stuff and teach stuff. That's what I'm doing right now, but I can't do all the stuff with my kids, I just don't have enough time. But, I do make sure that I'm the guy who's in charge of their physical disciplines and their spiritual disciplines. Okay. So, later I'll show you some of the stuff we do for the spiritual side of things. But, I'm convinced if you have kids, the four best things you can do with those kids on a regular basis, and I've been doing this stuff with my kids since they were 4 or 5 years old is kettlebells, breathwork, heat, and cold. Kettlebells, breathwork, heat, and cold. Because you're teaching a child how to swing around and yield an asymmetrical object under load and under stress, you're teaching them how to increase heat shock proteins and cellular resistance in the sauna or in the heat, you're teaching them how to manage their nervous system with breath and relaxation in the cold and then you're giving them that free trigger that we can use to enhance our physiology or turn it up or turn it down a little bit throughout the day. And so, I mean, if you or your kids want just the four best things for physical fitness, in my opinion, it's asymmetrical training such as with the kettlebell, heat, cold, and breathwork. And, that's the core of a lot of the training that I do. If I could throw out all the biohacks, I just do that stuff.
A couple other ones that I like is the super slow single set to failure training. Yesterday, I briefly mentioned the ARX downstairs. Anybody had a chance to try that one out yet? Yeah, it does a really good job resisting. Are you sore? Yeah. I did one yesterday. I'm sore. It's amazing. Ten minutes of working out and it feels like you've been at the gym for two hours. Now, those things are obviously expensive, it's a big unit. A lot of times they're putting them in gyms and stuff. You can get them for your home. But then, one that can give you a similar feel with that super-slow single set to failure training is the X3 Bar. They're also downstairs. I didn't plan any of this ahead of time by the way, I was pleased when I walked through the expo like, “Oh, these are a lot of the folks that I can talk about in my talk and people after they hear me talk can maybe go try it out.” But, the X3 Bar, it's a very, very special form of an elastic band that allows you to have variable resistance during the entire movement. And, you can just do one set of about 10 different exercises, two or three times a week and stay incredibly strong with that thing. So, I do a lot of single set to failure training, super slow training because it's a time hack. I used to be a bodybuilder and I had to spend two hours in the gym and not to mention put on the tanning lotion. And, I use the Nair Hair removal stuff, so I'm very surprised I haven't gotten skin cancer from all my crazy bodybuilding hacks. But, I don't spend two hours in the gym anymore. Get in, get out super-fast especially when I'm traveling and I want to get a quick workout in, I'll do this super slow training, X3 Bar training, something like the ARX but very, very useful for you to know that we've been a little bit misled by Men's Health magazine and Women's Health magazine telling you got to do four to five sets or 10 to 12 exercises, this and that. You can literally go in, go heavy and just do one single set to failure for each exercise, throw in a little high-intensity cardio throughout the week, do a little bit, like I said yesterday in a fasted state so you upregulate those NAD salvage pathways. And, that's just a fantastic way to stay fit as you go through life.
The other one that I wanted to mention. There's a lot of tools, I use Vasper as a cardiovascular machine that combines blood flow restriction training with cold, with grounding and earthing, and with a full-body movement. It'll simulate a two or three-hour run in about 21 minutes. That's also one that I really, really like to use but it's a little bit more of one of those expensive biohacks. So, I warned you guys yesterday at the beginning of the presentation. If you do everything that I said, you'd be really healthy but you'd also be dirt poor. And, you'd also have a wife like mine who's constantly telling me to throw something out.
Okay. And then, the last one I want to mention, the bottom there, oh, my goodness, I discovered this app recently, is my favorite breathwork app. It's about the only app that I use now for breathwork. It's called the OtherShip app, the OtherShip app. It is a paid app and I don't a lot of paid apps because it's just a gradual drain, it's a thousand little paper cuts every time you download one of these paid apps. But, this OtherShip app, it's worth it, trust me, it's worth it. I've got no financial investment in them or anything like that, but it's just got the perfect breathwork sessions paired to really good music with really good instructors. It's got anywhere from a two-minute pick-me-up all the way to a deep mind-bending 90-minute holotropic breathwork session. It's a great, great app for learning breathwork and doing breathwork. So, that's one that I really like and I'll do a lot of that in the sauna. Okay. So, those are some of the fitness modalities that I use of late.
And then, let's talk family. So, this is my family. You can see we're all wearing our family logo, T-shirts, and hats, and mugs. We're those annoying people you see walking down the street little Brady bunch or the Von Trapp family from the “Sound of Music” holding hands and skipping through the street singing, the perfect little logo-infused family. But, in all seriousness, we're really, really big on legacy. Okay, yesterday, we talked about purpose and somebody in the front row, they mention, “Oh, the reason that we do all of this is so that we can love others more fully, so we can make better impact with the purpose that we've been given with our lives.” Well, I think one of the greatest purposes that we can have is to raise an impactful young future generation who's going to grow up to make this world a better place. And, this is common in America, I know it's common in Europe as well, the whole rags to riches to rags phenomenon. Rags to riches to rags, meaning that we might be successful, we raise up our kids, they get fed with the silver spoon, they don't get a sense of legacy, there's no family trust, there's no structure in place to pass generational wealth on, to pass on family values and it really creates this scenario where your kids just wind up basically down sliding and then they have kids and those kids started all over again. And, it's a really, really poor way to build an impactful generation that's going to go on to be a great name. You should be proud of your last name. You should be thinking, “Okay, how can my kids be really, really impactful humans who are going to grow up and make even fewer mistakes that I made and make this world a better place?” I parent with the philosophy that I'm not raising my children, I'm raising my grandchildren. So, everything that I do, I think gosh, this is what my kids are going to do with their kids, this is what their kids are going to do with their kids.
And so, for example, we worked with the foundation in America, you can work with them if you're anywhere in the world, called the Legado Family Foundation. The Legado Family Foundation. And, we have a family constitution, and we have a family crest, and we have a family logo, and we have a family mission statement, we have a 100-page family playbook. So, here's what we do with the kids when they're eight, here's what we do when they're 12, here's when we take them on an adventure, here's when they have the rite of passage, here's the seven values that the Greenfield family stands for. We have a giant crest hanging over our fireplace that's literally our family crest that'll get passed down from generation to generation. You walk up to our house, there's two flags on either side of the door flying the Greenfield family logo. I mean, the reason I'm telling you guys all this, even though it's not really about health optimization is this is about life optimization. I mean, I would, again, in the same way I'd be super pleased if all you walked out of here being more productive in the morning and getting better sleep late at night and watching less TV. I'd be super happy if those who are parents think, “Oh, gosh, how can I establish a deeper sense of legacy in my kids and develop things like a family logo, and a family press, and a mission statement, and a playbook.”
And, I tell you what, it's probably one of the best — I'm working on a parenting book right now. It'll come out in the winter. And so, I'm feeding for the fire hose from all these amazing parents that I'm interviewing for the book. And, some of the most impactful parents, they all have this practice of some a family tradition playbook, legacies built-in, crest, family trust, really, really cool way to lead your family. So, whether you're married and you have kids, or whether you plan on having kids, or you know somebody with kids, this is the way that us human beings should be raising our children. It's passing on wisdom, honoring the elders, gaining information from the elders and creating a future legacy. And, there's really, really great resources for learning how to do this. I'll put some of them in the notes for this presentation.
Alright, you probably know the human body is mostly water. What you probably don't know is that everything else in your body is 50% amino acids. So, amino acids are the building blocks of life, essential for health, fitness, longevity. No matter how you like to move, whatever you do to stay fit, amino acids are essential. That's why Kion Aminos is my go-to supplement for just about everything. It's the Swiss army knife of supplementation. When you have a craving, you take it, the cravings go away. When you want to recover faster, you take it, you're less sore. When you sleep better, you take it and it keeps your appetite satiate at night. The use goes on and on; if you want to naturally boost energy, build lean muscle, enhance athletic recovery. I've had amazing athletes and coaches and trainers text me and be like, “Dude, what did you put in these aminos? Are they illegal? Do you have steroids in these?” No, we do not. It's just pure clean essential amino acids. They're that good, the ratios are that dialed in.
And, you can now save 20% on monthly deliveries and 10% on one-time purchases if you go to getKION.com/BenGreenfield. That's get K-I-O-N.com/BenGreenfield. And, that'll get you off to the races with the brand spanking new Kion Aminos. And, I say brand spanking new because we got a new watermelon flavor and we got a new mango flavor that's going to absolutely blow your mind. Check them out. getKION.com/BenGreenfield. That's getK-I-O-N.com/BenGreenfield.
Alright, so check this out. I made a salad last night, Michelin taste vegetables from a personalized farm. Meaning I own the farm, it's a vertical farm. I get to choose the seeds that get planted, the produce that gets sent to me, there's no pesticides. It comes direct to my door. I get to nourish my body with what it deserves. And, this cost me as little as 69 bucks a month to control my own farm. It's called the Willo's Personalized Farming Community. You get the highest quality plants on earth and Willo is revolutionizing the way we eat. They have these innovative vertical farms that produce the tastiest cleanest most sustainable produce on the planet.
Now, the Willo crops are grown in a totally controlled environment so members enjoy the full expression of food, the nuances, and the flavor, the texture and the color, just burst through to give you this unprecedented eating experience. So, it lets you tailor your experience to suit your taste, your wellness preferences, you get to monitor the progress of your produce with each step along the way. And, all of this is done while minimizing environmental impact. So, Willo grows 250 times more food per acre than a traditional farm and uses 99% less water and none of the precious topsoil. So, throughout their life cycle, the crops at Willo are never exposed to chemicals or pollutants. So, this is as pure as produce gets. It's super convenient, super sexy, feels very futuristic and it's fun.
You get to take part if you go to Willo.farm/Ben and use code BEN20 for 20% off. That's Willo.farm/Ben and use code BEN20 for 20% off.
So, this is pretty cool. If you're a biohacker, brain enthusiast who's looking for the newest cutting-edge thing to push your brain to the total outer limits of what's possible, you got to check out this stuff called Nootopia, N-O-O-T-O-P-I-A. These nootropic stacks are pretty much taking the industry by storm right now because they're safe, they're legal, they're highly effective and they're curated, very well-formulated blends of some of the best brain chemistry boosting compounds and nootropics that are in existence. They were formulated. Every single stack in the Nootopia box that you get was formulated by a man who's considered to be the most advanced brain chemist and nootropics formulator alive today. He's actually going to come on the podcast soon. But, Elon Musk's Neuralink might be a long way off, but Nootopia stacks are perhaps the next best thing.
So, within 15 to 30 minutes, you feel them, they help you focus block out distractions, reduce stress, enhance creativity, boost your memory, a whole lot more. Best part is they come with a full one-year guarantee, so there's zero risk for you to try them for yourself. So, if you feel maybe you're not fully maximizing your cognitive potential or physical potential, both personally and professionally, then you owe it to yourself to try Nootopia's formulas. They're a total game changer. And, here's how you can get them at a 10% discount. Go to Nootopia.com/Ben, N-O-O-T-O-P-I-A.com/Ben, enter code Ben10 for a 10% discount.
I'll give you a few examples just because again I'm filling you in on the way that I optimize my life. And, a big part of lifestyle optimization is your spiritual health, your soul health, your relationships, your love. That's why there's 110-year-old gin chugging cigarettes smoking grandmas in Sardinia, Italy living until they're well into the centenarian ages despite not doing a lot of these biohacks because they have love, they have relationships, they have family. So, this stuff is important too. This is a direct transfer to health. You shouldn't do it to make you healthy, you should do it to love other people. But, a cool natural byproduct of it is going to make you a better person physically, mentally, and spiritually.
So, what do we do? We gather around every single night at the Greenfield house is like a party, it's like a party. We all work our asses off all day long and we're a big fan. One of our mantras in the Greenfield house, “We work hard, we play hard.” So, we work really hard all day long, nose to the grindstone, very little distractions, me, my wife, my kids, we all get down to business and we go out and live our life's purpose. We all know our life's purpose. We have it memorized. It's the lens through which we do all of our activities during the day. And then, once about, oh, 7:00 p.m. or so rolls around, done with that afternoon workout, maybe I've jumped in the ice bath, finished the breathwork session with my kids, we all gather as a family every night, seven nights a week. Occasionally, there's some exceptions, we have some people over, there's something going on or we decide to go out to a restaurant. But, I always read the family some book, I always take the family through a book so I'm always reading a chapter and passing on wisdom to my children and my wife each week. We sing a song, so we do a little worship, we do a little prayer, we do a little breath work. Those of you who were at the party last night, at the biohacking facility, H2MN, we did breathwork and intention setting and gratitude there. That's our house every single night. Okay. So, every single night, we're dedicating the final meal, the final party that we throw to the Creator who blessed us with all that. So, we sing a song, we do a prayer, and we do some breath work.
And then, dinner is, again, a big party. There's no devices, there's no screens, we play board games, we play card games. Again, for those of you who are parents, one of the best investments that we do on a monthly basis is I take my sons to Barnes & Noble, which is a game bookstore in the United States. And, it's the best 25 bucks that I spend all year because I'll pay 25 bucks for a board game and it gives us tons of family fun for the whole month. You ought to see our game closet, it's crazy, it's the closet that you open and stuff just comes tumbling out. Literally dozens and dozens and dozens of board games and card games and activities. And, this is every single night at our house and it's amazing because our children are learning things like rhetoric and logic and human interaction and reading and writing and arithmetic. Not at school but right there playing games as a family. Okay. These are all things to think about when it comes to your own personal health is how are you treating your family, how you're raising your kids.
Now, I mentioned yesterday that I'm basically a nose-to-tail carnivore guy. My carbohydrate sources are mostly tubers and berries and honey. Now, one of the things that I do, I've done this for a long time, I still do it. I know that there are some folks in the circadian rhythm biology and nutrition field who would disagree with me. So, screw you. No, I'm just kidding. But, this works out really well for me, honestly. I save all my carbohydrates for the end of the day. So, the whole day long, I'm in a state of ketosis, state of nutritional ketosis eating all fatty acids, vegetables, proteins, training my body how to be a fat-burning machine. And then, at the very end of the day, I will actually consume the lion's share of the day's carbohydrates. And, that sucks away my liver and muscle glycogen levels for the next day so I can get through a workout or whatever else I want to do, gives my thyroid enough carbohydrates, give my testosterone enough to go around, helps to build the proteoglycans in my joints. But then, after I have that evening carbohydrate feed, I don't have any more carbohydrates for 24 hours until dinner time the next day. The cool thing is having your carbohydrates with dinner instead of breakfast will also enhance your production of serotonin which is an up regulator of melatonin. Okay. So, it helps you to sleep a little bit better too.
Now, some people say, “Oh, you're more insulin sensitive in the morning. So, in the morning, that's when you should have your carbohydrates.” Now, here's the thing, that is true, but you can induce a state of artificial insulin hypersensitivity in the evening as well if at some point in the couple of hours leading up to dinner you do a strength training session or a high-intensity interval training session, or even two to four minutes of a cold soak is enough to induce a really, really good amount of glycemic sensitivity. And then, I'll always have some form of a blood glucose disposal agent prior to dinner. Now, I use a bitter melon extract that's in the Kion Lean stuff. You can use berberine. If you're traveling, you can do a shot of apple cider vinegar. You can do a couple teaspoons of Ceylon cinnamon, even a little bit of lemon juice. But, any of these bitter digestif-like compounds, what they do is they enhance your body's ability to be able to lower its blood glucose. A lot of you have asked me what this is on my arm, it's a continuous blood glucose monitor. Okay, I don't wear this all the time, but the sensor lasts for 14 days. So, I'll slap this on about once every couple of months and it gives me a really, really good grasp of how my body is doing managing blood sugar. I can tell you right now, just my own personal experimentation looking at the values of a lot of my clients who wear these things, the two best things you can do to stay really, really carbohydrate sensitive all day long. Number two, second one down is weight training, literally resistance training because it empties your muscle glycogen levels so efficiently. And, the top of the totem pole is cold. If you do some form of cold therapy before you have your Twinkies and your cereal and your wonderful whole-grain bagels, you're going to actually see a lot lower blood glucose response. But, still don't eat whole-grain bagels because they're pretty, pretty crappy for you.
Alright, so another one. This is one that I picked up from my friend, a great medical practitioner, the U.S. Dr. Matthew Cook. He works a lot of people with SIBO, and digestive issues, and constipation, and gut problems. And so, what he put together for his patients was he does a chia seed slurry. Somebody do this, you soak a little bit chia seeds in water? Makes a gel-like water format that's just wonderfully nourishing to the gut, but it really, really helps the bowel movement the next morning. And, what you do is you take about four prunes and about a half cup of soaked chia and you put a little bit of minerals in there. I actually like to use the Quinton stuff, the Quinton hypertonic minerals that are downstairs. You stir that all together, and basically that's what I'll have a lot of times if I'm not having that Jell-o, the homemade gelatin-based Jell-o that I talked about. Usually for me after dinner to get me out of the mode of lo0king for something sweet dark chocolate or ice cream or carrot cake — gosh, I love carrot cake, that's not true. If there's carrot cake, I eat it. I have zero willpower when it comes to carrot cake. I'll eat the whole cake. I'm not kidding. But, anyways, the chia seed slurry, the minerals and the prunes, that's a great, great little thing to have especially if you have difficulty with the morning bowel movement. I mean, game-changer as far as cleaning out but also really satiates the appetite and gives you a nice slow bleed of amino acids and glucose in your bloodstream while you sleep. So, I just buy some organic dried prunes, make the chia seed slurry, put it in the cup, drop the four prunes in, do a little bit of minerals, and it's an amazing little nighttime tonic. So, if you're struggling with a morning bowel movement, things like that, try this, it cleans you out and it feels really good.
Alright, then we all clean the kitchen together, listen to some music, and then comes our bedtime activity.
And, for bedtime, very, very similar, this idea of how you're raising your children is how your children are going to raise their children. We do a story. So, I always read a bedtime story, some kind of a book, or some kind of a fairy tale or anything. My sons are 14 years old now and I always wonder, “Gosh, am I just doing this for me? Do they even enjoy me reading the story? Dad, get out our freaking room and quit reading them.” Whatever, “Pilgrim's Progress,” whatever it is I'm reading to them. The thing is they actually like it. I told them as soon as you guys get sick of me telling you stories, you just tell me and I'll stop reading your stories. We do story time every night at our house. We gather around and then we do our final evening meditation. I told you that in the morning, we do — does anybody remember we do in the morning for meditation? It's two things. Gratitude and service. What are you grateful for and who's one person who you can pray for, or help, or serve today? Then, in the evening, we return back to our journals, the Spiritual Disciplines Journals. And, in the evening, what we do is a self-examination where we close our eyes and we replay the whole day like a movie in our mind watching ourselves in the third person and asking ourselves what good did that character do today, what could that character have done better today, meaning where did they perhaps fail and what failures can they learn from, and then what activity did that person do today that was most purpose-filled. So, this evening process of self-examination really helps you understand those things that really satisfy your life's purpose. It can even help you develop a purpose statement if you don't already have one. But then the other thing this process of self-examination does is it makes everyday stack to get a little bit better and better.
I'll give you an example. I love music. I love music for the neuroplasticity that develops. I love learning new musical instruments to be able to grow my brain. Doing new things is one of the best way to keep your brain young, but I found myself a couple months ago for five days in a row, I was writing, I wish I had played my guitar today, I failed to play my guitar today. And, I got five days into that and I thought, “I'm never going to write this in my journal again.” And, I'll even pick up my guitar for two minutes after dinner just to make sure I get something in. And, that's just a tiny example of how this stuff stack. So, you learn a lot about yourself, it only takes three to five minutes that you get really good at the visualization. You play your whole day a movie in your mind and it's a really, really great way to grow as a person, this evening process of self-examination. And then, we say a prayer and then I take some valium and go to bed. No, I'm just kidding.
Okay. So, let's get to sleep. That's a total pose shock, so you can see it's the middle of the day. Okay. And, that's not a giant nipple coming off my chest, that's unashamed product placement. Alright, so I told you yesterday the circadian rhythm begins in the morning with as much bright light as possible. But, in the evening, it's basically turning your entire home into the equivalent of a torch-lit cave. Okay, all the lights go off, red incandescent light bulbs and all the sleeping areas of the house. I have that red headlamp that I talked about. I wear the blue light-blocking red glasses. Again, remember, we're living in a post-industrial era where we're fighting an evolutionary mismatch against things like high-level, overhead flicker, LED lighting, fluorescence, et cetera. So, to have really good circadian rhythms, we got to figure out ways to battle this stuff. So, red incandescent lighting, a new one for me is Kion Sleep. I just launched that product two months ago and I did it to scratch my own itch. I always had five or six different supplements I had to take at night to get me to sleep. I mean, anybody feel like that? You're like, I got to take this and this and this. And then, if I wake up, I got to take this. So, this Kion Sleep, stuff it's basically L-theanine, GABA, and a really special form of HTP, all blended together and I take three of those and I'm out in 15 minutes. If I wake up in the middle of the night, I can pop three more, it works fantastically. The only thing I do when I'm traveling is I throw in CBD and then high-dose melatonin. When I travel and I did it here, first night I got here, melatonin sledgehammer, 700 milligrams of melatonin. It's a lot of melatonin, but it's a great way to reboot your circadian rhythm. Same thing, when I get home to the U.S. on Wednesday night, I'll take another 700 milligrams of melatonin, it's a great natural anti-inflammatory, it helps you to get through a time zone shift. And, I realize it's a lot of melatonin. You don't do this for life, you'd probably decrease a little bit of your natural melatonin production if you did that much melatonin every day. But, as a sleep hack for travel, I'll use the Kion Sleep, but then, I'll toss in when I'm traveling on a very stressful day, CBD, and then definitely when I'm traveling, melatonin.
There's a lot of different forms of CBD. I think full-spectrum is best, full-spectrum, it seems to be the one with the higher amounts of CBN, CBG, CBD, and compared to some of the isolates, I think it does a really, really good job for sleep. I use a brand called Element Health now for CBD even though there's obviously a billion CBD brands out there.
ChiliPad, they're down here, circulates 55-degree cold water under your body while you're asleep so you get the meat sweats, it's amazing. You can put it on a high temperature, on a low temperature. And, I've got that stacked on top of a body balance PEMF mat. So, the whole time I'm sleeping at night, my body's getting blast with PEMF because that PEMF mat will stay on for 12 hours. But, that charge is going up through the cold water, which actually magnifies the frequency. So, while I'm laying down in bed at night, I'm getting charged with frequency, the equivalent of sleeping on the ground like earthing and grounding but at a much higher power. And then, I'm also getting the ChiliPad circulating the cold water underneath my body. And, it's just the best sleep setup ever. I'm a total sleep princess and I love to just set up my whole body for optimized sleep. I'll typically diffuse a really relaxing oil like lavender, or rose, or bergamot. I always keep a little transdermal magnesium next to the bedside to get a little bit of magnesium charged up in my body.
And then, I'll use some of these devices I've already talked about with the nap, Apollo, HapBee, Brain.fm, NuCalm. Brain.fm, that's one that you can play and you don't need headphones in. You play it in the room and it'll be a Bluetooth speaker or from your phone, if your phone's in airplane mode and they got a couple deep sleep sessions on there that work really, really well. You can play the whole night long. I actually play back in my hotel room, here, I got the Brain.fm, I put it on, and I'm a big fan of when you travel conditioning your body with the same noises that you have at home because it lulls your body into this state of safety. So, the more you can simulate your sleep system at home when you're on the road, you're going to sleep a lot better, and sound, and smells are a great way to do that. So, I travel with lavender and I'll travel with this Brain.fm on my phone app so I get the sounds and the smells that are similar to what I get at home which really helps with sleep.
And, the very last thing before my head hits the pillow, I roll over, I say a prayer with my wife and we fall asleep. And, usually, that's 9:30, 9:45. And, that is the Greenfield day. We did it. Oh, yeah, time to spare. Yay. Yes.
So, the resources are at BenGreenfieldLife/HOS22. And, I want to take some questions. We're going to doing a little Q&A. We got 10 minutes or so for Q&A. I always like to start with the first question.
I'll start with the first question. What's yellow and really hurts when it hits you in the eye? A bulldozer or a school bus. Yeah, I like that. School bus, yeah.
Alright. No, but seriously, let's do some real questions. So, yes, you right there in the front row.
Female: Kids do strength training or just kettlebells because I've heard about kids stunted growth doing heavy weights?
Ben: Yeah, the kids, it's the growth plate compression is what they get concerned about with kids and heavy weights, but that really hasn't been borne out in literature especially once you're up into adolescence. So, my kids do strength training but it's primarily with the kettlebell. You're still loading those growth plates with the kettlebell when you're in this position or when you're in this position, so they do strength training but it's primarily with a kettlebell. And then, what I do is every Sunday night, I sit down, I write all the workouts for my sons and I to do during the week, and then I email that to them so they got it on file, I got it on file. But, a lot of it is strength training and it's fine especially for adolescents, it's not going to stunt their growth unless they're severely malnourished or something like that. so, don't starve your kids and give them kettlebells.
Female: Yeah. I should have been 6 foot, but —
Ben: What's that?
Female: I did weight training when I was 10, and —
Ben: Yeah. And, look how short you are. Geez.
Female: I know.
Ben: It didn't work out for you. Sorry. Alright. Yes, sir? How about right here?
Male: Anything that you've not mentioned that you would include for post-surgery recovery.
Ben: For post-surgery recovery. Oh, gosh, there's a lot of stuff that you could do. I think that probably that if you could choose four modalities, two would be technologies, infrared light and pulsed electromagnetic field frequency. Those two can accelerate healing really, really dramatically. So, I'd recommend those as far as technologies. And then, as far as supplements, play a top three would be some form of really bioavailable collagen or gelatin, some kind of essential amino acid supplement to give your body a lot of the building blocks that it needs without creating a lot of digestive distress especially because a lot of times you can't move as much post-surgery so you don't want to eat a lot of calorically-rich steaks and things like that for your protein. So, essential amino acids and then high-dose vitamin c, which has been used since surgeons in World War II were using high-dose vitamin c to help their patients recover more quickly. Those are a few that work really well.
Male: Thank you.
Ben: Yes. I'm not a doctor, I just play one on TV.
Male: So, let's say you had 100 bucks, what would be your go-to hack things to purchase for, yeah, less than 100 bucks basically.
Ben: Cigarettes and a good vodka. So, 100 bucks, oh, my gosh. Yeah, it's tricky. Gosh, a $100. And, what would the goal be like fitness or longevity or something that's going to improve your life for a hundred bucks? I would say I would spend all the money on stuff that would make your walks better because I think walking is one of the best things for life. So, you get some little hand weights, get the Relaxator device, maybe get some blood flow restriction bands. That right there is going to add up to maybe 60, 65 bucks. So, I just saved you $35 that you can use somewhere else on a nice ribeye steak or something.
Alright. Yes, sir?
Male: Yesterday, we heard something about Bluetooth. What do you think about the Oura Ring or WHOOP band?
Ben: Oh, yeah. I mean, my criteria for any of these technologies is they must have the ability to be turned into airplane mode. And, if I can't, I won't use them, okay? So, the Apollo, I'll switch in airplane mode. HapBee, I put it in airplane mode. My Oura Ring, I put it in airplane mode. My phone when I'm sleeping is in airplane mode. So, if I can't enable airplane mode, I don't use it.
Bluetooth is a little less problematic but there's still some evidence that it might cause a little bit of red blood cell clumping. I personally know that when I'm wearing air pods just so I don't go near, my brain just feels fuzzy by the end of the day. So, I avoid those things like the plague. My home's a total stupid home, not a smart home. All the technology is disabled. And, if something comes with Wi-Fi and I don't know how to disable it, I'll contact the manufacturer and figure out how I can actually turn Wi-Fi off on it. And, if it can't be disabled, it's out.
Male: And, what do you think about sleeping in the tent? What underground you would use when you would sleep in the tent?
Ben: What kind of underground?
Male Speaker: Yeah.
Ben: You could use the same setup in a Faraday cage. Yeah, yeah. Faraday cages are amazing, by the way. What I do when I travel is I just travel a Faraday cage blanket, which is easy, it folds up in my bag, and I can just hop into the hotel bed and I just pull that over me over the regular blanket. It works pretty well. You can put it over your head. So, yeah, keeps the mosquitoes off too. A lot of big mosquitos running around London.
Alright, let's do a few more questions. How are we doing on time?
Male: About five minutes.
Ben: Five minutes. Alright, cool. Let's keep going. I'll let you pick. You got the microphone, that'll be faster.
Male: Just a question with homeschooling. The kids obviously with the family a lot of the time, about how do you allow them or facilitate them connecting with friends?
Ben: They don't. They're very anti-social little barefoot truants that don't play well with others. They bite other kids a lot, so it's embarrassing.
No, they do so many extracurriculars. Oh, my gosh, jiu jitsu, and tennis, and wilderness survival class, and pottery class, and art trips, and group jumping at the trampoline park. I mean, they see kids all the time. It's not an issue at all. This idea that parents think, “Oh, my kids have to go to school to get socialized.” No, if any, kids should go to school get educated if that's the reason that they're going to school. You're in charge of the socialization, not the school. Alright, if the reason your kids are going for school is for the social life, in my opinion, that's the equivalent of when people go to college to learn how to drink and meet members of the opposite sex for four years and waste a lot of money. I think the same thing about the average normal modern-day school, it's just an excuse for your kids to socialize and learn in a very outdated educational system. Yeah.
Yes, sir? Over there, over there, sorry. That's right you're picking on me.
Female: What would your advice to someone who wants to find a purpose? Is it always connected to your passion?
Ben: Yeah. Yeah, how do you find your purpose in life? Obviously, we talked for an hour about how to find your purpose in life. But, I boil it down to very simplistic terms. Think about what it is that you do now that makes time go by quickly. For me, it's a blank page. I can pull up a blank page and start writing and I'll look at my watch and feel like it's been 20 minutes, I've been two hours. Okay. So, figure out what it is for you that makes time go by quickly, what is it that you really like to do when you were a kid, okay, that's usually a really, really good clue about the kind of things that you were built for to be most purposeful now. And, as my friend Mark Manson says — he's the author of, what's the name of his F word book, “ The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck,” yeah. He says, “Do things that make you forget to eat and poop.” Alright, so usually your purpose is somewhat linked to things that make you forget to eat and poop. And, that's a good place to start but there's also a great book called “Claim Your Power” by Mastin Kipp. That one's a really good one for finding life's purpose. And then, a new one that just came out a couple of months ago that's fantastic for purpose finding is called “Ikigai 2.0.” And, you can find that on the website sloww.co, S-L-O-W-W.co.
Male: Hi. I just wanted to ask why is it that you advocate a low-protein diet?
Ben: I don't advocate a low-protein diet.
Male: As someone who read “Boundless” so…
Ben: No, no, I advocate what might be considered a low protein diet compared to the average meat head, but I mean 0.55 to 0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day is not a low protein diet. And, that's what I recommend usually close to 0.8 grams per pound for the more active people close to 0.55 grams per pound. I'll let you guys do the kilogram conversion because I suck at math. But, basically, I mean, that's not a low protein diet. I never have to advocated a low-protein diet. Now, I do advocate having certain periods of the year where you're doing protein fasting to downregulate mTOR, but that would just be on a quarterly basis doing a four to five-day fasting-mimicking diet, or water fast, or bone broth fast, or vegetable fast, but that's not every day. So, no, I'm not an advocate of a low-protein diet.
Male: Okay, thank you.
Female: Hi, Ben. What do you think we're all going to be doing in 10 years? Look at all this today and everything you presented, amazing, and I've been listening to you for about 10 years already, so I've seen where you've come from. So, what are we all going to be doing in 10 years? What are you going to be doing in 10 years?
Ben: Oh, we're all going to have brain cancer in 10 years from all the stem cells. I'm just kidding. Yeah. So, I mean, what am I going to be doing 10 years? Do you mean from a health optimization longevity standpoint? I actually think, and this is what I would hope that people are actually going to become more analog, but at the same time, I think there's going to be a rift between people who are getting out in nature, learning how to plant forage, walking in the sunshine, rock climbing, grounding, swimming in the ocean. And then, there's going to be the metaverse people who are working out and having sex with their oculus rift on just basically living their entire life in web 3.0. And, I don't know about you, but if the zombie apocalypse happens, I'd much rather be the person who can survive out in the forest with a knife and a wool blanket and some leather shoes than I would be the person who can't figure out how to turn my virtual reality technology on. So, I think we're going to see a rift. And, I encourage people go analog as much as possible.
Yeah, let's go one more question.
Male: Last question, yeah.
Male: Hey, how are you doing? Sorry, mate. I'm off to the States next month and I got my second —
Ben: You said you're off to space?
Male: The States, U.S.
Ben: Oh, the States.
Male: And, they require vaccination. And, a couple of days ago, I got one and I've done some research a year ago, six months ago and then since then, I've just come across a lot of stuff saying the vaccinations probably really not good for me and I've got pins and needles in my arms that I'm feeding stuff. Is there anything I can do? What's your view on that? And, is there anything I can do to recover from that? If I made a big mistake, do you think…
Ben: Yeah. I mean, I figure I had to stay a little bit PC here, I want this talking band off of YouTube. Yeah, you made a big mistake.
Unless if you're immunocompromised or elderly, maybe you didn't make a big mistake. You don't look like the guy to me, you would need to be vaccinated. Anyways though, yeah, there are things that you can do. You should go listen to my interview with Peter McCullough because Peter and I talk about a lot of the strategies that can be used to mitigate some of the deleterious effects of vaccination. And so, I'd listen to that interview because I go over a lot more than I could in this brief period of time. So, thanks.
Male: Thanks very much.
Ben: Yup, no problem.
More than ever these days, people like you and me need a fresh entertaining, well-informed, and often outside-the-box approach to discovering the health, and happiness, and hope that we all crave. So, I hope I've been able to do that for you on this episode today. And, if you liked it or if you love what I'm up to, then please leave me a review on your preferred podcast listening channel wherever that might be and just find the Ben Greenfield Life episode. Say something nice. Thanks so much. It means a lot.
Today's episode is Part 2 of my talk at the Health Optimisation Summit, recently held in London by noted UK biohacker and media personality Tim Gray.
The Health Optimisation Summit brings together the best from all the key diets, and everything in the health, wellbeing, medical, nutrition, biohacking, and fitness worlds, with the view not to push one mindset, but to incorporate them all with the sole goal of making people healthier–using whichever mindset or ‘diet' is best for the individual.
When I interviewed Tim Gray recently, on the podcast episode “How UK’s Leading Biohacker Eats, Drinks, & Optimizes His Life: An Interview With Tim Gray,” I got a sneak peek into what his life looks like, from his fitness and nutrition routines to his sexiest biohacks.
At this year's Summit, Tim turned the tables and actually asked me to present on “A Day in the Life of Ben Greenfield.” At first, I thought I'd be struggling to fill the time slot with just my “average day,” but then as I thought about all the hacks, routines, and rituals I do throughout my days that are now more or less automatic for me but likely something you'll be quite interested in, I realized it might not be quite as simple as it sounds!
In this episode, we pick up where we left off last time, and go on to talk about the importance of family time at the end of the day, finishing the day with purpose, and we even had time left at the end to answer a few questions from members of the audience.
Remember, if you haven't yet, I highly recommend you listen to Part 1 of this series, either before or after this episode!
In this episode, you'll discover:
-How Ben makes the most of the mid-day siesta…07:41
- NuCalm
- BrainTap
- Yoga Nidra on YouTube
- Best time to nap is 6-9 hours after waking
- Cold plunge after waking up
- Jump on rebounder
- PEMF mat
- Infopathy device
- Podcast on Infopathy with Anton Fedorenko:
- HapBee
- Apollo wearable
- Do lighter work during walks
- Earth Runners
- PosturePro insoles (use code BEN15 to save 15%)
- Pluggz
- Light hand weights while walking
- Kaatsu bands (use code BEN to save 10%)
- Oura Ring
- Relaxator
- Movement snacks throughout the day (GOATA + Core Foundation + Knees Over Toes + Hypopressive):
-Ben's favorite workouts throughout the day…17:25
- Electrical muscle stimulation suit Katalyst
- PowerDot smart muscle stimulator
- Foundation of Ben's training:
- Russian Kettlebell Certification
- Super slow single set to failure
- Vasper bike
- OtherShip app for breath work
-Building a family legacy…23:49
- Not raising children, raising your grandchildren
- Legado Family
- Flag, crest, 7 family principles
- Boundless Parenting by Ben Greenfield
- Family dinner is a big party
- Board and card games:
- Buy a new board game each month
-Eating practices at the end of the day…34:11
- Consume most carbs at dinner
- Carbs are an up regulator of melatonin
- Glucose disposal agent (GDA) before dinner:
- Chia seed slurry recipe:
- Chia seeds (set in a small bowl of water and placed in the refrigerator for 2-24 hours)
- Organic dried prunes
- Quinton Hypertonic (use code GREENFIELD to save 10%)
-Bedtime rituals…38:25
- Bedtime story for the children
- Final evening meditation with the fam
- Self-examination
- Spiritual Disciplines Journal
- Prayer for others
- Turn off all blue lights; red lights only
- Kion Sleep (with full-spectrum CBD and melatonin when traveling)
- Element Health CBD
- Melatonin (use code GREENFIELD10 to save 10%)
- ChiliPad on a PEMF mat
- Diffuse essential oils
- Transdermal magnesium
- Apollo
- Hapbee
- Brain.fm
- Say a prayer with Jessa and fall asleep
-Audience Q&A…45:23
- Should kids do strength training?
- Ben's kids do kettlebells
- Tips on post-surgery recovery?
- Biohacking on a budget?
- Thoughts on devices with bluetooth capabilities?
- Devices should have airplane mode
- What to use when sleeping in a tent?
- Socializing while homeschooling kids?
- Is your purpose in life always connected to your passion?
- Do things that make time go quickly
- The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson
- Claim Your Power by Mastin Kipp
- Ikigai 2.0
- Why do you advocate a low-protein diet?
- 0.55-0.8 g of protein per pound of body weight
- What will Ben be doing 10 years from now?
- Go analog
- How to recover from vaccine side effects
-And much more…!
-Upcoming Events:
- Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Healing Summit (July 12 – 20, 2022). Click here to register for the event now
- Keep up on Ben's LIVE appearances by following bengreenfieldlife.com/calendar
Resources mentioned in this episode:
– Podcasts:
- How To Turn A Glass Of Water Into A Pharmaceutical, Supplement, Remedy & “Information Carrier” Using The Science Of Infopathy.
- How To Live, Move & Feel Like A Pro Athlete: The 7 Best Workouts & Exercises That Most People Don’t Know About, But Should Be Doing.
- Vaccines vs. Natural Immunity, Sudden Death In Athletes, The Best Early Treatment Of COVID, The Joe Rogan Vaccine Podcast, Can You Get COVID Twice & Much More With Dr. Peter McCullough.
– Books:
- The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson
- Claim Your Power by Mastin Kipp
- Boundless Parenting by Ben Greenfield
– Other Resources:
- Health Optimisation Summit
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Ceylon Cinnamon
- Kion Lean
- Bitter Melon Extract
- Berberine
- Chia seeds
- Organic Dried Prunes
- Quinton Hypertonic (use code GREENFIELD to save 10%)
- Kion Sleep
- Element Health CBD
- Melatonin (use code GREENFIELD10 to save 10%)
- Topical Magnesium
- Ancient Nutrition Collagen
- Kion Aminos
- Vitamin C
- NuCalm
- BrainTap
- Yoga Nidra
- Mini Trampoline
- PEMF Mat
- Infopathy
- HapBee
- Apollo
- Earth Runners
- PosturePro (use code BEN15 to save 15%)
- Pluggz
- Light Hand Weights
- Kaatsu Bands (use code BEN to save 10%)
- Oura Ring
- Relaxator
- Katalyst
- PowerDot
- Kettlebells
- ARX Fit
- X3 Bar
- Vasper
- Red Incandescent Lights
- Faraday Blankets
- Brain.fm
- Rhetoric
- Boggle
- Quiddler
- Exploding Kittens
- Unstable Unicorns
- Spiritual Disciplines Journal
Episode sponsors:
–Timeline Nutrition: Timeline is offering 10% off your first order of Mitopure. Go to timelinenutrition.com/BEN and use code BEN to get 10% off your order.
–Organifi Red Juice: Enjoy all the benefits of the 11 superfoods and their micronutrients that help increase resting metabolism, support cardiovascular health, and remove toxins to turn back the hands of time! Receive a 20% discount on your entire order when you use discount code BENG20.
–Kion Aminos: Building blocks for muscle recovery, reduced cravings, better cognition, immunity, and more.
-Willo: Willo lets members tailor their experience to suit their taste and wellness preferences. Members can even monitor the progress of their produce each step along the way. Use code BEN20 for 20% off.
–Nootopia: experience your best mood and mental performance with personalized Nootropics. Enter code BEN10 for a 10% discount.