The Unique, Next-Level Future Of Bodywork, Fascia & Massage Therapy: Ketamine, Sound Therapy, Essential Oils, Trauma Release & Beyond With Donna Mills.

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massage therapy
Body, Health & Wellness, Lifestyle, Podcast, Podcast-new, Recovery

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You've no doubt heard me talk on podcasts before about my epic massages.

We're talking essential oils, carefully selected musical tracks for healing the body, an acoustic sound healing table, a pulsed electromagnetic field mat, and a variety of specific plant medicine compounds and supplements for relaxing the body and turning a massage into a full-body, mind, and spiritual reboot and cleansing.

But I haven't talked much about the wizard (wizardess, I should say) behind the scenes.

Her name is Donna Mills, and she's my massage therapist—the most unique and talented therapist I've ever worked with—and my guest on this podcast.

Donna lives in the aesthetically stunning Pacific Northwest, specifically in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. She is a woman committed to all things that elevate human consciousness. She is a practitioner of the healing arts, an advocate for civil conversations, and a community educator.

Donna is the founder of HumanWell Integrative Healing, where she works with private clients healing through trauma and grief. On the community consulting side of HumanWell, Donna designs integrative workplace wellness programs for large and small businesses. The name HumanWell was created out of her unwavering need to know “How do we human well? We can see where we are missing the mark in society, but where and how are we getting it right?”

Donna is a social healing practitioner, a narrative disruptor, and a cultural change agent. She is here to invite society into a deeper conversation about civility and connectivity. She believes that, “and justice for all” means just that. For all. She is a fierce advocate for a new narrative of economic justice that elevates our collective human wellness and ability to thrive.

Donna is a Lay Pastoral Minister through the Unitarian Universalist Association and is ordained to perform many celebrations of life, from partner unions to end-of-life doula services. In this work, she gently guides humans through the sacred journey of living and dying. She is often called upon to share her insightful wisdom on the divine, and serves this world with a deep commitment to humanity. Donna aligns and connects to Source Spirit as High Priestess in her Pagan faith.

Donna also describes herself as a mystic, a tarot reader, an intuitive healer, and a conscious thought leader for these changing times. She practices an intentional and cyclical lifestyle that includes loads of joy, playful exploration, good food, and always, always, more beautiful humans. She excels at growing food and wild foraging, loves to be on the water, is a collector of smiles, and can be found spending teatime with her favorite feline, Professor Moosey Softpaws.

During this discussion, you'll discover:

-How Donna developed her unique therapeutic approach…14:00

  • Became a massage therapist in 1998 so she could stay home with her son
  • Post-graduate training in essential oils and aromatherapy
  • Left Seattle to move back to San Diego, started working with the Chargers
  • Lost mother and grandmother and aunt within 3 years from a genetic form of emphysema
  • After conceiving, she realized that she had to become the change she wanted to see in the world

-Donna’s self-work routine…17:35

  • “I started aligning with my integrity”
  • Contemplation and listening
  • “Who can I be on this planet that’s even more vast than myself”
  • Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton
    • The body has everything it needs to heal
  • Bliss Brain by Dawson Church

-Donna’s unique massage therapy practices…19:25

  • Creates relationships with clients
  • Taught massage and kinesiology for 12 years in San Diego
  • Trigger Point Therapy Manual by Clair Davies
  • 99% of the time, the pain people feel is coming from elsewhere
  • Proper draping during massage therapy is crucial for client comfort
  • “I’m not working on a leg and shoulder, I’m working on a Ben and his body”
  • Donna hones in on a multi-dimensional massage experience
  • Fascial work, joining mobilization, and listening
  • Fascia is the spiderweb-like layer that surrounds the muscles
  • Anatomy Trains by Thomas Myers
  • Donna has developed intuitive communication with the bodies she works with
  • Lost sense of smell years ago, but has developed a distinct vibration sensation

-Donna’s coursework programs…34:00

  • Courses and a mentorship program where she teaches people somatic intelligence
  • Sutra
  • Teaches people to move emotions locked in the body
  • When healing, it’s imperative that we go to the core of who we are
  • Facilitating self-healing via massage therapy, plant medicine, and spirituality

-How Donna healed Ben’s very injured toe…38:00

  • Joint and fascia work by slowly mobilizing a crepitus joint
  • A cuticle is a fascia connection
  • Many people hold a lot of tension in the groin/pelvic bowl area
  • Donna likes to start clients face up and work around the groin area down toward the legs
  • Accesses spiritual information through touch

-Why massage therapy sometimes brings up emotions or trauma release…43:55

  • Everything we’ve ever experienced lives in our cells
  • Recognize that you are not your experience, you can release it
  • Deep state of relaxation with trusted massage therapist allows for emotional release where trauma has been stored in your body
  • The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk

-Supplements, products, and technology Ben and Donna use during massage therapy…49:50

-How to work with Donna…1:10:40

  • Donna will train massage therapists how to do what she does
  • Also works with individuals who are not massage therapists to learn trauma release work and more
  • Mentorship programs and private coaching available at HumanWell

-And much more…

Click here for the full written transcript of this podcast episode.

Resources from this episode:

– Donna Mills:

– Podcasts:

– Books:

– Gear And Supplements:

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Episode sponsors:

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Kion: My personal playground for new supplement formulations, Kion blends ancestral wisdom with modern science. Ben Greenfield Fitness listeners, save 10% off your first order with code BEN10.

-Four Sigmatic: I’ve been using Four Sigmatic products for a while now and I’m impressed by the efficacies of their mushroom products. I use them. I like them. I support the mission! Receive 10% off your Four Sigmatic purchase when you use discount code BENGREENFIELD.

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Water and Wellness: The best solution for clean and safe drinking water. Water and Wellness also offers an amazing line of essential water additives such as Quinton Marine plasma which contain over 78 trace minerals and elements from the ocean to help restore your biological-terrain. Get 15% off your order when you use discount code GREENFIELD.

Do you have questions, thoughts, or feedback for Donna or me? Leave your comments below and one of us will reply!

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34 thoughts on “The Unique, Next-Level Future Of Bodywork, Fascia & Massage Therapy: Ketamine, Sound Therapy, Essential Oils, Trauma Release & Beyond With Donna Mills.

  1. Kristin says:

    I just listened to this podcast, and then noticed it was a few years old. I live in the area and just tried to look Donna up in CDA. Is she no longer in the area? She sounds amazing and I’d love to get connected with her if possible.

  2. Paul says:

    Dear Donna and Ben,

    Thank you for this thoughtful, energizing, and genuine conversation that continues your journey around aligning all aspects of one’s life, from human performance to future proofing yourself.

    I was wondering if you knew of anyone in Seattle who has trained via the Bodywork Massage method. Or is there somewhere that I can find out if someone is “certified” or educated in this methodology?

    Thank you in advance for your help!



  3. Mark Knight says:

    Hi Donna and Ben
    Great podcast, Donna check out DDS Bioelectric therapy.. Great tool to add in clininc..
    Ben you would love it…

  4. Hi Ben,
    I am a massage therapist and am interested in learning more from Donna and in the episode you said “Donna will train massage therapists how to do what she does” but I can’t find that info on her website or a contact for her. If you could pass along more info on how to learn body work from her that would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you,

  5. Kanishka says:

    Hi Ben,

    You said in the podcast that the Biomat vibrates and the vibrations can be synced to any music you like. That does not seem to be the case with BioMat. Is it another mat? I would to know and buy it!



    1. I am referring to their Bioacoustic mat.

  6. Emily Moorhead says:

    Thanks Ben and Donna,
    I live in MI. I am an executive of a health system and interested in a retreat option for Donna’s coaching? My dream is to slow down and focus on wellness and prepare for a new career in Healing and bodywork – is there a suggestion you have? Maybe a quarterly or biannual weekend mentorship?
    Donna, how can I reach you to discuss? I will submit my contact below.
    Thank you!

  7. Wendy Meyer says:

    Is it just me . . . every podcast that I go to, it is not what it is labelled as. The speaker that it is supposed to be is not the one on.

  8. Abaliene McKeag says:

    Hi Ben – I really enjoyed the podcast with Donna she sounds like an amazing healer and person. I am a CHEK Practitioner – I‘ve been on my own healing journey ever since I heard about Paul CHEK through you and followed my own path towards healing and helping others. I’ve recently discovered the work of Chuck Duff. He’s the creator of Coaching the Body. It combines may different manual therapy techniques – trigger point therapy (he studied with Claire Davies and has gone through Travell and Simons book extensively), MET (muscle energy technique) and neural distraction. It’s amazing! A wonderful combination/complement to the CHEK system. I think you and your listeners would really enjoy hearing what he has to say. I’m an ambassador with Coaching The Body and would appreciate it if you did interview Chuck that you could help me get a kick back as well. I’m just starting out at my own business and could use the help. Thank you for all of the great content you share with us.

    1. Hi Abaliene! Please reach out to my team: ben (at) and they'll let you know next steps. Thanks!

  9. Jay says:

    Ben, you don’t need to worry about your dick popping up during a massage. No one would notice anyway.

    1. Jay says:

      Oh, I should add, I really enjoyed the podcast as always!

  10. Veronica says:

    Thank you for this wonderful podcast! I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was wondering if you have Playlists posted somewhere or if you would be willing to share them for the various sound therapies that you do during massage?

  11. Maria says:

    Hi Ben and Donna, I listened to the podcast and thoroughly enjoyed it! I was wondering if you know anyone in Toronto who has an understanding of the body, similar to Donna? Thank you!

    1. Yes, look up Rory Mullen.

  12. Tina Foster says:

    Hi Donna/Ben, By chance, do either of you know someone in the Orange County California Area (between San Diego & LA) who knows Donna’s way of Bodywork Massage? Thank you.

  13. Catherine says:

    Hi Donna/Ben, does anyone know someone in the UK who knows Donna’s way of Bodywork Massage? Thank you.

    1. Donna Mills says:

      Hey Catherine, off the top of my head, I don’t really know anyone who does this work in the UK. Although I have many believed friends there.

      1. Donna Mills says:

        Or Beloved…

  14. Deanna says:

    Hi Ben, I’d love your thoughts on Ashley Blacks facia blasting tools. It seems like a great way to work on your own facia. Thanks so much.

    1. Donna Mills says:

      Hello Deanna,

      I don’t know how Ben feels but I have many friends who find the Fascia Blaster super helpful. I also find it helpful for self work.

  15. Leon Lajosch says:

    If i did not experiance childhood flashbacks and undescribable feeling during massages, i would call this esoteric and selfelevating bull**** but i swear i feel that there is a real Connection between muscle/cell memory and emotional cobditions. I wonder when science will get there….

    1. Donna Mills says:

      Science is already there Leon, it’s people that don’t want to believe it. And why are we here on this planet if not to elevate into our own limitless consciousness?? Break through the rules and boundaries that this sick societal narrative has trapped us in. That’s my choice.

  16. Kathleen says:

    Hello Ben and Donna

    Really enjoyed your podcast. I’m originally from Spokane and just bought house yesterday in CDA! I would really like to connect w Donna for some fascial massage work but didn’t see anything on her site. Is there a phone number I could call? I’m coming out to sign papers and will be in area 7/4-7/12. Any possibility of scheduling w uou doiring this time?

    1. Catherine says:

      Hi Kathleen, I saw an option on Donna’s site for massage, it’s under the “Bodywork/Myofascial Release Somatics” section. If you register/create an account, you can then select this option.

  17. Maryanne Sowinski says:

    For self care at home- my husband has sciatica/degenerative disc – what would be a better investment PEMF or red light therapy ?
    Love your podcast!

  18. Sim says:

    Hi Ben,

    You are very wise so I was hoping for your help. I commented on your post ‘Wisdom’ a few months ago and you and your wife left a kind message.

    I am Punjabi (born and living in the UK). I have become a Christian, however, since I did this, I have been struggling to eat and sleep. I have had insane amounts of chronic stress for over 6 months; I keep praying that God will help me find peace but it hasn’t worked. I don’t really leave my house because my body isn’t functioning properly due to the stress. I am suicidal. I live with my parents and they have banned me from going to Church so that wouldn’t be an option even if I wanted to go. I am really confused and I feel as though God has abandoned me.

    1. I will pray for you Sim. Also, immerse yourself in the Psalms daily, where there are many good cries of deliverance from king David, and then wait with patience upon God. The chapter of Job would be good for you too!

      1. Sim says:

        Thank you. Is there anyone you know that I could contact for help?

    2. Random says:

      I’m sorry you’re going through this, unfortunately you probably won’t get a response from Ben on such a serious topic because it is serious… there’s a man on YouTube named Aaron Abke, he might have some answers/insights that may help you… they mentioned in this podcast that the body stores trauma, you are not your thoughts, you are not the body, but when you go into these tailspin’s, your body stores that and creates a loop, learning what’s happening is a step towards remedying it… also, as an aside, if you eat a high plant high seed oil diet, it increases inflammation and inflammation is at the heart of depression, when I upped my fat via butter, my lifelong depression got much much better, more protein(meat) and fat, rebuild yourself💖

  19. Anonymous says:

    Hi Ben, Great podcast. Thank you. But I was curious. I know you’re christian…was wondering if your religious beliefs conflict with taking any sort of “drug.” By drug I mean psylocibin and ketamine. Not sure if you’ve ever tried MDMA but I don’t think I’ve heard you mention that in any of your podcasts. As a christian, I was raised to believe that drug usage was bad, if not a sin, as your body is a temple of God. Curious what you think. Thanks in advance.

    1. Caffeine, e.g coffee is a drug. Tobacco, e.g. cigars and pipes are a drug. All essential oils are drugs. Breath work shifts one into an altered state of consciousness the same as drugs do. So does sex. Where do you draw the line?

    2. Florian says:

      drugs are neither good, nor bad – they just are. If one is strong enough, one can grow from any experience.

      Most people are not, that’s why microdosing is the way to go for the broad public

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