May 14, 2017
This is a special Premium audio episode. Click here to activate a Premium subscription to the BenGreenfieldFitness show and access this and over 300 additional hidden audios, videos, pdf's and more!
Have you ever wondered what happens when someone drips a bunch of saliva into a special tube and mails it off to a company like 23AndMe or DNAFit for genetic testing?
Is there a difference between something you pay a couple hundred bucks for on a website like 23AndMe or DNAFit and the type of “full genome sequencing” people are paying tens of thousands of dollars to companies like the Human Longevity Project to do?
Are there such things as “bad genes” or “bad SNPs” and if so, can you do anything about it?
What is the future of genetic testing and fixing or upgrading yourself based on your gene results?
We delve into these topics and many more on today's podcast.
My guest on this episode is Joseph Cohen, previously a podcast guest on 32 Ways to Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve, Fine-Tune Your Nervous System & Self-Hack Your Hormones.
Joe is the owner and main writer at Since upgrading or ‘biohacking’ himself, Joe has become an investor and entrepreneur, founding SelfDecode, a biotech company that helps people understand their genetics in order to optimize their health. SelfDecode uses genetics, blood tests, symptoms and other health data to predict beneficial outcomes for drugs, supplements, lifestyle and dietary changes in order to optimize health. Joe also consults with high profile executives, self-hackers and companies and is writing a book about optimizing health. Joe likes to spend his free time learning how to code.
During our discussion, you'll discover:
-How genes are analyzed these days after you drip your saliva into a tube and “send it off” to a website like 23andme or DNAFit…[6:35]
-How is this different than the “full genome sequencing” people are paying tens of thousands of dollars to companies like the Human Longevity Project to do…[10:20]
-What an SNP is and why it's so important for you to be able to identify various units in your DNA that can have mutations…[14:05]
-How Joe's SelfDecode website works, and how it is far different than uploading your results to a website like Promethease and Genetic Genie…[16:30 & 36:45]
-The most common gene issues that can cause health problems, including the cannabinoid gene, the HLA gene and the MTHRF gene…[44:10 & 49:30]
-What a “gene pack” is, why there are certain packs associated with things like longevity, cognitive health, dopamine, etc…[54:00]
-And much more!
Resources from this episode:
–The SelfDecode website (use code BEN50 to get 50% off your first month)
-Previous Premium podcast with Joseph Cohen: 32 Ways to Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve, Fine-Tune Your Nervous System & Self-Hack Your Hormones.
Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Joseph or me? Leave your comments below and one of us will reply!
Hi Ben—
In one of your previous podcasts, you mentioned, where you could get your 23andme results and upload them to 23andyou to get more in depth analysis of the results. Do you know what happened to 23andyou? I wonder if 23andme cannibalized them.? Enjoy your podcasts immensely! Thanks!