June 1, 2023
From podcast: https://bengreenfieldlife.com/podcast/qa-456/
[00:00:00] Introduction
[00:00:31] Podcast Sponsors
[00:06:57] Solosodes on Video
[00:10:08] Book Recommendations
[00:24:10] Excellent article on holistic cancer management
[00:29:25] Podcast Sponsors
[00:35:22] cont. Excellent article on holistic cancer management
[00:49:35] Could this potentially be the “cure for cancer”?
[00:55:33] So you're tellin' me tomatoes are edible sunscreen?
[00:59:25] This actually works for constipation
[01:04:22] Peppermint essential oil as a digestive hack
[01:05:24] Cheap hack: peppermint oil and/or menthol spray to enhance lifting performance
[01:08:42] Why should you do super slow training? Why do extremely slow reps?
[01:18:02] Does full-body electrical muscle stimulation work?
[01:24:14] Closing the Podcast
[01:25:54] Upcoming Event
Ben: In this episode of the Ben Greenfield Life podcast.
Supplements you can combine with sunlight, constipation hacking, holistic cancer management, super slow training and much more.
Faith, family, fitness, health, performance, nutrition, longevity, ancestral living, biohacking and a whole lot more. Welcome to the show.
Hey. So, I recently posted actually to Instagram the idea of getting up in the morning, having a big glass of water, charging yourself up with all these things that allow the cells to take up more light like methylene blue or chlorella or shilajit, and then getting into red light or sunlight for 20 minutes. The reason for that is because all of those compounds I mentioned enhance the body's ability to uptake photons of light and produce ATP and I do this every day. When it comes to age reversal, feeling like a teenager, producing massive amounts of energy in the absence of calories, this strategy just works. And, the way I do it is I get up, I have the morning glass of water, I go down to my office and I flip on these panels. I'm sandwiched in between two big red light panels. And, the panels that I use treat my entire body in a very short period of time, the reason for that is I use these red lights from a company called Joovv.
So, Joovv source is only the highest quality materials, medical grade components. They've undergone third-party testing. They've got safety marks from nationally recognized testing laboratories. It's a very safe, very reliable way to get full body red light in a very convenient manner, in a very short period of time based on the power and the dosage of these things. Incredibly safe, incredibly efficacious. They do have one called the Joovv Go that I travel with and that I'll use for bedtime reading at night, for treating sore joints, for putting between my legs to get a little bit of an extra testosterone boost when I'm laying in bed. You can get access to all the Joovv stuff and get an exclusive discount on your first order from Joovv. Here's how. Go to J-O-O-V-V.com/Ben and apply code BEN to get that instant exclusive discount on any order. So, it's J-O-O-V-V.com/Ben and use code BEN.
Did you know that there is one part of sleep, one part of the night of sleep nearly everybody fails to get enough of and it's the one part of sleep that's responsible for most of your body's rejuvenation and repair and hunger and weight loss hormone production and energy and a lot more. You probably guessed, it's deep sleep, the deep sleep cycle. If you don't get enough of this part, you probably get cravings, you have a lower than you should metabolism, you can get premature aging like wearing of the skin, bags under the eyes, wearing of the nails, thinning of the hair or even worse conditions like onset of chronic disease. And, one big thing that contributes to deep sleep cycles are your mineral status, primarily your magnesium status. See, magnesium increases something called GABA. That encourages relaxation on a cellular level. It's critical for sleep. It's an inhibitory neurotransmitter, gamma aminobutyric acid, GABA. Magnesium jacks that up. Meaning, it also plays a key role in regulating your body's stress response system. So, when you go to bed and you have lower anxiety and lower stress and higher GABA because you have adequate magnesium, you can crush deep sleep.
Now, before you go out and get any old magnesium supplement, you got to understand most mag products out there, they're synthetic. They are one to two forms of magnesium and your body needs all seven forms of this essential mineral. That's where you use this stuff called Magnesium Breakthrough. It's made by BiOptimizers. It's got all seven forms in it. Taking it before bed helps me relax, helps me wake up feeling refreshed and energized, helps me restore my minerals, even assist with your morning bowel movement, which is a nice and noticeable beneficial bonus. And, the deep sleep benefits are readily noticeable on my Oura Ring. So, BiOptimizers give special gifts with purchase on select orders. They give a 365-day money back guarantee on all their products and you get 10% off this stuff, the best date I know of for helping out with those deep sleep levels in a natural healthy and full body way. Go to MagBreakthrough.com/Ben, use code Ben10. That's MagBreakthrough.com/Ben and use code Ben10.
Alright. So, I've got a probiotic for you that is literally as they say the shiite. If you're looking for a pill to hack your bathroom habits so you can, let's say, get off to your morning workout or your other morning routines more quickly because stuff namely your poops just slip out of you smooth like creamy, creamy ice cream–it's kind of a gross analogy for anybody who eats ice cream. I'm sorry I just destroyed your evening dessert experience for you. Anyways though, you get what I'm saying. Sometimes pooping is nice to have done in a quick and convenient manner and your biome influences your poop. Most probiotics that support the type of biome that goes on to support healthy pooping don't work. They'll make their way to your colon. Translation, that would mean easy poops for you if it did happen.
Now, there is a company called Seed. They make what's called a DS-01 Daily Synbiotic. I know it sounds like a Star Wars R3D2 C3PO robot, but long story short is you don't need to know the name, okay. It's just Seed, S-E-E-D. You can go to seed.com/BenGreenfield to check this out. It's a capsule-in-capsule delivery technology that ensures precision entry through the small intestine to your colon. So, day in, day out like clockwork, you get the bacteria into your gut where it needs to go most so you can perform on top of your game or in this case, on top of the toilet. It's a patented delivery technology. The probiotics use this.
Now, the other cool thing is that the prebiotics that they squeeze into this thing also help to do things like support your urolithin production, which is one of the new darlings of the anti-aging and longevity industry. Their formulation has 24 clinically and scientifically studied strains of probiotics proven to support your digestive health and increase your intestinal transit time all meaning you have less time squirming on the toilet, which is great. So, if you want to start a new healthy habit today, you can visit seed.com/BenGreenfield. That's S-E-E-D.com, great URL by the way, slash BenGreenfield and use my code BEN for 25% off your first month's supply of Seed's DS-01 Daily Synbiotic. That's seed.com/BenGreenfield and use code BEN.
Well, welcome to podcast episode 456, Q&A episode 456. My name is Ben Greenfield if you hadn't guessed that already. And, this is a little bit weird because I'll give you a little background. I've been podcasting for 16, maybe 17 years and when it first started it was just me solo, a very young personal trainer excited about this brand-new world of podcasting, hot in front of the mic. And, it's kind of interesting because not only I have my webcam, my old school webcam turned on, this was way back when you had to code your own RSS feed and upload it to Apple and do a whole bunch of things behind the scenes and keep your fingers cross that nothing broke and that Apple accepted your podcast. And now, it seems you can just push a button and have a podcast. But, back then, it was me, video, and just me solo going through things like relevant news flashes. Back then, it was primarily from the realms of strength conditioning research and exercise physiology. And then, in addition to that, ask–not asking but answering a few listener questions that would come in via email.
Well, this month, I've decided to do a little experiment. I would love to get your feedback on this as well if you go to the shownotes at BenGreenfieldLife.com/456. You can let me know if this resonates with you, but I've decided to go back to doing more frequent such solosodes for you. And, this is going to be a couple of times a month that I come on that I give you some hot news flashes, some updates and answer a few listener questions as well. And, by the way, if you go to BenGreenfieldLife.com, there's a handy button there where you can submit a question. You could also submit your questions on social media anywhere I'm found on social media and I take a look at those and also select a few of the doozies, so to speak, to reply to.
So, basically what this podcast is going to entail, there is a video version if you're one of those weird people who looks like to watch a talking head drone on for 60 to 90 minutes. Well, there is a video episode as well. It's on YouTube. It's also on the shownotes at BenGreenfieldLife.com/456. I even have this cool button. I'm going to press it. It allows me to change camera angles so you can look at talking head from a different angle. I recommend walking in a forest or doing a workout or doing the laundry or cleaning the garage or mowing a lawn while listening to a podcast for the sake of movement, but if you do like to just watch the video version, you can do that too if there's nothing better to watch on Netflix.
So, anyways, I am going to begin to do these solosodes, like I mentioned, a couple times a month. I would love your feedback if you like them and I would love more of your compelling questions that are interesting and relevant and are things that you think you'd like to hear answered on the show not just in the realm of health and fitness but spirituality, longevity, family and parenting which has been a big focus if you haven't noticed of the podcast lately. And, I'm just going to riff for you for a while on these shows and hopefully give you some really interesting information beginning with today because I like to just jump right into the content. I read a lot of books, typically four to five books a week and then often listen to one to two additional books on Audible and I thought that these new solosodes would also be a chance for me to share with you a couple of interesting books that I come across from episode to episode. So, let's do that and then we're just going to jump right into the news flashes.
So, first of all, my friend Dr. William Li who wrote a book called “Eat to Beat Disease” that I did do a podcast episode with him with and was absolutely fascinating. The guy is super intelligent, steeped in research, and he just released a fantastic new title called “Eat to Beat Diet.” And, the book promised to be chock full of these little-known tips about foods and ingredients that elevate metabolism and convert your white fat into more metabolically active brown fat, something that a lot of people will use methods such as cold thermogenesis or exercise to achieve. You can actually, in a way, eat your way into elevating these pathways as well. I almost didn't read the book because I thought it was going to be the same old, same old put a little cayenne pepper in your coffee and work out before you eat and these type of strategies but it actually turned out to be super interesting.
For example, I always fold over pages and underline with a pen. I'm very old school when it comes to of reading. I do use the highlight feature on Kindle when I do occasionally read on Kindle, but mostly I love to read paper. I'm very analog when it comes to my reading. And, for example, a few of the things that I folded over and underlined in this book included the fact that your metabolism actually decreases from the time that you're an early teenager until you're an adult. Your metabolism doesn't even increase during puberty when you think it'd be rampantly increasing due to the need for better endocrine function.
And, this seems counterintuitive, but what happens is there are other mechanisms that allow you to be anabolic so to speak as you are aging and especially in your younger years, your metabolism is not going up and up and up as we would think. Perhaps that's one reason why in an era of high amount of access to hyper-palatable foods, we are seeing an increase in things like teenage obesity or the onset of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, even in children when that used to be only an issue with older adults or alcoholics. Well, your metabolism then levels out during adulthood all the way out to 60 years old. Most people's metabolisms don't really start to decrease until after 60 years old.
So, based on this fact, Dr. Li gets into ways that we can, often using methods that you may not have heard of, keep the metabolism elevated by what we eat. Now, he follows a very interesting diet. It's called a MediterAsian diet, MediterAsian. I think that's a much more catchy title than another friend of mine, bless his heart but I think it's not the greatest title, Dr. Mark Hyman eats a combination of paleo and vegan and calls it the PaGan diet. I'm a bigger fan of the MediterAsian moniker. It's basically the healthiest version of a Mediterranean diet meets the healthiest version of an Asian diet and has a little oriental child from the Fertile Crescent, I suppose.
The book has some really good tips and recipes for that. It makes sense events because we see a lot of longevity hot spots in places like Sardinia and in Greece, but also in places like Okinawa in Japan and in some places like Banma County in China. So, his diet is Mediterranean meets Asian and he gets into the details of that in the book. And, I am recommending this book to you as a new read. It just came out.
He talks about a pharmaceutical drug called Mirabegron. And, he gets into how it jacks brown fat conversion rates way up, super high, over and above most of the things you've ever heard of. The problem is it has rampant side effects like high blood pressure and swelling and headache and bloating. It's an off-label high blood pressure drug interestingly. It is also used for kidney support. But, Mirabegron is not the best solution for increasing your metabolism for obvious side effect reasons, but foods that activate brown fat include one that I already mentioned spicy foods, which are great to consume especially before you do cryotherapy or cold thermogenesis or even a workout if you want to shift into higher amounts of fatty acid oxidation.
Caffeine acts similarly. Even superior to caffeine would be EGCG, a component in green tea. Soy, particularly fermented soy like nito or natto rather, tempeh, miso. These would all be examples of fermented soy products that can support fat metabolism. And then, menthol. I even am a fan these days of putting a few drops of peppermint essential oil, which you need to be careful with for oral consumption because it's highly concentrated and can cause esophageal burning and almost like a paradoxical increase even though it's often used for digestive support in things like heartburn just if it's not diluted when you consume it. But, peppermint would be another example as would be anything from the menthol family, including mint leaf and oregano. So, these are all foods that activate brown fat. And, particularly if you're in a fasted state or you are about to do cold thermogenesis, can increase the efficacy of those type of practices if you're doing them for fat burning.
There are also some little-known foods that I've got a whole list of that I want to hunt down and try that fly under the radar when it comes to fat-burning activation foods like horned melon, a shimeji mushrooms. That's S-H-I-M-E-J-I, shimeji mushrooms. And slippery lobster, I love that title. They all activate fat burning pathway. Slippery lobster sounds like it could be a very tough crustacean to catch, but nonetheless, if you can get your hands on it, it can activate fat-burning pathways.
So, he has a whole list of foods like that in the book. And, those are just a few examples of things that I highlighted, but the book is called “Eat to Beat Your Diet.” So, that would be a good title for you to check out on Audible or Kindle or whatever you'd like or I suppose you can use ChatGPT and tell it to give you the summary. I don't know how many authors that's going to put out of business, but I actually recommend you read the book.
And, another book that also intrigued me this month was written by another guy who's a former podcast guest of mine, Darin Olien. Darin is known as a superfood hunter. He's actually responsible for getting me addicted to what I consider to be the crack cocaine of nuts or Barukas Nuts. They're an addictively tasty blend of peanut and a cashew, but they have incredibly high omega-3 fatty acid levels and also some of the omega-7s and the omega-9s but very few of the digestive distressing or enzyme-inhibiting or mineral-inhibiting components that many nuts and legumes have. They're called Barukas Nuts. I talk about them all in the podcast episode that I did with Darin, which I'll link to in the shownotes for this episode over at BenGreenfieldLife.com/456.
He talks about some pretty cool things. It's basically all these common items we use every day that might be toxifying our bodies way more than we think, a few of my highlights from that book included because a lot of people are concerned about personal care products or they'll forget their all-organic overpriced lotion from the health food store when they're traveling. He mentioned something called Waxelene, it's a multi-purpose ointment you can find almost anywhere. It's 100% cruelty-free. It has some pretty cool skin protective and nourishing and anti-inflammatory properties versus some spendier and harder-to-get options called whack Waxelene, W-A-X-E-L-E-N-E. So, next time you're stuck looking for something you can use as an all-purpose ointment or lotion or skin protectant, that's a good one to jot down as knowing that it satisfies all the criteria being a safe food that's not a fatal convenience, which is the title of Darin's book, “Fatal Conveniences.”
He talks about avoiding mouthwash. I've talked about that in the show before. It not only can kind of nuke the microbiome in your mouth, but it particularly inhibits the growth of the bacteria responsible for converting nitrates in foods like say arugula or beets into activated nitric oxide in your body. So, it's not that great for you, but he recommends just chewing on rosemary or spearmint or peppermint or even putting a few drops of pepper and oil into coconut oil and doing something like oil pulling or oil swishing with that, which is also wonderful for cleaning the mouth and maintaining a good oral microbiome.
He defines tampons as essentially, pardon the expression, pussy cigarettes. They're nasty things. Use organic only. He has a whole bunch of brands of menstrual cups or reusable pads from companies like Nixit and DivaCup and Treehugger and New Moon. He also recommends period underwear from places like Knixx or TomboyX or Thinx. And, I think that a lot of women particularly don't realize how much they are absorbing in terms of toxic ingredients, dozens of them from the average tampon. He also mentions also relevant, I suppose, more our female listeners lipstick, eye makeup, and most anti-aging creams as being pretty bad news bears. And, he has a whole bunch of alternative options in the book for that.
He describes a new study just came out in 2022. I hadn't heard of it before. It was in a Swedish scientific journal. It pretty demonstrably proves some of the deleterious effects of 5G on our cells. Now, 5G on your phone isn't as much of an issue, it's more of the panels, proximity to the panel. So, that's something to consider and it's concerning, it honestly can do something about, I suppose, besides writing a letter to Elon Musk warning him about putting thousands of satellites into space that are going to bombard the planet consistently with 5G.
But nonetheless, if you have the option to deactivate 5G on your phone, it's very simple in the settings. You may want to think about doing that. You may also want to think about your proximity to panels in your neighborhood if you're close to 5G and take into consideration how much time you're going to spend in front of those or go listen to my podcast with Brian Hoyer about things faraday shielding and faraday painting that you can do in certain rooms such as the rooms you sleep in to protect you while your nervous system is repairing. But, that was the first time I'd actually seen a study that actually concerns me quite a bit about 5G.
Related to that, if you're interested in the microwave concept, he does get into the fact that microwaving doesn't radiate your food, just fine for the food, dehydrates it a little bit but that's not an issue, that's technically how it cooks it is by rapidly moving the molecules and that can cause the water to decrease in the food. But, microwaves if plugged in constantly in the kitchen, especially when not in use or if you're close to them when you are using them, can present some radiative concerns to the body. So, something to think about if you're a microwave user. I'm not. I'm an air fryer user. I have a Cuisinart air fryer and use that for just about anything I'd normally use a microwave for. They're great and you can make crispy shrimp and donuts and air-fried pickles and all sorts of things with them. And, I think they're far superior to a microwave and far safer.
It gets into clothing that's stain-resistant, waterproof or wrinkle-free. All of those tend to be loaded with a lot of things that get absorbed through your skin that aren't that great for you. He recommends choosing organic cotton only or if you are going to use stain-resistant waterproof or wrinkle-free clothing, you need to choose the stuff that's low in toxins. Typically, they're going to advertise that. Typically, it's going to empty your pocketbook a lot more quickly as well but something to think about if you're wearing fancy clothing. It might not be that great for you. He also gets into, of course, something you're no doubt aware of or have heard of and that's tight bras and tight underwear and tight jeans and tight pants. I know they look great occasionally for fashion or for sexiness. You could dawn them, but I would not make those a staple in your fashion protocol.
He also mentions air conditioning units. Air conditioning units, in many cases, create what's called sick building syndrome and churns out a lot of toxins. The one I have in my house is called an AllerAir. It seems to work pretty well. There are safer options out there, but he recommends as much as possible taking the good old cold shower, using minimal clothing at home, sleeping under the sheets only and just figuring out other ways to cool yourself including keeping the windows curtains closed and keeping the windows open when you can and just being careful with excessive or frequent use of air conditioning in the same way you might want to reconsider how often using a microwave turns out to be a good idea.
Last thing he mentioned that I underline even though there's plenty more in the book is I actually have been guilty of using aluminum foil. I just happen to have it around. I'll sometimes wrap things in it like different meats or occasionally wrap food in it. Anodized aluminum is a form of aluminum foil that allows the aluminum to be far more stable and less likely to leach into the food. And so, I'm personally going to be switching to anodized aluminum and, of course, stainless steel cookware or anodized aluminum cookware or cast iron cookware are all going to be safer than cookware that is non-anodized aluminum. And then, of course, for non-heat methods, he recommends simply food wraps like EarthHero or Cedar, or Lilybee. In our house, we use Pyrex glass containers to store the food. But, something to think about when it comes to food preparation and food storage as well, plenty more in the book.
I also recommend you try those crazy delicious nuts that he imports from somewhere in the Amazon. I think it's Peru that they come from. They're called Barukas Nuts. I will link to the book, “Fatal Conveniences,” that other book, “Eat to Beat Your Diet” and some of the other references that I go into in this podcast if you go to BenGreenfieldLife.com/456. And, if you like me doing these type of book reviews, feel free to leave me a comment over there in the shownotes and I'll keep churning them out because I got a lot of them that I like to share with you guys sometimes.
Alright, let's get into today's news flashes.
Okay, Donnie Yance, a physician who's been on the show before to talk about herbal management of COVID and long COVID passed along to me last week via email a new study that they came out with at his Mederi Center, which is a holistic treatment center for a variety of health conditions including most notably cancer. They actually did a study on perceived meaningful changes in whole-person quality of life well-being and subjective symptoms following a whole-person integrative health approach for breast cancer.
This is very interesting because even though I'm not going to get into the entire study, it kind of reminds me of Dale Bredesen's approach to Alzheimer in which he successfully reversed many cases of dementia and Alzheimer's or at least slowed their progression pretty significantly. It's a multimodal approach like Dale Bredesen for Alzheimer's is using high-dose fish oil and ketones and infrared light therapy, hyperbaric oxygen and a variety of other methods to manage Alzheimer's and other dementia-like conditions. Well, this is very similar. There's an excellent table that I highlighted. I actually tweet out a lot of these studies over on my Twitter account I tweeted out the image for this study.
But, what they did was they investigated breast cancer patients, many of whom were on chemotherapy and they looked at their quality of life, the progression of the disease itself, how people actually had felt their well-being, their subjective symptoms. And, they found that there was a protocol that they use at the Mederi Center that helped out a ton with cancer patients, particularly cancer patients who were on chemo. They had a whole herb and nutraceutical formulation that they used everything from B propolis to a whole plant extracts to nutraceuticals. They used a daily herb powder called a demulcent, which is a dosing of insoluble fiber along with a daily medicinal smoothie that had a lot of adaptogenic mushrooms and adaptogenic extracts in it. At night, they were using slightly higher dose melatonin and then they also had daily apple cider vinegar drinks. They had some different suppository compounds that they're using primarily in the female vaginally for improving the microbiome. They included sinus support, immune supports, hydrotherapy, breathing support, sleep support, enema instruction of course because we all know that's important. You got to know which hole to put things in. And, they even included things like green tea, turmeric, and bitters for digestion, food that included seasonal variations, nuts, dairy, veggies is raw or cooked grains seaweed spices, a lot of short-chain fatty acids from things like coconut oil. And, the results were pretty fantastic.
And, the reason I'm sharing this with you is twofold. First, I'm going to link to the paper should you be interested in holistic management of cancers particularly in this case breast cancer, but I also wanted to mention it because it reminded me of something else that is a document that I keep on hand and share with people who approach me about holistic methods of managing cancer. I'm not a doctor. I don't want this to be misconstrued as medical advice. You should always speak to your healthcare provider about any of these issues, particularly a serious disease such as cancer, but I wanted to share with you a few of the notable things that I recommend in that document because I think it would be helpful for you to understand what a more holistic approach actually looks like.
So, first of all, there are a couple of books. I'm going to throw some more books at you so you can use all your Amazon gift cards for this entire episode. One is called the “Metabolic Approach To Cancer.” It's written by someone who I consider to be one of the top smartest cancer physicians in the country and her name is Nasha Winters.
Nasha Winters metabolic approach to cancer contains an entire approach of exactly what I would do if I had cancer. It's got the recipes, the supplements, the diets, everything in there, and a fantastic addition to go along with it that even gets into some more advanced testing and early detection methods along with alternative drugs that offer an alternative approach to chemotherapy is a book called “The Cancer Revolution.” If you were to combine those two books alone and read them, “The Metabolic Approach to Cancer” and “The Cancer Revolution,” you would really have your head wrapped around what an alternative medical approach to cancer that has some research behind it actually looks like. That book, “The Cancer Revolution” pages 177 through 197, I have pulled it over because it's step-by-step the exact daily meal plan that would be a very good one to consider. It's obviously going to vary from cancer to cancer, but the book gets into all of that.
Another resource is the Moss Reports website. It's a comprehensive downloadable report on alternative remedies for each different cancer: prostate, breasts, throats, et cetera, all broken down in a very accessible and easy-to-understand way. So, I always recommend those three resources to people, “The Metabolic Approach to Cancer,” “The Cancer Revolution,” and the Moss Reports website.
So, a while ago I did a podcast with these folks that make oil. Now, you've no doubt heard me talk about how seed oils are a huge problem. Vegetable oils are linked to widespread health and environmental issues, yet they're in everything that we eat. They're cheap. They're found in most restaurants and packaged foods even fancy restaurants use them in their dressings and their sauces and their marinades and their cooking oils, but the problem is these seed oils are high in linoleic acid and omega-6 fatty acids. Two things your body needs but not in the amounts you're getting them from seed oil. They're very high in inflammatory-promoting compounds if you're eating them in the amount that the average person sometimes even the average healthy person is eating them.
Now, when I interviewed these folks from a farm called Zero Acre, they described this super cool process where they are creating in a planet-friendly way, an oil that's like a vegetable oil but has more monounsaturated fat than even olive oil and avocado oil, 10 times less omega-6 fatty acids than these seed oils, incredibly high smoke point for cooking 485 degrees Fahrenheit, clean neutral taste, so it's perfect for cooking and baking and salad dressings. And, you just use it as a one-to-one replacement for any liquid oil. It's called Zero Acre, Zero Acre. And, at Zero Acre Farms, they make this cultured oil, has 10 times smaller environmental footprint as well. They use recyclable aluminum packaging when they send the bottle of this stuff to your house that totally blocks the UV light, which prevents oxidation of the oil. It's gluten-free, vegan, and glyphosate residue-free, certified allergen friendly, Whole30 Approved. And, when you get a bottle of this oil, they are going to throw in an exclusive offer.
What you do is you go to ZeroAcre.com/Greenfield. That's Z-E-R-O-A-C-R-E.com/Greenfield. Exclusive offer and discount. You got to try this oil. It's amazing to have on hand. And, I still use some extra virgin olive oil and some avocado oil, a little butter, a little ghee, but this stuff is a staple for anything you want it for. And again, it's neutrally flavored so it works for any recipe without kind of altering the flavor of the recipe. So, check them out, Zero Acre Farms at ZeroAcre.com/Greenfield. And, you can use discount code GREENFIELD.
Alright. You've been waiting for it. You've been asking for it after hours upon hours of editing and recording and bringing in some of the most amazing parents on the planet, “The Boundless Parenting” audiobook is now available wherever you get audiobooks. So, this isn't any old audiobook. You've got me giving you my chapter with a lot of extra goodies that aren't even in the printed book; my wife doing the same thing. Nearly every parent featured within the book sat down and recorded their audio version of their chapter so you can hear this stuff straight from their mouths. And, the entire book just came together fantastically.
If you want to learn how to build legacy, if you want to learn education and disciplinary and wisdom-building principles from some of the most amazing parents on the planet who have proven models of successful parenting and you want to in a highly entertaining practical easy to understand, easy to apply format, you got to get this book. So, the printable book and the audiobook you can get either version or both at BoundlessParentingBook.com, BoundlessParentingBook.com. And again, the audiobook is out now so wherever fine audiobooks are found, you can grab this thing. I've gotten so much great feedback. It's changed the lives already of parents, grandparents, educators, families. And again, this is consolidated wisdom from entrepreneurs, billionaires, moms, dads, pastors, education experts, legacy builders, wealth managers, and other just absolute earth-shaking parents. They've all come together to show their tips, their tactics and their tools with you. So, it's the brand new “Boundless Parenting” audiobook. Check it out at BoundlessParentingBook.com.
I'm often asked what is my go-to desert island supplement if I could take nothing else. Well, it's essential amino acids. I've been using them for almost a decade now. So, you probably know that the human body is mostly water, what you probably don't know is that everything else in your body is 50% amino acids. They're the building blocks of life, essential for health, fitness. They naturally boost energy. They build lean muscle. They enhance athletic recovery. They stave off the appetite even if you're eating a low-calorie diet or you're fasting. They're fantastic for pre-workout, for during the workout, for post-workout. And, the essential amino acids that I use are backed by over 20 years of clinical research, they're in perfect ratios, they essentially match what your body needs and what the muscle composition of amino acids actually is, which a lot of other amino acids do not do, especially branched-chain amino acids but many other essential amino acids as well.
So, this is a stuff by Kion. Kion Aminos have the highest quality ingredients, no fillers, no junk, rigorous quality testing, and they taste amazing with flavors like lime, berry, watermelon, probably my favorite, mango. They're amazing. You just put a little bit in water. You can add them to smoothies. They are one of the top supplements that my wife and I take each day. And again, it's been a staple of my diet for years and years. And, I swear by this stuff.
I've had friends start to take these and literally report that they feel they're on some kind of a steroid. Now, there's no steroids in the Kion Aminos, of course, but it is amazing how you feel when you step up your intake of essential amino acids. And, I'm shocked that more people don't know this secret, so Kion Aminos. You can get 20% off monthly deliveries, 10% on one-time purchases. And, it's very simple, you go to getKION.com/Ben. Get-K-I-O-N, G-E-T-K-I-O-N.com/Ben to get my fundamental supplement for fitness, recovery, appetite, and much, much more. Kion Aminos. Check them out. You got to get on the essential amino acids bandwagon. You will be absolutely shocked at how you feel on these things. So, getKION.com/Ben.
In addition, after talking with so many physicians on my podcast and privately about cancer, I've found that a few things pop up over and over again. And, these are all things that similar to Donnie Yance's approach that I mentioned as a multimodal approach to management of quality for life for breast cancer are things that kind of stack.
So, first of all, water. A daily frequent consumption of hydrogen-rich water like water that has hydrogen tablets added to it or water from a hydrogen machine combined with deuterium-depleted water–I have a whole podcast on that, but deuterium is a heavier isotope of hydrogen that seems to gum up some of the metabolic machinery and it's something that seems to be indicated for use of mitochondrial support particularly in situations of chronic diseases like cancer. And, you can buy deuterium-depleted water, mix it with other water that you drink during the day, and deplete the levels of that heavy isotope deuterium from the water.
And then, finally, a very high mineral solution like plasma minerals. There's one called Quinton that's very good. There's also a newer one called Manna, M-A-N-N-A. And, these are very, very mineral-rich compounds you would add to the water that you drink. So, with water, you not only want it filtered and pure, you go beyond that hydrogen-rich water, deuterium-depleted water and then the addition of electrolytes like Quinton or Manna.
Another one is a lot of specific medicinal plants and mushrooms. I talked with Dr. Thomas Cowan about this. He also has a great book called “Cancer and the New Biology of Water.” That would be a third read, I suppose, in the whole cancer realm. But, he actually harvests a lot of these plants, dehydrates them, powders them, and sends them out in these Miron glass jars that are protective against things like sunlight oxidation and heat oxidation. Those would include most notably the ones that seem to have very anti-carcinogenic effects, chaga, ashitaba, that's A-S-H-I-T-A-B-A, turmeric, burdock, mistletoe, and melatonin. There are also a couple of what are called glycoside extracts that he recommends from the digitalis and the strophanthus plants. And so, those are typically something that Dr. Thomas Cowan recommends you just mix with anywhere from two to six cups of organic bone broth each day cycling these specific medicinal plants and mushrooms along.
Now, a lot of the things I'm recommending interestingly translate directly into a little bit of an anti-aging longevity and overall health-promoting effect. And so, these are things you could do on a daily basis if you're just trying to eat a healthy diet. So, these are all specific medicinal plants and mushrooms that are mixed with bone broth. And, I will include, of course, a list to everything I'm talking about in the shownotes should you want to kind of read this stuff and if you're not taking the furious notes because you're taking my advice earlier to be working out or walking or you're listening to the podcast.
Daily use of some form of niacin support, particularly a nicotinamide riboside or NR, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide or NAD or NMN, which I got to remember that one. I believe that's a nicotinamide mononucleotide if I recall. Or, these NAD patches, which are electrophoresis patches that you can apply to the skin that give you a slow bleed of NAD into your system. I actually use those on plane flights and I use them on any day for which I'm sleep deprived because NAD, as an aside, seems to help a ton if you supplement with that and creatine would be a close second if you're dealing with sleep deprivation. They seem to help a lot with sleep deprivation.
So, the only exception that would be a recent study indicated that for breast cancer if there is a pre-existing state of breast cancer, the use of, in that study's case, nicotinamide riboside or NR seem to accelerate tumor growth. So, there's at least one form of cancer for which this would be contraindicated. But, in most other cases, some form of mitochondrial support and DNA repair support via NR, NAD, or NMN seems like a good idea. And, that could be oral supplementation, that could also be NAD patches or NAD IVs.
For oral supplementation, my current choice, I use one called BioStack Labs. It's not just NAD, it's a whole range of different NAD-supportive and DNA-supportive compounds, but they use NAD3 in that particular formula which if you listen to my podcast with Tony Robbins and Peter Diamandis seems to be one of the newer more bioavailable forms of NAD. And then, like I mentioned, I'm a huge fan of these NAD patches. I get them from a company called Ion Layer and they're very simple. I just keep them in the refrigerator. If I'm sleep deprived or I'm off on a long-haul plane flight, I'll slap one onto my inner thigh or my buttocks and it just gives me a slow release of NAD into the system over about 12 hours.
Additional strategies include frequent high-dose vitamin C therapies and also ozone therapies like ozone IV therapies. Those are, of course, something you'd have to hunt down at a medical clinic. And, I'll share with you one medical clinic that seems to really leap out as a very good medical clinic for cancer management in addition to that Mederi Center that I mentioned earlier in the podcast, M-E-D-E-R-I. I'll just tell you right now. The other one is Hope4Cancer. I've had several people visit that and found great support either through chemotherapy or even in the absence of chemotherapy with cancer remission.
So, electrical medicine is something that I think flies under the radar, but there's some evidence that cancer cells particularly may respond to some forms of electrical medicine. This would include rife therapy, PEMF, pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, and it wouldn't really be an electrical medical modality per se, it's more of a heat treatment modality but hyperthermia. And, I've done this a couple of times, it's incredibly uncomfortable. I only did it so I would know what I was talking about, but you get a rectal probe inserted so you can track that your temperature actually gets up to about 107 degrees Fahrenheit and you lay inside this incredibly hot chamber with just your head sticking out because your brain would fry normally in this thing if your head were inside like a normal sauna or cryotherapy chamber.
In my case, I did it in Sweden at a biological medicine facility in Sweden and they literally had a nurse dosing my head with ice water and cold water during the entire treatment. It was very uncomfortable. I nearly passed out. I remember finishing the protocol and sighing with relief and telling the nurse that I was going to go jump in the lake which was near the facility and she said no, your body temperature is supposed to stay elevated for as long as possible. So, instead, I crawled into my bedroom and collapsed for about five hours just covered in sweat while hydrating furiously.
So anyways, hyperthermia though seemed a great degree of cytotoxicity against cancer cells. When it comes to these electrical modalities that I mentioned, you may want to listen to my podcast episode with Dr. Jeremy Stich in which we mention the Bio-Energetic Institute in Lexington Kentucky where he has a machine called the Katalyst, which delivers a full body electrical sweep that many of his patients will use on a daily basis for about 20 minutes. There's also the BioCharger which acts very similarly. There is the Pulse Center's PEMF system, which is a pulse electromagnetic field system which is incredibly powerful. It's the most powerful PEMF system I've ever used. It came out of the horse racing industry and it's one of the only ones where you get on it and it just kind of — You can feel it over the entire body while you're doing the treatment. And then, even the BioMat which combines infrared therapy with electrical therapy. That's another one that's a little bit easier to afford and useful to have our own anyways. It's great for relaxation, for massages, et cetera. So, those are a few electrical modalities.
Hyperbaric oxygen seems to have a little bit of evidence behind it. I've had several physicians recommend that one to me just a hyperbaric chamber even though the hospital-grade chambers that go up to about 2.4, 2.5 atmospheres seem to have a better effect than the home units. I have a home unit and it only goes up to 1.5 atmospheres or so, but it still allows for a great deal more oxygen uptake because the oxygen is pressurized and you're breathing pure oxygen while you're inside that chamber. So, the main thing I noticed I can hold my breath almost like I've got three lungs when I get out of that thing. And, you notice you recover faster too, but it seems to be something that might be a good idea to have around for cancer management as well.
This is more of something you may have discovered if you've looked into what's called the Gerson therapy for cancer, but as uncomfortable as it might sound, regular use of coffee enemas is a pretty good idea. I used to do a coffee enema on a weekly basis, I've stopped because I found a much more travel-friendly quick less messy solution. It's called NeuroPurge. It's almost like a coffee enema suppository. You put one up your butt, delivers high-dose glutathione and some other liver detoxification support, and gallbladder bile-producing support compounds into your body as it sits in your bum hole. I find that if I put that thing in in the morning, about 45 minutes later, I have a glorious bowel movement. I'll warn you, it seems to burn a little bit, but man oh man, it has saved my butt literally and figuratively when it comes to the time and hassle put into coffee enemas. It's called NeuroPurge. It's made by a former podcast guest of mine Dr. John Lieurance. He has a company based out of Sarasota Florida called MitoZen. I'll link to it in the shownotes, but that NeuroPurge is it's amazing for a butt-based detox. So, that or coffee enema.
Next, related to electrical medicine would be complete elimination of non-native EMF wherever you can, Wi-Fi routers, Bluetooth, any significant smartphone usage, et cetera, that is something that's very recommended just for general help but especially for cancer management. I think living in an electrical soup or an EMF-heavy soup is a very bad idea indeed if you're dealing with cancer.
Emotional detoxification, that should be a no-brainer yet a lot of people fail to take into consideration the benefits of gratitude of prayer, of meditation, of relationships, of a low-stress lifestyle and all of these stack really, really well. Dr. Bruce Lipton, his book “Biology of Belief” gets into this quite a bit, the idea of emotional detoxification and the link between your emotional state and the onset of disease including cancer. I think it's even a verse in the Bible that says something about how anger and bitterness can cause disease to settle in the bones, which is very interesting because if you look at Chinese traditional medicine, bone cancer is associated with an emotion in Chinese traditional medicine, many emotions are directly correlated to certain diseases in the case of cancer, anger and bitterness or in the case of bone cancer, anger and bitterness seem to be something that they correlate with bone cancer in Chinese traditional medicine. So, of course, your spiritual disciplinary practices are important. And again, I'll say it again, everything I'm talking about has great application just for general health not just cancer management.
There are certain practitioners who have high-dose T cell therapy, killer cell therapy overseas or in Mexico. Dr. Matthew Cook is one of my friends. He runs BioReset Medical in San Jose. He does great regenerative medicine and stem cell protocols there but has a separate clinic in Mexico. And, you can go to a place like that and get high-dose T cell therapy. And, many people will successfully turn to something like that for increasing T cell count in the face of cancer.
And then, the last thing I'll mention related to cancer or the second to last thing would be mixed tocopherol and tocotrienol. I discussed these forms of full spectrum forms of vitamin E. It's called tocopherol and tocotrienol. And, this plant called annatto, which has very high natural levels of these forms of vitamin E. When I did a podcast with Dr. Barrie Tan–that would be a good one for you to listen to. I actually use that for myself for heart health and for what I would considering myself to be a relatively high plaque score. It seems to have some good evidence for reduction of plaque. They make it at a company called Designs for Health but it's called annatto, A-N-N-A-T-T-O. And, it's a full spectrum form of vitamin E.
The last thing I'll mention I'm going to link to all these forms of managing cancer in the shownotes, but it would be a form of immunotherapy. I mentioned that T cell therapy, but there's also a form of immunotherapy that uses four different off-label pharmaceutical drugs for cancer management based on pulsing of different nutrients and then a depletion of different nutrients into the cells. Dr. Thomas Seyfried has developed this protocol and they utilize it at a company called Care Oncology, careoncology.com, Care Oncology, and they're a U.S. and a Canada-based company that, as the name implies, have some oncological treatments that also I think fly under the radar.
So, those are a few things to think about when it comes to cancer and a few things I'll often tend to share with people who ask me what I've learned about cancer from the various physicians, many of them functional medicine physicians who just study this stuff day in and day out and aren't necessarily steeped in allopathic medical management of cancer per se but who seem to have a lot of really good ideas that do happen to have science behind them, but I don't want to be a conspiracy theorist here, I think don't get as widely disseminated due to pharmaceutical interests in the profit, the massive profit generated from chemotherapy drugs and traditional oncology management. So, I hope that's helpful for you. And again, I'll put all the notes over at BenGreenfieldLife.com/456.
So, this this next thing that I that I read up on is really interesting. I've talked in the past about how there are certain things that you can consume that increase the uptake of photons of light into the cell to help to activate higher amounts of ATP production via the elevation of cytochrome C oxidase on the cell surface or in the mitochondria more specifically. And, those would be things like the blacks of the plant kingdom like shilajit would be most notable amongst that, which is basically a supplement that you can take that's a bunch of fermented old plant matter that's super rich in minerals but also seems to increase the uptake of particularly infrared light in about the 600- to 820-nanometer spectrum by the skin. It pairs quite well with things like red light therapy or infrared saunas or even sunlight exposure. Another one you may have heard would be methylene blue. Some people will get huge amounts of energy by combining methylene blue with infrared light. Another would be any of the photo cyanins, chlorella or spirulina, for example, these dark greenish-blue substances of the plant kingdom also seem to pair really well with energy production in response to light, almost as though your body is photosynthesizing something like a plant.
Well, there's another compound that I came across recently that seems to, based on its interaction with the cell membrane, facilitate photon absorption in the cell. And, I came across this when I was reading a paper written by a guy named Lance Schuttler, S-C-H-U-T-T-L-E-R. He recommends something he calls the DHA regimen. DHA is the docosahexaenoic acid that you'll find in high amounts in say fish oil. It's a guideline to take in about 1,000 to 2,000 milligrams of DHA per day. You'd probably have to take about two to three amounts of the average fish oil in order to get that amount, but that increases the peak omega-3 levels and also the building of DHA in the body, particularly relevant to your cell membrane to a level that seems to very significantly increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor and nerve growth factor which are fantastic for the nervous system but also seems to increase the body's ability to be able to produce ATP in response to sunlight. In addition, this amount of DHA consumption seems to increase the levels of what's called synaptamide, which also helps to promote the process of neurogenesis.
Now, after reading this article by Lance, not only did I begin in addition to taking something like shilajit or methylene blue or a dark greenish blue pigment of the plant kingdom prior to something like infrared light or large amounts of time in the sunlight or the use of a Joovv red light or one of these red light therapy devices that I use, but I also began to throw about four fish oil capsules into the mix. I've just been using the Kion Fish Oil. Obviously, I own the company so I know a guy and I get a good deal. There are other forms of fish oil that are good out there. I think, another really good form because it's flash frozen as soon as it's harvested off the Alaskan Coast and made from fish guts instead of the traditional components of the fish, which is typically the fish flesh or the fish skin, that company is Big Bold Health and they make a really, really good fish oil as well. That's made from salmon. The one we have at Kion is made from a really clean anchovies. But, either way, you get your DHA, it seems like playing around with mixing it with light exposure seems to be a good idea because it is a core component of the development of the photoreceptors and the conversion of photons into electricity by the nervous system and by the brain. So, DHA supplementation along with any of these other things that assist with light absorption can kind of, in a way, turn your body into a bit of a plant. It allows you to photosynthesize. So, it's just fascinating.
The other thing I did after reading this research on DHA is I took a couple of bottles of fish oil. I have one section in my refrigerator that is one of the lower vegetable crisper sections, and in that, I have a few supplements that I recommend my children to take. There's not a lot of supplements that I recommend to my children nor do I want a kid to think that they got to pop pills all day to be healthy but I have done genetic testing with my sons. They do make a lower-than-normal amount of this brain-derived neurotrophic factor genetically. So, I recommend and leave out for them something to support BDNF, particularly lion's mane extract and now this DHA. They take glutathione because they have poor glutathione pathways. Both of them are heterozygous for the MTHFR gene, meaning they have slightly lower methylation so they both take a little bit of liver extract like a desiccated liver capsule. And, those would be the biggies. They take DHA. They take glutathione. They take lion's mane and they take liver. And, the DHA is the new addition. I'm having them take fish oil now. I actually looked into some of the other research on fish oil and it's just fantastic for an adolescent or a teenager's growing brain and growing nervous system.
So, on any day for which a child isn't eating a large amount of say safe cold water fish like salmon, anchovy, herring, sardines, mackerel, et cetera, I know some kids just don't want to choke that stuff down, I think that fish oil supplementation, particularly fish oil rich in DHA is a pretty good idea because fish basically eat algae and that incorporates the DHA fatty acids into our cellular membranes when we eat those fish because nature's original source of DHA comes from algae. Most people don't have a refrigerator full of algae, but we can certainly get fish oil or good clean fish to eat to get that. So, interesting on DHA.
And, I suppose while we're on the topic of skin and the sun, another new study came out that investigated the effects of tomato and lycopene on molecular markers of UV-induced skin deterioration. What they found was that supplementation with tomatoes in the diet or the supplement lycopene or both significantly prevented light-induced skin photodamage in skin photoaging.
Now, this is pretty interesting because I've talked about astaxanthin, which you also get from fish or fish oil in the past is almost being a form of edible sunscreen. Well, you can now add tomato and lycopene supplementation to that. Interestingly, a lot of these things that help out with skin photodamage are great for the hair, the skin, and the nails as well due to their antioxidant activity in the body. And then, there's one other. I actually have a bottle. I haven't tried it yet. It's not the summer right now I'm recording this. I was kind of waiting to break it out for the summer, but there's this newer supplement called Summer Ready. It's an antioxidant, but it has another component that's been studied up to help protect the skin. It's a fern from South America. Sometimes I sound silly when I'm talking about these random furry mammals from the depths of South Africa or something like that, but anyways, it's called polypodium leucotomos. Someone's going to make a meme of me basically bringing up all these fringe things from the four corners of the planet that protect you from various diseases, but I suppose it's my job to keep you informed, right?
Okay. So, polypodium leucotomos, I'll take a sip of my soda there, it's a fern from Central and South America and it actually has some pretty good study behind it for being a very strong and powerful antioxidant for the skin. It's a great title, Summer Ready. And again, I haven't tried it yet. The only thing I've really used is edible sunscreen was back when I was racing Iron Man Triathlon in Hawaii. I used to take massive amounts of astaxanthin, 10 up to 40 milligrams of astaxanthin. And, 10 is the minimal dose required, by the way, to protect your skin from the sun. And, compared to when I didn't do that, I would have far less burning, far less skin discomfort, far less skin peeling after finishing 10 to 12 hours of racing out in the hot, hot sun in Kona. And, I attribute that partially to that high amount of astaxanthin supplementation if I could go back and do it again. I probably would consider throwing a little lycopene into the mix and throwing a little bit of this polypodium from this supplement called Summer Ready into the mix. And, I plan on for any days this summer where I'm doing a lot of boating or if I hit the golf course for several hours or I'm out playing pickleball and spending more amount of time in the sun than I know would be prudent if I'm not protecting my skin to begin to in addition to using natural sunscreen, consume some of these compounds. Interestingly, many of them can help out with radiation exposure as well. So, people don't talk about this as much, but you are exposed to a great deal of solar radiation while you're flying. It's best if you're flying for long times in an airplane.
So, there could be an argument to be made for using these type of things in response to radiation exposure while flying as well. I suppose the last thing I should mention since I brought it up and since I was also talking about that book, “Fatal Conveniences,” people often ask me which brand of sunscreen I use. I vary. There's a lot of clean brands out there, but right now, my pantry is full of this stuff that's made by a company owned by a Navy SEAL and a water man, two friends of mine, Nick Norris and Mark Healey. They came out with the sunscreen company and they've got face sticks and lip balm and really, really good clean kind of guilt-free sunscreen. That company is called Protekt, P-R-O-T-E-K-T, Protekt. They also make really good electrolytes. So, that's what I use for sunscreen right now. But, anyways interesting to know I suppose the onset of summer, useful information.
Alright. Well, since we're jumping all over the place and since we already talked about your butthole, let's talk about constipation. This was a newer paper that came out in the Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Journal. It's entitled “Abdominal massage and functional chronic constipation, a randomized placebo-controlled trial.” This was a trial on 74 patients diagnosed with functional constipation, which I don't know if there's a difference between that and just not being able to poop very well, but functional constipation, functional chronic constipation. Sounds like a horrific thing to have. And so, what they went into in this paper was how freaking efficacious abdominal massage can be for constipation.
Now, I think I brought up on the podcast before that there is a form of fascial release like deep fascial release and deep fascial therapy called Clear Passages that works on what is actually gut issues that flies on the radar. For a lot of people who have gut issues, they don't realize how much of a muscular component there can be. And, this Clear Passages involves five to seven days of daily kind of deep tissue and fascial work all around the abdomen and the pelvis and the pelvic floor muscles done by a certified therapist. As I do when I'm curious about a lot of these things, I went and did it and tried it and didn't realize how adheze and how stuck up I was in many of those muscles in the pelvic floor and the abdominals. But, this is not that, this is not Clear Passages, although you could look up that company if you want to kind of get a glance at whether or not you have fascial adhesions that are impairing your digestive function or causing constipation. But, this is simple abdominal massage. So, I'm going to link to a run-through of the type of techniques that they used in the paper if you go to the shownotes at BenGreenfieldLife.com/456.
But, they would use stroking, effleurage, kneading, even vibration therapy with the hands. Traditionally, the type of things that you would get usually following the path of the colon, which would be up your right side across in a leftwards direction if you're looking down at your stomach down the left side and then back across over to the right side and then slightly down. That's the path of your large intestine. You can use sweeping strokes and moderate pressure whether you're a massage therapist doing this on someone or you can do it yourself. It's actually a little bit more specific in terms of the protocol. Usually, you want to be lying down flat on the floor. Typically, you're doing that square-like motion I just described five to seven times, and then you finish with a whole bunch of strokes right around the lower right side of the abdomen where there's a sphincter that once you've moved everything through, you can kind of get stuff to move through when you do that little stroking three to five times in the lower side after you've done that square stroking. Sometimes you got to do that for a few rounds to really get something to pass. So, it's fantastic to know how efficacious massage is proven to be, even from people who are clinically diagnosed with acute or not acute but chronic functional constipation.
The other interesting thing is you can, of course, do this yourself. I have one of those miniature PowerPlate vibration guns in my travel bag. And, a lot of times, I'll get a little gummed up when I travel, particularly after a day of flying. And, I will do massage using a vibrating percussive gun. You want to be careful not to apply too much pressure. You don't want to cause organ damage if there's any pain, definitely back off, but a vibrating massage gun can be very useful for this. A vibrating massage ball or even a normal massage ball that you lie face down on and do yourself keeping your stomach over that ball and moving it in the pattern I've just described, that can be very efficacious. Sometimes you'll do that for three or four minutes when constipated and all of a sudden you got to find the nearest toilet fast.
And, another method would be particularly for the psoas is there's a very small device called PSO-RITE, P-S-O-Rite. It's a small plastic piece, probably overpriced. It looks like they could probably make that on a mold in China for a couple of bucks, but I think it sells for, I don't know, 40, 50, $60, something like that. Nonetheless, they make not just a psoas device, now they make a whole range of devices and they just kind of fit the body very, very well. They line up with most human beings psoas in a very effective way. And, I'll sometimes just do that in the morning while I'm reading my Bible or praying or reading some literature. I'll just lay on top of that PSO-RITE and kind of do some of my own manual therapy around there on the psoas. And, that's not the exact protocol that they use in this paper, but the psoas particularly and the tightness of it is linked to constipation. So, something else to think about. But, massage for constipation, not a lot of people talk about that before they turn to the psyllium fiber and the cleansing supplements and the magnesium oxide, and I don't know the coffee enemas or whatever else, but constipation can be treated with something as simple as a massage.
Now, I want to mention something else that's related to digestive health before I answer a few questions here. And, that would be the wonderful peppermint that I mentioned earlier. So, I've been getting more and more into peppermint oil. I'm not brand-specific. I think what I have right now is a Young Living Peppermint Oil. I've been putting it in water. I've been putting a little bit of my upper lip pre-workout. I've been putting just one or two drops in my mouth along with that coconut oil that I mentioned for coconut oil pulling and it increases your alertness, your energy, your performance. If you massage a little bit in your abdominals, it seems to help with gas and bloating. It's just a cool little hack to have around. And, this recent paper looked at proprietary peppermint oil and caraway oil combination even though I personally think you don't need a proprietary peppermint oil and caraway oil combination. I think just peppermint oil will do. but, they looked at 580 people and found that this peppermint oil was a very effective treatment for irritable bowel syndrome.
And then, a follow-up study looked at the skin application of menthol, meaning literally applying menthol to the legs or to the body parts that you're working in the gym. And, they found a significant increase in sports performance, in this case, isometric weightlifting performance when the muscles had a little bit of menthol sprayed on them prior to the workout. Now, again, the concentrated peppermint oil, be careful, that stuff can burn. I don't know if you've ever used 100% oregano oil, which is also in the mint family but my mom actually did that once and she had what looked like a third-degree burn on her lips for weeks. so, you only use diluted oregano oil. You only use, if you can, diluted peppermint oil, but you could dilute it in a little bit of a carrier oil like let's say an almond oil or you could even just take a spray bottle with water and put peppermint oil in the water. Keep that in the gym. You spray it on the muscles pre-workout and, like I mentioned, not only does it give you this nice clean mental energy pick me up, not only does the same application to the stomach or a little bit taken orally seem to help a lot with gut health, but it helps with your weight lifting performance.
Now, this reminds me also because you can smell it, you can sniff it, especially before breathwork, sniffing peppermint is amazing, or diluting a little bit of peppermint oil and sprinkling in the sauna or whatever else you might be happening to do breathwork. There was this one guy I interviewed. His name was David, I'm blanking on his last name, David Morin. And, he made a spray bottle spray that's got a bunch of oils in addition to peppermint oil that open up your body's natural respiratory pathways.
It's kind of funny because last week after reading this study, I thought, gosh, I wonder if I have any David's FLO2. When I went to my gym, I had three bottles he'd sent me that I hadn't even opened and I've been now spraying that in my hands, rubbing my hands together, taking a big whiff, and then spraying a little bit on the legs and the arms before a workout. And, I mean, man, especially if you don't want the central nervous stimulation that some people struggle with when it comes to pre-workout supplements, something as simple as a minty oil helps. That stuff he has is called FLO2, F-L-O-2.
Obviously, you could just take some peppermint oil and some other menthol-based oils and drop them in the water and get the same effect, but sometimes it's convenient to get the done-for-you thing just you could also use a kettlebell handle to work your psoas or you could get a PSO-RITE. I mean, there's more than one way to skin the cat. But, either way, this FLO2 stuff, they call it the world's first respiratory enhancement oxygen saturation supplement, basically just sprayable peppermint oil. And, it turns out there's something to this stuff.
So, something to think about. And, I hope that those news flashes have been helpful and informative for you. And, I guess now we've got time for a few questions to finish things up here. So, let's turn to the questions over. Remember, if you have a question, you can ask it by going to BenGreenfieldLife.com. We have a little box there where you can ask a question. You can also ask on social media, any of my social media channels: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, et cetera. If you leave a question, I'll check it out or I do have some social media managers who help me out because I just can't keep up with it all and we'll see the question and see if it makes the cut so to speak. So, let's jump into this week's questions.
Alright. So, the first question. It's interesting. Why should you do super slow training? Why do extremely slow reps? This is a question from Ben Wenick. He asked it on Instagram. I'm working on an article right now that gets into a lot of my current exercise strategies and exercise protocols.
And, it is true that super slow training is a core part of my protocol. I just did a super slow training set this morning, chess press, pull down, squat, deadlift, overhead press, seated row, one single set to failure, which if you're moving very slowly, 20 to 30 seconds up and 20 to 30 seconds down is not only incredibly difficult but it takes about two to three minutes per set. And, trust me, if you're doing it properly, you don't want to do another set. It's usually around six to eight repetitions per exercise and it's incredibly efficacious. So, there's a variety of things that happen and these have been studied when you're doing super slow training.
Before I describe them to you, understand that you're not going to be a super athlete or become a super athlete with this form of training. It's not functional. It's not explosive. It's not going to turn you into the next Lebron James or Serena Williams or anything like that or really help out with something cross fitting. But, if you just want to maintain or build muscle in a very safe predictable manner with a low risk of injury and you want to keep coming back over and over again, in my case, two to three times a week of weightlifting and just feel the rest of the week like you don't have a bum knee or a bum shoulder, you threw something out again doing a snatch or a clean and jerk, this is a great way to train. I don't think I would have trained this way until I was maybe 35 years old or a little later because I don't do as many hardcore athletic events for which I need to do functional explosive training anymore.
Yes, I still throw the kettlebell around a little bit. Yes, I'll still do some body weight calisthenics or plyometrics, but the core of my strength maintenance and strength-building routine is indeed super slow training with either machines or free weights. I'm lucky enough to own an ARX, which is kind of a more expensive exercise device that guides your body through these movements. Other examples I've done for you, methods that are less expensive than the ARX would be the X3 Bar setup, which is an elastic band setup designed for super slow training and single set the failure. Another one be the Tonal, which is a wall exercise device with a very small footprint that you can use for traditional strength training, but that also so because it kind of pulls you back in eccentric, what's called an eccentric motion just as hard as you pull against it. It can also be very useful for this form of super slow training. So, those would be a few examples, the ARX, the X3 Bar, the Tonal or just a good old Nautilus machine, or you can do free weights. I mean, it's a little bit more focused necessary to do this with free weights because you got to control the weight and the weight range of motion a little bit better.
But, ultimately the reason I like it is basically based on the science of muscle tension, the amount of force or tension a muscle can develop during a muscle action is based on the rate of muscle shortening, what's called the concentric phase or like I mentioned earlier, the rate of lengthening, the eccentric phase.
So, the amount of tension that's generated in a muscle during any given set that you do is related to the number of fibers that are contracting. Okay, your muscle fiber or your muscle cell as it's also called, it has several thousand what are called myofibrils, which are these thin and thick protein filaments. The thin ones being called actin and the thick ones being myosin. And, these units bits of thick and thin filaments comprise the basic contractile unit of the myofibrils called the sarcomere. Okay. You don't necessarily need to know all this science, but it could be important for you to understand what's going on with super-slow training.
So, in a muscle fiber, the slower the rate at which these actin and myosin filaments slide past each other, the greatest number of cross-bridges or links that get formed between the filaments. The more cross-bridges there are, the more tension you create. Okay. So, the more tension you create, the more motor units are firing. And, physiologically what can occur is a very large stimulus in muscle strength development when these fibers are moving more slowly against each other. It's very synonymous to how a muscle hypertrophy occurs in an environment in which there's a large amount of lactic acid in the muscle. That's a trigger for muscle hypertrophy. So, that's why something like higher reps, higher sets with the moderate workload or even blood flow restriction training that accumulates lactic acid in the muscle can assist with muscle hypertrophy. While moving the muscle at a slow rate can assist the muscle strength, conversely moving the muscle at a fast rate can assist with power production but not necessarily strength. This is why a lot of powerlifters you look at might be small and wiry. A lot of strength trainers are kind of bigger and thicker but not necessarily ripped so to speak. And then, a lot of people who train with hypertrophy or even a mix of training tend to have a large amount of muscle such as a bodybuilder. So, when we move the muscle slowly, that's what's going on.
The other interesting thing and in his book, “Body by Science,” Dr. Doug McGuff gets into this. I interviewed him long ago. He was the guy that first introduced me to super slow training–is there is an increase in what's called peripheral blood pressure that causes a high heart rate and a large amount of cardiovascular strain but without an increase in central pressure, which means that there's a lower risk of something like passing out or God forbid some kind of a heart attack when doing heavy weight training when doing this form of training. So, it almost kind of counts as cardio so to speak and seems to also help out quite a bit with blood flow and a lowering of blood pressure when you do it properly. And, by properly, I mean, you do have to move slow. It is hard. It's kind of high intensity interval training. Most of the studies on high intensity interval training involve intensities that nobody's actually reaching in the average gym when doing high intensity interval training. Nobody should be able to do four back-to-back Tabata sets or do their 30-second mitochondrial triggering high intensity round on the exercise bike then mossy on over to the bench press. I mean, these things are exhausting but when done properly, they actually work. In other words, you do have to put in the work and feel the burn so to speak.
So, with super slow training, there are multiple studies behind it not only for strength gain but also for a little bit of hypertrophy, interestingly. And, I'm not going to get into the studies, there are plenty of them and I'll link to several in the shownotes. But, the idea behind a classic super slow training protocol is you use a big five to big six exercises. Like I mentioned, I do the deadlift, the chest press, the pull-down or the pull-up, the squat, the overhead press, and the seated row. Another example that Doug McGuff discusses in his book with free weights would be a bent-over barbell row, a standing overhead press, a deadlift, a bench press, and a squat.
Now, the interesting thing is that when you're moving slowly, you're activating first the fast twitch fibers. And, as they fatigue, because they do fatigue more quickly, your body gradually moves into slow twitch muscle fiber activation. So, you actually wind up loading a whole range of motor units very effectively when doing super slow training conversely because there is a large eccentric lobe because you're moving the weight very slowly when lowering it. You do need to recover a while. You aren't going to hit the gym again the next day when you do this. This is why I only weight lift three times a week, but I do full body. I don't do a body split part routine. I used to do that when I was bodybuilding a little bit, but now it's simply a full body exercise routine, three times a week using primarily super slow training.
Like I mentioned, I'll sometimes throw a few kettlebell swings if you clap push-ups or a little bit of work on the vibration platform or some AirDyne sets or something like that into the mix to stay a little bit functional because I got to be able to run around the pickleball court these days. But ultimately, that's what the super slow training looks like and that's how and why it works. And, it can be combined effectively with other modalities like blood flow restriction training. It's very tough to do a super slow training session with blood flow restriction bands on, but if you're looking for the hypertrophy effect particularly, that could be very effective.
Another little hack that I'll sometimes throw in is at the very end of the set, I'll finish off with just a few final reps through partial range of motion because there's no way you'll be able to go through full range of motion after doing a full super slow set. But, partial range of motion, typically close to lockout of the joint and I'll do a few just quick explosive pulses or surges that build up a little bit of extra lactic acid in the tissue and fully exhaust those leftover fast twitch muscle fibers if any are kind of leftover after that routine to describe it in in layperson's terms. So, that's the skinny behind super slow training. That's why I do it. That's the benefits of it. So, great question, Ben.
Another question related to exercise and something I just mentioned, I think. Maybe I didn't. I meant to say that in addition to blood flow restriction training, you can wear an electrical muscle stimulation suit which sounds super biohacky but holy hell, it actually works. Electrical muscle stimulation is kind of the new thing in strength training, particularly low-impact strength training and it's a little bit more science. I think it's scoffed at by the average hardcore gym rat or garage gym type of bodybuilder who only works with the steel. But, I did an interview with these folks who make a full-body electrical muscle stimulation suit that's wireless, it's called the Katalyst. And, when I interviewed them, I was shocked at the research behind this thing. So, not only is it indicated for a variety of health conditions, they've studied electrical muscle stimulation training and found it to be a viable alternative to exercise and people with myopathy like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or chronic heart failure, they've found it to be good for bone density, which really surprised me, because I didn't realize that despite there not being an axial load on the joints that there was still a triggering of the tendons pulling against the bone and thus an increase in bone density, you get a huge increase in blood flow. Your heart rate goes through the roof. So, there's a cardiovascular training effect.
And, this Katalyst, what I like about it is it comes like a little iPad, there's a trainer and you got 20 different strength training sessions to choose that use a variety of different frequencies and walk you through an overhead press or a squat or a lunge with no weight just the electrical muscle stimulation. They also have a cardio mode that operates at a slightly higher frequency that you can run well say rowing or riding the AirDyne or even just walking. And, it's a pretty cool little exercise hack. I like to throw my Katalyst suit in my bag when I travel, so if I'm going to be on the road for a while and I'm like, “Well, I want a wide variety of things I can do,” and I just don't want to hassle with hitting the gym or finding a gym or paying for a gym, I will go with electrical muscle stimulation on a Monday, blood flow restriction training, which you can do even if you're still a little sore because it's low weight on a Tuesday and then going a long walk on Wednesday, do electrical muscle stimulation on Thursday, and blood flow restriction on a Friday. And, that's just an example of how you can weave this in.
These days, if I'm at home, I only use my EMS suit, gosh, two, maximum four times a month because it recruits all these muscle fibers you wouldn't normally recruit because basically the controller of the electrical muscle stimulation is overriding your brain and causing to recruit all these muscles you'd normally not recruit. But, it also just causes you or allows you if you really turn the thing up because you're in charge of how high you want to go. Yeah, I push myself pretty hard on that thing. The closest I would ever get, I suppose, to what you might define as rhabdo, it's not true rhabdo which would be such a serious conditions that my kidneys are having to metabolize all the broken-down metabolites a very hard excessive training, but I'm definitely extremely high on the DOMS scale, on the delayed-onset muscle soreness scale.
So, this electrical muscle stimulation is interesting. Christian says, “Avid fan here for many years. I've got a long-standing shoulder injury. I've been considering an EMS suit to work my upper body without exposing myself to weights before purchasing this fairly expensive Katalyst suit would value your thoughts as to whether you see it as a game changer.”
Well, prior to using the Katalyst, I was using this super expensive electrical muscle stimulation device, all these wires coming out of it with electrodes that you had to attach to stuff and it's amazing for physical therapists and people who really know their way around where to place the electrodes properly as a training tool for EMF. It's called the Neubie, yeah, and I said EMF, EMS. It's the Neubie, N-E-U-B-I-E. And, that thing is really, really intense. It goes all the way back to a podcast I did with Jay Schroeder who I met. I went to Dave Asprey's very first, what did he call it, the Bulletproof Conference or the Biohacking Conference. And, the main speaker there was Jay Schroeder. And, it was just me, a small handful of guys. I think Aubrey Marcus was there as well and we were going head-to-head with these isometric lunges that Jay was having us do with the EMS system. It was a Russian ARP system attached to us and it was incredible for crushing pain and different joints that needed recovery and activating a whole variety of muscles you'd normally not use. And, Jay had been working with a wide grade of NFL and NHL athletes using this thing. And, I was blown away by the research and the efficacy of EMS at that time.
But, until the Katalyst suit came out, it seemed kind of clunky for the average person to be able to do risk-free. Meaning, you don't have to worry about where you're putting the electrodes. The EMS suit, the way it works is you spray it down with a little spray bottle it comes with to wet the suit and allow for better electrical conductivity. You pull it on, flip open the iPad, the workout takes 20 minutes. I like to throw in a little 10-minute cardio finisher with the suit still on at the end. And yeah, I mean, I'm a fan of it. I think Katalyst has some massive waitlist to get one right now. That might have changed, but either, way it's called the Katalyst, spelled with K, K-A-T-A-L-Y-S-T. I'll link to it in the shownotes.
But, like super slow training, I don't think EMS training is pure bunk or just something sexy to do on as seen on TV commercial. As a matter of fact, the Katalyst website has a list of dozens of studies that have been done on everything from jump height for volleyball and basketball players to sprint time, to aerobic exercise performance, to strength performance, to hypertrophy, to even pelvic floor muscle issues. It triggers and contracts the pelvic floor. So, if you struggle with incontinence or prolapse or something like that, this suit can be used to strengthen those muscles as well. Also seems to be extremely efficacious for low back pain and people who can't throw around heavy weights at the gym, but want to strengthen their body without low back pain or low back injury risk. So, highly recommend it. Didn't intend for this to sound like a giant commercial for the Katalyst, but yeah, long story short is I'm a big fan of the Katalyst electrical muscle stimulation suit particularly for travel.
Well, folks, we're running up against time. I think that's probably all of the questions that I'm going to have time to reply to, all the news flashes I'm going to have time to get into on today's show. But ultimately, I hope this has been helpful for you. And, it's interesting for me back to the old solosode method. But, if you enjoyed it, let me know if you go to BenGreenfieldLife.com/456. You can leave your comments, your questions, your feedback over there. I'll link to all the studies I mentioned, all the resources that I mentioned. And, I guess that is probably about it besides me encouraging you too if possible. If you don't subscribe to the show, do so. It's the lifeblood of a podcaster subscriptions to the podcast and reviews, kind reviews or sucky reviews if you just want to give me sucky feedback you can, I read them. Although, I'd rather you just let me know in the shownotes, don't leave me a bad review if you want to be kind.
Anyways though, leave a review, subscribe wherever you listen as that helps out quite a bit and you'll be, of course, the first in line when a new episode comes out. And, one more time, if I don't sound like a broken record already, the shownotes are at BenGreenfieldLife.com/456. I will await all the memes and TikTok videos making fun of coffee enemas and the 18 different supplements you can take before you venture out into the dangerous sunlight. I'm self-aware some of these things sound kind of fringe but it's interesting. I love this stuff. I just love to study super cool ways to enhance the human machine and learn how to optimize the way that you look, the way that you feel and whether you perform. So, thanks for listening in, I'm Ben Greenfield from BenGreenfieldLife.com, have a fantastic week.
Alright, folks. It's coming up. It's right around the corner. It's the Health Optimisation Summit. Me and my entire family are headed to London for this thing and it is crazy, amazing. It's this massive expo full of the best biohacks.
You get to be ahead of the curve and see this stuff before it even hits the streets. You get entrance and access to all stages and breakout talks by an amazing variety of speakers. They've got 35 world-class forward-thinking speakers from the biohacking nutrition longevity fitness functional and preventive medicine fields. They've got next-level exhibitors and workshops, amazing VIP experiences with parties, with gadgets, with refreshments, with priorities, seating with upgraded goodie bags, and the list of speakers at this event is crazy. So, it's happening June 17th and 18th this year.
So, it's coming up quick. Jim Kwik, Vishen Lakhiani, Mimi Ikonn, my friend and dentist and former podcast guest Dr. Dominic, Dr. Jolene Brighten, Dr. Mark Atkinson, Kris Gethin, Dr. Christopher Shade, the list goes on and on. Some of the best of the best speakers, the coolest crowd and the exhibition for is absolutely mind-blowingly amazing. Plus, London is fun, great restaurants, cool people, and it's a party.
So, if you want to go to this year's Health Optimisation Summit, here's how to get in with a discount that's going to give you 10% off of all the regular and the VIP tickets. So again, it's June 17th and 18th. So, the Business Design Centre in London. And, here's your code, BenGreenfieldLife.com/HOS23. That's BenGreenfieldLife.com/HOS23 for this year's Health Optimisation Summit. Enjoy.
[01:27:41] End of Podcast
More than ever these days, people like you and me need a fresh entertaining, well-informed, and often outside-the-box approach to discovering the health, and happiness, and hope that we all crave. So, I hope I've been able to do that for you on this episode today. And, if you liked it or if you love what I'm up to, then please leave me a review on your preferred podcast listening channel wherever that might be, and just find the Ben Greenfield Life episode. Say something nice. Thanks so much. It means a lot.
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Before asking your question, search in the upper right-hand corner of this website for the keywords associated with your question. Many of the questions we receive have already been answered here at Ben Greenfield Life!
News Flashes – Follow Ben on Twitter for more…
- Excellent article on holistic cancer management…here's a screenshot:
– what would you add, have questions about? From: Self-Assessment of Change and Experiences of Persons with Breast Cancer Using Unitive Whole-Person Integrative Health…24:10
Experimental pill achieves complete cancer remission in 18 people with aggressive leukemia – Could this potentially be the “cure for cancer”? I doubt it, but it seems highly effective in this small population studied (complete cancer remission!)…48:20
- This author makes a reasonable case for increasing DHA consumption, and it particularly pairs quite well with sunlight/red light therapy: The DHA Regimen…50:48
- So you're tellin' me tomatoes are edible sunscreen? The effect of tomato and lycopene on clinical characteristics and molecular markers of UV-induced skin deterioration: A systematic review and meta-analysis of intervention trials…55:39
- This actually works for constipation…I have in the past when traveling (which gives me constipation sometimes) used a small massage ball for this, and essential oils help too: Abdominal Massage in Functional Chronic Constipation: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial: – here are different techniques: How to perform massage techniques to relieve constipation…59:30
- I always keep a tiny bottle of peppermint essential oil in my fanny pack as a digestive hack, and here's yet another study that shows why that's a good idea: Menthacarin, a proprietary peppermint oil and caraway oil combination, improves multiple complaints in patients with functional gastrointestinal disorders – a systematic review and meta-analysis …65:00
- Cheap hack: peppermint oil and/or menthol spray to enhance lifting performance: Skin Application of Menthol Enhances Maximal Isometric Lifting Performance – here's a podcast I did about this btw: How You Really Lose Fat (You’ll Be Surprised), How To Enhance Fat Loss Using Simple Breath Tactics, Plus Near Death Experiences, Psychedelics & More!)…1:05:24
Resources mentioned:
- Eat to Beat your Diet by William W. Li
- Fatal Conveniences by Darin Olien
- The podcast episode with Darin Olien:
- Waxelene Multi-Purpose Ointment
- DivaCup
- Knix Period Underwear
- Podcast with Brian Hoyer:
- AllerAir Air Purifier
- Anodized aluminum foil and cookware
- Barukas Nuts (15% discount auto applied at checkout)
- Podcast with Donnie Yance:
- The Bredesen Protocol
- The Cancer Revolution by Leigh Erin Connealy
- The Moss Report website
- Podcast with Dr. Anne Cooper and Dr. Que Collins:
- Quinton
- Manna (use code BEN12 to save 12%)
- Cancer and the New Biology of Water by Thomas Cowan
- Podcast with Thomas Cowan:
- Cowan's Garden Vegetable Powders (use code BEN to save 15% off any powders)
- Biostack Labs
- NAD patches from Ion Layer
- Podcast episode with Tony Robbins and Peter Diamandis:
- Mederi Center and Hope4Cancer Center
- Article: Hyperthermia To Treat Cancer
- Podcast on Hyperthermia Therapy:
- Swiss Mountain Clinic
- Podcast episode with Jeremy Stich:
- BioEnergetics Institute in Lexington, Kentucky
- BioCharger
- Pulse PEMF
- BioMat
- NeuroPurge by MitoZen (use code BEN to save 5%)
- Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton
- BioReset Medical: Regenerative and Integrative Medicine (use code BEN to save 10% on your consult)
- Vitamin E: Designs for Health Annatto-E – tocopherols-free, tocotrienols only
- Podcasts with Dr. Barrie Tan:
- Why Your Vitamin E Supplement Could Be Harming You (& The “One Plant Wonder” Alternative That Could Be The Single Most Powerful Molecule If You’re Stranded On A Desert Island).
- Could This Molecule Be The Next Darling Of The Anti-Aging Industry? A Fascinating Geranylgeraniol (GG) Discussion With Dr. Barrie Tan.
- CareOncology
- Shilajit
- Methylene Blue
- Chlorella and Spirulina
- Kion Fish Oil
- Big Bold Health Omega-3 (use code BEN10 to save 10% off single purchases)
- Supplements Ben recommends for his kids:
- Summer Ready Supplement
- Protekt (use code BEN to save 15%)
- Pso-Rite
- Young Living Peppermint Oil
- Podcast with David Morin:
- FLO2 (use code BENFLO to save 25%)
Listener Q&A:
Q: Ben W. from IG asks: Why do you do extremely slow reps? Can you explain the main benefit?…1:08:45
Ben Recommends:
- Ben is working on an article on his current exercise strategies…keep your eyes peeled!
- Super slow training is a core part of his protocol
- Chest press, pull down, squat, deadlift, overhead press, seated row
- One single set to failure: 20-30 seconds up and 20-30 seconds down, 6-8 reps/exercise
- Super slow training is a core part of his protocol
- You won't become a super athlete with this form of training
- Not functional, not explosive
- Safe and effective way to build and maintain muscle
- Adaptive Resistance Exercise Machine – ARX
- X3 Bar: Full Home Gym
- Tonal Home Gym
- Nautilus Home Fitness Solutions
- The slower the rate, the greater the tension, and the greatest number of cross bridges are created
- A sarcomere is composed of two main protein filaments (thin actin and thick myosin filaments)
- Active structures responsible for muscular contraction
- Large stimulus in muscle development
- A sarcomere is composed of two main protein filaments (thin actin and thick myosin filaments)
- Body by Science by Doug McGuff
- Can be combined with other modalities like Blood Flow Restriction training:
- Podcasts on Blood Flow Restriction training:
- 1 Cheap & Easy Underground Training Method For Growth Hormone Release, 5 Biohacks to Increase Strength in 60 Seconds, 7 Exercises for the Eyes to Radically Enhance Stamina & Speed
- The Official KAATSU Episode: Everything You Need To Know About How To Use Blood Flow Restriction For Muscle Gain, Injury Recovery, Testosterone, Growth Hormone & Much More!
- At the end of the set, finish off with final reps through partial set of motion
Q: Does full body electrical muscle stimulation work?…1:18:20
Ben Recommends:
- Great for low impact strength training
- Podcast episode with Bjoern Woltermann, the founder of Katalyst:
- Katalyst EMS full-body training suit
- Viable alternative to exercise for people with
- Myopathy
- Heart disease
- Increases bone density
- Increase in heart rate and blood flow
- Comes with a training app
- Easier and safer to use in comparison to the Neubie
- Great for low back
- Ideal for travel
- Viable alternative to exercise for people with
- Top 10 Lessons Learned at Dave Asprey’s Bulletproof Biohacking Conference
- Podcasts on EMS:
Upcoming Events:
- Health Optimisation Summit: June 17th – 18th, 2023
Join me at The Health Optimisation Summit in London! This is your chance to be part of a community of 2,500 like-minded people and learn from world-leading health speakers. You'll be able to fast-track your health journey, discover cutting-edge secrets and hacks, explore the latest tech and gadgets, and find the cleanest and healthiest supplements and nutrient-dense foods. Don't miss out on this incredible experience! Use code BENGREENFIELD for 10% off regular and VIP tickets. Learn more here.
- HUM2N Event: June 19th, 2023
Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to learn from the best in the field and take your biohacking journey to the next level. You’ll get the chance to be involved with a private network of biohackers, a live discussion with myself and Dr. E, a live Q&A, an experiential biohacking experience, tasty food, and a chance to win some mind-blowing prizes! Learn more here.
- Keep up on Ben's LIVE appearances by following bengreenfieldfitness.com/calendar!
Special Announcements…
Endure: Check out Ben's latest book. A sequel to the wildly popular book Fit Soul, Endure is written and inspired by the author Ben Greenfield’s personal temptations, struggles, and failures, and informed by what he’s studied and learned along the way, will serve as a key resource and guide for that very preparation.
Check out Ben on Instagram for epic posts and photos about his morning, day, and evening routines, recipes, and much more!
Follow Ben on Twitter for daily news flashes and the latest health, fitness, and anti-aging research.
Join Ben's Facebook page for conversations with listeners and even more useful information, posts, and support!
Also, you can now find Ben on Gettr.
Episode sponsors:
Joovv: Get an exclusive discount on your first order of my favorite in-home light therapy devices. Just go to Joovv.com/ben and apply code BEN.
BiOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough: The 7 essential forms of magnesium included in this full spectrum serving help you relax, unwind, and turn off your active brain after a long and stressful day so you can rest peacefully and wake up feeling refreshed, vibrant, and alert. On top of the promo code ben10 for 10% discount, you can unlock a special gift with purchase – for a limited time only. Go to magbreakthrough.com/ben now and get your gift.
Seed: If you’re taking supplements, but not a probiotic, you might be overlooking your gut—which affects your whole-body health. If you want to add a probiotic + prebiotic to your daily routine, use code BEN at seed.com/bengreenfield to redeem 30% off your first month of Seed’s Daily Synbiotic.
Boundless Parenting Audiobook: Everything you need to know about family, parenting, and raising healthy, resilient, free-thinking and impactful children is now available as an audiobook. Go to boundlessparentingbook.com to learn more or order a hardcopy.
Zero Acre: Zero Acre Cultured Oil is an all purpose cooking oil, with over 90% heart healthy and heat stable monounsaturated fat. Head over to zeroacre.com/GREENFIELD and use code GREENFIELD at checkout to claim this deal.
Kion Aminos: Aminos are building blocks for muscle recovery, reduced cravings, better cognition, immunity, and more. Go to getkion.com/ben to receive 20% off on monthly deliveries and 10% on one-time purchases.
Hi Ben, who can I go to for functional or intergrated medicine practise that based in Asia?
The histopathology report shows breast cancer of MIB1 activity is seen in 90% cells. Invasive carcinoma. Bloom Richardson Grade 3.
What other testing and from who you would suggest to take to better overcome.
Based in Malaysia.